Case study - Threats or attempted suicide in the context of work: prevention and action
Case study and reaction of doctors on burnout - Amicale des médecins du 14è et Montrouge
GENERAL - Dealing with resistance to change
GENERAL - Harassment and narcissistic perverts
General - Suicide threats or attempts in the context of work: prevention and action
GENERAL INFORMATION on work addiction by Olivier Brosseau
General: Burnout presented to the association of doctors of the 14th and Montrouge
Collective management of incivilities / Example of LACT system
Harassment and victim traps - Giulia RINALDI
Interview Claude de Scorraille in NEON on harassment
Interview with Wendel Ray on the LACT research program
Addiction by Christian Moretto
The Palo Alto Story by Wendel Ray
The "victim – executioner" relationship in the couple - Giulia RINALDI
Giorgio Nardone's problem-solving model
Wendel Ray's journey
A Hospital Pharmacist's Perspective on Medication and Therapy
The Prisoner of Labor by Christian Moretto
Procrastinators: different profiles
Psychologists at the bedside of a shocked France
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