
2024 - 8th
25 - March 21 - June 20 - October 3


4 half-day conferences, training and certification workshops that bring together psychologists, doctors, philosophers, researchers and therapists in brief therapies, family therapy, hypnosis, NLP, systemic and strategic approach. 


June 20, 2024 - from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
(French time UTC+1)



June 20 2024

"Damn Obsessions"

Session details

June 20, 2024

from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.



Albert Einstein said that “you cannot solve a problem with the ways of thinking that created it. ". Today, few question our ways of thinking, their functioning and their consequences on people and society.  

The number of challenges facing our society seems to increase day by day, and we are beginning to understand that, although treated separately, they are closely linked: environment, health and mental health, mental health and work, ecology, demography, migration, economy , etc… But how can we understand these links to propose effective responses beyond a fragmented vision in different disciplines? We see how contemporary thought has crystallized in a causal rigidity, a source of opposition and blockages at the origin of a world, where very often, we are looking for the cause and the culprit instead of understand the processes of operation and maintenance of problems.

This is the systemic emergency! It is urgent to review our ways of thinking!

In this congress, researchers, academics, psychiatrists, sociologists and business leaders offer reflection on the systemic emergency in the fields of clinics, business and education. How does the systemic approach make it possible to address the processes that govern the individual in his relationship to himself, to others and to the world? How does it allow you to escape from a causal mode of thinking? How can we teach this processual and complex way of thinking? How can we develop the professions of systems engineers, all new professions of the future, highly qualified and essential to a better relational ecology in society?  


Discovery Conference - 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

At 3 p.m., Professor Julien Nizard, Dr Patrick Bantman and Dr Serge Hefez will return to the need for a new reading of mental health.

3 workshops from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., 3 workshops will be organized to delve deeper into the subject of systemic emergency in the fields of business, ecology and clinic.

Workshop 1: Systemic emergency and business with Arthur Keller, Anne Gouyon and Michel Paillet. Moderator: Grégoire Vitry.

Workshop 2: Systemic and clinical emergency with Laurine Buchier (University of Grenoble) and Edith Goldbeter. Moderator: Olivier Brosseau.

Workshop 3: Systemic emergency and education with Bénédicte Servais and Dr Alessandro Bartoletti. Moderator: Véronique Ennes.

Speakers and program

Opening conference

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.



 Gregoire VITRY

Gregoire VITRY


3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Doctor-researcher in psychology, graduated from the Palo Alto school, he has worked for several years with Giorgio Nardone, Nathalie Duriez, Michael Hoyt, Teresa Garcia, Jean-Jacques Wittezaele, Wendel Ray and the MRI in order to promote research and training in systemic approach. Since 2016, he has been developing SYPRENE a PRN network (Thurin et al., 2012) using a systemic approach, allowing in particular to improve his practice in close collaboration with the academic world. He is also in charge of the LACT international school and the International Webinar Brief Therapy congress.

He also graduated from EM Lyon and has a master's degree in Applied Mathematics.

Publication director: “Understanding and treating addictions” and “Getting out of addiction? Or de-addiction”, Co-author “When work hurts” and “Strategies for change, 16 therapeutic prescriptions”.


 Patrick BANTMAN



Honorary Hospital Psychiatrist

After medical studies in Paris, he moved into hospital psychiatry. He performed all hospital medical functions and was Chief Physician, then hospital practitioner - head of department for 15 years. He was an expert before the courts in Paris. He was trained in systemic theory in 1982 (Mony Elkaim) and set up a family and couples therapy team in Charenton. Numerous publications on working with families of hospitalized or monitored patients. He has participated in numerous conferences on the systemic approach and practice in the psychiatric sector. He is a member of the French Society of Family Therapy and Lact, and many other scientific societies. Since 2015, he has been in private practice and works as a Mediator at the Hospitals of Saint Maurice (94410).

Conference: “When working with families in hospitals, there is an urgent need to think systemically!"

The evolution of sector psychiatry has made it possible to develop significant relationships with the patient's living environment, in opposition to the asylum tradition where the patient's destiny unfolded in the hospital, often for a very long time. But we have not always been trained to meet the patient in his environment, and sometimes it was with our perceptions from the hospital that we approached the patient in his family.

The medical tradition that we were taught made the anatomo-clinical method the reference element for the student and the doctor in the field of medicine and psychiatry. With this in mind, examining the patient is the predominant element in establishing the signs, diagnosis and prognosis of the disease.

Systemically oriented work with the family, on the other hand, opens up perspectives for therapeutic alliance, which have gradually developed within the care teams.

For the psychiatrist, deepening his knowledge of the family context allows him to identify its potential and limits in order to work towards healing family ties, often a first step towards his patient's recovery. To this end, it is recommended to have a systemic reading of the family-team meeting situation, in addition to the medical reading.

 Patrick BANTMAN



Serge Hefez is a Hospital Psychiatrist. He works as a psychoanalyst and family and marriage therapist.

Head of the Family Therapy Unit in the child and adolescent psychiatry department at the Pitié Salpétrière hospital in Paris, he is also head of a psychological support service dedicated to issues related to identities sexual and gender attached to the GHU PARIS Psychiatry and Neurosciences

His essays on marital and family relationships, “The Dance of the Couple” and “When the Family Gets Tangled,” translated into several languages, were very successful. In 2008, he published “Dans le coeur des Hommes”, a study on masculine identity which won the 2008 Psychology-FNAC Prize, and “La Sarkose obsessive”, an essay on contemporary narcissism. “The New Sexual Order” was published in 2013, then “The Factory of the Family” in 2016, and finally “Transitions. Reinventing gender” at Calmann-Lévy in 2021

He participates in numerous national and international conferences and speaks regularly in the written and audiovisual press; he was notably a columnist at France Inter, and a producer at France Culture.

Conference: “Parenting and family dynamics"

In this pre-recorded conference, Serge Hefez highlights the complexity of issues related to parenting and family dynamics. It addresses the tensions and challenges facing parenthood in the context of public policies and social developments in France.

The following points are addressed:

  • Evolution of family structures
  • Concept of parenthood
  • Inclusion of third parties in parenthood
  • Legal and social challenges
  • Definition of Positive Parenting
  • Parental responsibility and child well-being
  • Gender equality and parenting
  • Systematic approach

The importance of a holistic and inclusive approach to parenting is highlighted, as well as the need to take into account the multiple social, cultural and legal dimensions involved in the construction of contemporary families.

Serge Hefez highlights the importance of an inclusive and balanced approach, which recognizes the diversity of family models and the contributions of the different actors involved in the parenting process.


Julien Nizard, is Vice Dean at the Faculty of Medicine, rheumatologist, pain doctor and geriatrician at the Nantes University Hospital Center. He is a doctor of medicine and doctor of the University of Nantes, Qualified to Direct Research, and Professor of Therapeutics and Pain Medicine (CNU 48-04) at the University of Nantes.

CONFERENCE: “The new challenges of training on the therapeutic relationship and in integrative medicine”

We will address the new challenges of the initial training of health professionals, but also of Continuing Education on the therapeutic relationship and the integrative medicine approach. 

It will also be an opportunity to address societal questions related to these subjects and research perspectives.


Workshop n°1 - Business

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


 Gregoire VITRY

Gregoire VITRY



 Arthur KELLER



A specialist in systemic risks and collective resilience strategies, Arthur Keller teaches systemics at the CentraleSupélec school, trains elected officials in overall territorial security, advises communities and public agencies on territorial resilience strategies in the face of risks and disintegration. current or future societal challenges. Selected among a dozen experts to form the Prime Minister's Office and interviewed by the National Assembly as part of a parliamentary mission on national resilience, he developed a strategy to prepare collectively to be able to face with dignity the major breaks in continuity that are looming.

Conference: “Contributions of systemics in the characterization of the major issues of the 21st century”

After an introduction devoted to the dynamics which degrade the habitability of planet Earth, Arthur Keller will present some of the major implications of the application of the systemic approach to the qualification of challenges and the development of strategies adapted to the issues. This will involve deconstructing a certain number of preconceived ideas and deducing approaches, postures and methods of analysis and action that are radically different from the “solutions” usually conveyed.




Agricultural engineer, doctor in social sciences, Master in clinical psychology, trained in strategic systemic intervention at Lact. Consultant in sustainable development and regenerative economy for 35 years, specialist in agroecology and agroforestry, administrator of AgroParisTech. Coach and systemic therapist, author of scientific publications and works including Repairing the planet, the positive economy revolution (Lattès 2007).

Conference: “Systemic emergency: a strategic approach with the Palo Alto School”

After centuries of progress based on a desire to master our environment, humanity is facing an unprecedented systemic crisis. Accelerated climate change, collapse of biodiversity, tensions on natural resources, but also health crisis against a backdrop of diseases of civilizations, crisis of social bond and meaning, and of course repeated economic crises. The model from the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and the Thirty Glorious Years seems to be running out of steam. This crisis had already been foreseen by Gregory Bateson, founding father of the Systemic School of Palo Alto. He saw in it a “conscious goal” of humanity moving towards progress assimilated to material growth, blind to feedback from nature. Today, there is a great temptation to maintain this system through type 1 changes, which perpetuate the problem instead of solving it. A major reconfiguration of the economic and social system – a type 2 change – nevertheless seems essential. It will be more or less suffered or desired, painful or tolerable depending on the choices to be made now. The strategic systemic approach of the Palo Alto School, widely applied in individual and corporate therapies, provides us with the tools to implement them – a form of systemic therapy on a planetary scale.




Serial entrepreneur, founding partner of Cognitive Companions, president of honor of XMP-Consult.

Graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (X92), EHESS-HEC-ENS Ulm Master II in economic analysis and policy, doctor of economic sciences (X), Visiting Fellow Harvard, admitted to the thesis in anthropology of contemporary worlds in 2003 at EHESS with Jonathan Friedman, Michel has for 20 years been offering cutting-edge operational solutions aimed at accelerating the execution of (necessarily) complex transformations of large organizations, enabled by cognitive technologies, within the framework of innovative entrepreneurship. .

As a citizen, he is deeply involved in catalyzing the awareness of his contemporaries about the existence of emerging epistemological paradigms which allow leaders to envisage profoundly regenerated ways of facing the great challenges of the 21st century.

Conference: "From “solutionism” to elucidation through the modeling process of the perceived complex problem situation, a major contribution from Jean-Louis Le Moigne."

For those who take the time to step back, it is clear that there is omnipresence of confusion between the surface symptom and the deep root causes of a problematic situation. Everywhere, we observe the reductive temptation of “solutionism”.

Jean-Louis Le Moigne not only examined this phenomenon very carefully, but above all he provided the means to resist temptation and powerful tools to allow a collective to co-construct a comprehensive intelligence which little by little gives rise to a finalizing understanding where authentically plausible paths can be explored.

During the 15-minute intervention the following will be discussed (very succinctly):

1. Knowledge of knowledge

2. The positivist paradigm and the associated temptation of “solutionism”

3. Discussion of how organizations are facing problem situations such as the climate emergency today

4. The transition from solutionism to elucidation with the constructivist paradigm

5. A succinct presentation of the process of elucidating complex problem situations


Workshop n°2 - Clinic

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Moderator: Olivier BROSSEAU





Therapist, coach, supervisor and trainer in strategic systemic approach, associated with LACT. He teaches at the IAE of Paris within the Master of Administrations and Companies the module "Organizations and behaviors".


 Vira HENG



Clinical psychologist in the field of Behavioral, Cognitive and Emotional Therapies, my interventions focus on health promotion (eg, positive psychology, acceptance and commitment approach, solution-centered systemic approach, development of psychosocial skills, mindfulness). Teacher of psychology at IUT2 of the University of Grenoble Alpes, in the Social Careers Department, where I was educational manager of the University Diploma “Developing Psychosocial Skills”. Currently a design engineer at the DIPHE laboratory at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 to contribute to an online psychosocial skills development project for Public Health France.

CONFERENCE: “Flexibility in your relationship with yourself, others and the environment”

The paradigm shift of the third wave of cognitive, behavioral and emotional therapies (CCBT) proposes no longer to work on the events themselves, but more on the relationship to them. This will involve making our relationship more flexible with internal events (thoughts, emotions, sensations) and external events (interpersonal relationships, lived experiences) by developing our skills in order to move towards fulfillment. These principles will be illustrated through the example of the CARE Program (Coherence, Attention, Relationship, Commitment) developed by R. Shankland, C. André, I. Kotsou, JP. Durand, M. Paucsik.


 Vira HENG



Doctor in psychology, systemic psychotherapist and trainer. Teacher. hon. at the Free University of Brussels. Director Hon. of training at the Institute of Family and Human Systems Studies in Brussels. Editor-in-chief of Critical Papers on Family Therapy and Network Practices , Dir. of the “ Carrefour des psychotherapies”, DeBoeck, Brussels. Author of books and articles.

CONFERENCE: “The therapist’s imbalance in the face of the “pressure” of urgency” 

Any therapist practicing in a non-violent context may, however, be confronted one day or another with what they experience as an intense crisis and where they feel (rightly or wrongly) the urgency of having to intervene to preserve or restore a manageable balance for his patients. What role is taken by one's own projections versus resonances?


Workshop n°3 - Education

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


 Veronique ENNES
Veronique ENNES



After a 23-year career as a manager of health establishments, I committed myself in 2017 to learning the strategic systemic approach at LACT. I am qualified as a relationship systemician-clinician; I work in a private practice in Martinique and I collaborate with LACT within the training department. I participated in the creation of the SYPRES union - Syndicate of Systematic Practitioners, of which I am treasurer and responsible for member relations.


Benedicte SERVAIS

Psychotherapist, coach and trainer, she holds a Master's degree in professional support. She has practiced systemic and strategic therapy for more than 25 years in multiple contexts: private practice, business, child protection sector, teaching.… An experienced trainer, she taught the approach at the IGB then at Cicses . A specialist in interventions under constraint, she has become an expert in the treatment of conflictual relationships experienced by separating parental couples as well as in the disorders presented by children and adolescents. She was appointed legal expert in 2008.

Today, it develops networking and project management in its Interdisciplinary Relatio , and specializes in the implementation of consultations promoting collaboration within professional organizations. Bénédicte Servais also transmits her experience through professional practice groups.

CONFERENCE: “Different children and adolescents: can stigma reinforce the problem?”

We'll dive into a topic that profoundly affects the lives of millions of people around the world: learning disabilities. These invisible challenges that transform daily tasks into insurmountable obstacles can, with the right approach, adequate support and appropriate strategies, be transformed. Transmute these mountains into easily passable hills. However, minimizing these challenges thus facilitating the journey of those affected is not necessarily everyone's business.

Although education and health policies and practices have gradually evolved, the way in which learning disabilities are recognized and managed can vary significantly between countries.

Considering that learning disorders are persistent and chronic; that they can be managed and mitigated, but that they generally do not disappear completely, is it not urgent and essential to favor collective commitments in a systemic reading, to use intervention and support strategies appropriate, to establish earlier operational diagnoses to go beyond inclusive and benevolent measures which do not automatically produce the expected effects but which, on the contrary, reinforce the bartering of problems experienced by the beneficiaries?

Is it not relevant to start from reading and systemic understanding to establish, for the benefit of the affected person, a common diagnosis and collective care?

Finally, in many cases, would it not be just as interesting and urgent to use this systemic reading to reconsider the disorder as a characteristic, a particularity just as interesting for the system rather than as a dysfunction? Would it then be a question of ensuring that it is the system which adapts to the singularity of the individual rather than the reverse?




Psychologist, psychotherapist, doctor of philosophy, essayist and lecturer in brief strategic psychotherapy, director of IPPS - Institute of Psychology and Strategic Psychotherapy of Rome. Author of numerous works, including:

  • Fear of illness. Brief strategic psychotherapy of hypochondria", (with Giorgio Nardone), 2023. "
  • The strategic learner. How to quickly solve study problems, (French translation 'The student strategist'), 2013.
  • Bad and ugly thoughts. Taboo obsessions: how to get rid of them. FrancoAngeli, 2019.  
  • Panic, anxiety and fear. A strategy guide for courageous aspirants. FrancoAngeli, 2021.


The seminar will address study blockage from the perspective of short-term strategic psychotherapy: how it works and how to overcome it.

The 5 psychological profiles of stuck students and their different attempts at solutions will be presented, as well as creative stratagems to transform the duty of studying into the pleasure of studying.

October 3 2024

" The Reasons Of The Wrath "

March 21st 2024

“Systemic emergency”

Session details

March 21, 2024

from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.



Albert Einstein said that “you cannot solve a problem with the ways of thinking that created it. ". Today, few question our ways of thinking, their functioning and their consequences on people and society.  

The number of challenges facing our society seems to increase day by day, and we are beginning to understand that, although treated separately, they are closely linked: environment, health and mental health, mental health and work, ecology, demography, migration, economy , etc… But how can we understand these links to propose effective responses beyond a fragmented vision in different disciplines? We see how contemporary thought has crystallized in a causal rigidity, a source of opposition and blockages at the origin of a world, where very often, we are looking for the cause and the culprit instead of understand the processes of operation and maintenance of problems.

This is the systemic emergency! It is urgent to review our ways of thinking!

In this congress, researchers, academics, psychiatrists, sociologists and business leaders offer reflection on the systemic emergency in the fields of clinics, business and education. How does the systemic approach make it possible to address the processes that govern the individual in his relationship to himself, to others and to the world? How does it allow you to escape from a causal mode of thinking? How can we teach this processual and complex way of thinking? How can we develop the professions of systems engineers, all new professions of the future, highly qualified and essential to a better relational ecology in society?  


Discovery Conference - 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

At 3 p.m., Professor Julien Nizard, Dr Patrick Bantman and Dr Serge Hefez will return to the need for a new reading of mental health.

3 workshops from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., 3 workshops will be organized to delve deeper into the subject of systemic emergency in the fields of business, ecology and clinic.

Workshop 1: Systemic emergency and business with Arthur Keller, Anne Gouyon and Michel Paillet. Moderator: Grégoire Vitry.

Workshop 2: Systemic and clinical emergency with Laurine Buchier (University of Grenoble) and Edith Goldbeter. Moderator: Olivier Brosseau.

Workshop 3: Systemic emergency and education with Bénédicte Servais and Dr Alessandro Bartoletti. Moderator: Véronique Ennes.

Speakers and program

Opening conference

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.



 Gregoire VITRY

Gregoire VITRY


3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Doctor-researcher in psychology, graduated from the Palo Alto school, he has worked for several years with Giorgio Nardone, Nathalie Duriez, Michael Hoyt, Teresa Garcia, Jean-Jacques Wittezaele, Wendel Ray and the MRI in order to promote research and training in systemic approach. Since 2016, he has been developing SYPRENE a PRN network (Thurin et al., 2012) using a systemic approach, allowing in particular to improve his practice in close collaboration with the academic world. He is also in charge of the LACT international school and the International Webinar Brief Therapy congress.

He also graduated from EM Lyon and has a master's degree in Applied Mathematics.

Publication director: “Understanding and treating addictions” and “Getting out of addiction? Or de-addiction”, Co-author “When work hurts” and “Strategies for change, 16 therapeutic prescriptions”.


 Patrick BANTMAN



Honorary Hospital Psychiatrist

After medical studies in Paris, he moved into hospital psychiatry. He performed all hospital medical functions and was Chief Physician, then hospital practitioner - head of department for 15 years. He was an expert before the courts in Paris. He was trained in systemic theory in 1982 (Mony Elkaim) and set up a family and couples therapy team in Charenton. Numerous publications on working with families of hospitalized or monitored patients. He has participated in numerous conferences on the systemic approach and practice in the psychiatric sector. He is a member of the French Society of Family Therapy and Lact, and many other scientific societies. Since 2015, he has been in private practice and works as a Mediator at the Hospitals of Saint Maurice (94410).

Conference: “When working with families in hospitals, there is an urgent need to think systemically!"

The evolution of sector psychiatry has made it possible to develop significant relationships with the patient's living environment, in opposition to the asylum tradition where the patient's destiny unfolded in the hospital, often for a very long time. But we have not always been trained to meet the patient in his environment, and sometimes it was with our perceptions from the hospital that we approached the patient in his family.

The medical tradition that we were taught made the anatomo-clinical method the reference element for the student and the doctor in the field of medicine and psychiatry. With this in mind, examining the patient is the predominant element in establishing the signs, diagnosis and prognosis of the disease.

Systemically oriented work with the family, on the other hand, opens up perspectives for therapeutic alliance, which have gradually developed within the care teams.

For the psychiatrist, deepening his knowledge of the family context allows him to identify its potential and limits in order to work towards healing family ties, often a first step towards his patient's recovery. To this end, it is recommended to have a systemic reading of the family-team meeting situation, in addition to the medical reading.

 Patrick BANTMAN



Serge Hefez is a Hospital Psychiatrist. He works as a psychoanalyst and family and marriage therapist.

Head of the Family Therapy Unit in the child and adolescent psychiatry department at the Pitié Salpétrière hospital in Paris, he is also head of a psychological support service dedicated to issues related to identities sexual and gender attached to the GHU PARIS Psychiatry and Neurosciences

His essays on marital and family relationships, “The Dance of the Couple” and “When the Family Gets Tangled,” translated into several languages, were very successful. In 2008, he published “Dans le coeur des Hommes”, a study on masculine identity which won the 2008 Psychology-FNAC Prize, and “La Sarkose obsessive”, an essay on contemporary narcissism. “The New Sexual Order” was published in 2013, then “The Factory of the Family” in 2016, and finally “Transitions. Reinventing gender” at Calmann-Lévy in 2021

He participates in numerous national and international conferences and speaks regularly in the written and audiovisual press; he was notably a columnist at France Inter, and a producer at France Culture.

Conference: “Parenting and family dynamics"

In this pre-recorded conference, Serge Hefez highlights the complexity of issues related to parenting and family dynamics. It addresses the tensions and challenges facing parenthood in the context of public policies and social developments in France.

The following points are addressed:

  • Evolution of family structures
  • Concept of parenthood
  • Inclusion of third parties in parenthood
  • Legal and social challenges
  • Definition of Positive Parenting
  • Parental responsibility and child well-being
  • Gender equality and parenting
  • Systematic approach

The importance of a holistic and inclusive approach to parenting is highlighted, as well as the need to take into account the multiple social, cultural and legal dimensions involved in the construction of contemporary families.

Serge Hefez highlights the importance of an inclusive and balanced approach, which recognizes the diversity of family models and the contributions of the different actors involved in the parenting process.


Julien Nizard, is Vice Dean at the Faculty of Medicine, rheumatologist, pain doctor and geriatrician at the Nantes University Hospital Center. He is a doctor of medicine and doctor of the University of Nantes, Qualified to Direct Research, and Professor of Therapeutics and Pain Medicine (CNU 48-04) at the University of Nantes.

CONFERENCE: “The new challenges of training on the therapeutic relationship and in integrative medicine”

We will address the new challenges of the initial training of health professionals, but also of Continuing Education on the therapeutic relationship and the integrative medicine approach. 

It will also be an opportunity to address societal questions related to these subjects and research perspectives.


Workshop n°1 - Business

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


 Gregoire VITRY

Gregoire VITRY



 Arthur KELLER



A specialist in systemic risks and collective resilience strategies, Arthur Keller teaches systemics at the CentraleSupélec school, trains elected officials in overall territorial security, advises communities and public agencies on territorial resilience strategies in the face of risks and disintegration. current or future societal challenges. Selected among a dozen experts to form the Prime Minister's Office and interviewed by the National Assembly as part of a parliamentary mission on national resilience, he developed a strategy to prepare collectively to be able to face with dignity the major breaks in continuity that are looming.

Conference: “Contributions of systemics in the characterization of the major issues of the 21st century”

After an introduction devoted to the dynamics which degrade the habitability of planet Earth, Arthur Keller will present some of the major implications of the application of the systemic approach to the qualification of challenges and the development of strategies adapted to the issues. This will involve deconstructing a certain number of preconceived ideas and deducing approaches, postures and methods of analysis and action that are radically different from the “solutions” usually conveyed.




Agricultural engineer, doctor in social sciences, Master in clinical psychology, trained in strategic systemic intervention at Lact. Consultant in sustainable development and regenerative economy for 35 years, specialist in agroecology and agroforestry, administrator of AgroParisTech. Coach and systemic therapist, author of scientific publications and works including Repairing the planet, the positive economy revolution (Lattès 2007).

Conference: “Systemic emergency: a strategic approach with the Palo Alto School”

After centuries of progress based on a desire to master our environment, humanity is facing an unprecedented systemic crisis. Accelerated climate change, collapse of biodiversity, tensions on natural resources, but also health crisis against a backdrop of diseases of civilizations, crisis of social bond and meaning, and of course repeated economic crises. The model from the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and the Thirty Glorious Years seems to be running out of steam. This crisis had already been foreseen by Gregory Bateson, founding father of the Systemic School of Palo Alto. He saw in it a “conscious goal” of humanity moving towards progress assimilated to material growth, blind to feedback from nature. Today, there is a great temptation to maintain this system through type 1 changes, which perpetuate the problem instead of solving it. A major reconfiguration of the economic and social system – a type 2 change – nevertheless seems essential. It will be more or less suffered or desired, painful or tolerable depending on the choices to be made now. The strategic systemic approach of the Palo Alto School, widely applied in individual and corporate therapies, provides us with the tools to implement them – a form of systemic therapy on a planetary scale.




Serial entrepreneur, founding partner of Cognitive Companions, president of honor of XMP-Consult.

Graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (X92), EHESS-HEC-ENS Ulm Master II in economic analysis and policy, doctor of economic sciences (X), Visiting Fellow Harvard, admitted to the thesis in anthropology of contemporary worlds in 2003 at EHESS with Jonathan Friedman, Michel has for 20 years been offering cutting-edge operational solutions aimed at accelerating the execution of (necessarily) complex transformations of large organizations, enabled by cognitive technologies, within the framework of innovative entrepreneurship. .

As a citizen, he is deeply involved in catalyzing the awareness of his contemporaries about the existence of emerging epistemological paradigms which allow leaders to envisage profoundly regenerated ways of facing the great challenges of the 21st century.

Conference: "From “solutionism” to elucidation through the modeling process of the perceived complex problem situation, a major contribution from Jean-Louis Le Moigne."

For those who take the time to step back, it is clear that there is omnipresence of confusion between the surface symptom and the deep root causes of a problematic situation. Everywhere, we observe the reductive temptation of “solutionism”.

Jean-Louis Le Moigne not only examined this phenomenon very carefully, but above all he provided the means to resist temptation and powerful tools to allow a collective to co-construct a comprehensive intelligence which little by little gives rise to a finalizing understanding where authentically plausible paths can be explored.

During the 15-minute intervention the following will be discussed (very succinctly):

1. Knowledge of knowledge

2. The positivist paradigm and the associated temptation of “solutionism”

3. Discussion of how organizations are facing problem situations such as the climate emergency today

4. The transition from solutionism to elucidation with the constructivist paradigm

5. A succinct presentation of the process of elucidating complex problem situations


Workshop n°2 - Clinic

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Moderator: Olivier BROSSEAU





Therapist, coach, supervisor and trainer in strategic systemic approach, associated with LACT. He teaches at the IAE of Paris within the Master of Administrations and Companies the module "Organizations and behaviors".


 Vira HENG



Clinical psychologist in the field of Behavioral, Cognitive and Emotional Therapies, my interventions focus on health promotion (eg, positive psychology, acceptance and commitment approach, solution-centered systemic approach, development of psychosocial skills, mindfulness). Teacher of psychology at IUT2 of the University of Grenoble Alpes, in the Social Careers Department, where I was educational manager of the University Diploma “Developing Psychosocial Skills”. Currently a design engineer at the DIPHE laboratory at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 to contribute to an online psychosocial skills development project for Public Health France.

CONFERENCE: “Flexibility in your relationship with yourself, others and the environment”

The paradigm shift of the third wave of cognitive, behavioral and emotional therapies (CCBT) proposes no longer to work on the events themselves, but more on the relationship to them. This will involve making our relationship more flexible with internal events (thoughts, emotions, sensations) and external events (interpersonal relationships, lived experiences) by developing our skills in order to move towards fulfillment. These principles will be illustrated through the example of the CARE Program (Coherence, Attention, Relationship, Commitment) developed by R. Shankland, C. André, I. Kotsou, JP. Durand, M. Paucsik.


 Vira HENG



Doctor in psychology, systemic psychotherapist and trainer. Teacher. hon. at the Free University of Brussels. Director Hon. of training at the Institute of Family and Human Systems Studies in Brussels. Editor-in-chief of Critical Papers on Family Therapy and Network Practices , Dir. of the “ Carrefour des psychotherapies”, DeBoeck, Brussels. Author of books and articles.

CONFERENCE: “The therapist’s imbalance in the face of the “pressure” of urgency” 

Any therapist practicing in a non-violent context may, however, be confronted one day or another with what they experience as an intense crisis and where they feel (rightly or wrongly) the urgency of having to intervene to preserve or restore a manageable balance for his patients. What role is taken by one's own projections versus resonances?


Workshop n°3 - Education

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


 Veronique ENNES
Veronique ENNES



After a 23-year career as a manager of health establishments, I committed myself in 2017 to learning the strategic systemic approach at LACT. I am qualified as a relationship systemician-clinician; I work in a private practice in Martinique and I collaborate with LACT within the training department. I participated in the creation of the SYPRES union - Syndicate of Systematic Practitioners, of which I am treasurer and responsible for member relations.


Benedicte SERVAIS

Psychotherapist, coach and trainer, she holds a Master's degree in professional support. She has practiced systemic and strategic therapy for more than 25 years in multiple contexts: private practice, business, child protection sector, teaching.… An experienced trainer, she taught the approach at the IGB then at Cicses . A specialist in interventions under constraint, she has become an expert in the treatment of conflictual relationships experienced by separating parental couples as well as in the disorders presented by children and adolescents. She was appointed legal expert in 2008.

Today, it develops networking and project management in its Interdisciplinary Relatio , and specializes in the implementation of consultations promoting collaboration within professional organizations. Bénédicte Servais also transmits her experience through professional practice groups.

CONFERENCE: “Different children and adolescents: can stigma reinforce the problem?”

We'll dive into a topic that profoundly affects the lives of millions of people around the world: learning disabilities. These invisible challenges that transform daily tasks into insurmountable obstacles can, with the right approach, adequate support and appropriate strategies, be transformed. Transmute these mountains into easily passable hills. However, minimizing these challenges thus facilitating the journey of those affected is not necessarily everyone's business.

Although education and health policies and practices have gradually evolved, the way in which learning disabilities are recognized and managed can vary significantly between countries.

Considering that learning disorders are persistent and chronic; that they can be managed and mitigated, but that they generally do not disappear completely, is it not urgent and essential to favor collective commitments in a systemic reading, to use intervention and support strategies appropriate, to establish earlier operational diagnoses to go beyond inclusive and benevolent measures which do not automatically produce the expected effects but which, on the contrary, reinforce the bartering of problems experienced by the beneficiaries?

Is it not relevant to start from reading and systemic understanding to establish, for the benefit of the affected person, a common diagnosis and collective care?

Finally, in many cases, would it not be just as interesting and urgent to use this systemic reading to reconsider the disorder as a characteristic, a particularity just as interesting for the system rather than as a dysfunction? Would it then be a question of ensuring that it is the system which adapts to the singularity of the individual rather than the reverse?




Psychologist, psychotherapist, doctor of philosophy, essayist and lecturer in brief strategic psychotherapy, director of IPPS - Institute of Psychology and Strategic Psychotherapy of Rome. Author of numerous works, including:

  • Fear of illness. Brief strategic psychotherapy of hypochondria", (with Giorgio Nardone), 2023. "
  • The strategic learner. How to quickly solve study problems, (French translation 'The student strategist'), 2013.
  • Bad and ugly thoughts. Taboo obsessions: how to get rid of them. FrancoAngeli, 2019.  
  • Panic, anxiety and fear. A strategy guide for courageous aspirants. FrancoAngeli, 2021.


The seminar will address study blockage from the perspective of short-term strategic psychotherapy: how it works and how to overcome it.

The 5 psychological profiles of stuck students and their different attempts at solutions will be presented, as well as creative stratagems to transform the duty of studying into the pleasure of studying.

January 25, 2024
from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Jean-Pierre COUTERON

President: Jean-Pierre COUTERON

Stop or




Christophe CUTARELLA

Christophe CUTARELLA
Nathalie DURIEZ

Nathalie DURIEZ


Francois Julien

Francois Julien



Gregoire Vitry

Gregoire Vitry

Session details

January 25, 2024

from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.



Addictions, harassment, in many situations, men face the difficulty of putting an end to a behavior or consumption. What does this difficulty reflect? Physical and psychological addictions, habits, social pressure, unresolved underlying issues or inability to cope? Is it inherent to man or is it linked to our culture and our environment? What does it reveal about our relationship to ourselves, to others and to the world? How is it approached by psychiatrists or addictologists in a systemic reading?


Discovery Conference - 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The philosopher François Jullien, Jean-Pierre Couteron and Eric Hispard will question this difficulty and the way in which culture influences addiction and how the human species “has compensated for its congenital physical fragility through invention and use. of artifacts and culturally transmitted knowledge", trivializing uses, but also the role that culture can play in our stories of addiction, as Bernard Lahire recalls in his latest book. Should we not, as Nathalie Sarthou-Lajus suggests, open ourselves to other passions, not to reduce them or control them by reason alone, but to tame them, at least in part, to the point of influencing them in a less harmful direction? This conference allows us to understand how the systemic approach contributes to the de-coincidence and the construction of these solutions.

3 workshops from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., these questions will be explored in depth in three workshops conducted in parallel and devoted to the fields of education, business and clinical practice. 

The education workshop ( conducted in hybrid) will bring together Grégoire Vitry (moderator), Eric Hispard and Nathalie Duriez. It will be devoted to situations of harassment in the context of education and to the possibilities opened up by a systemic reading of education.

The business workshop (conducted online) will bring together Olivier Brosseau (moderator), Vira Heng and Roberta Prato Previde. This workshop will study the link between addiction and burnout.

The clinical workshop (conducted online) will bring together Véronique Ennes (moderator), Gérard Ostermann and Julien Betbèze. This workshop will address a systemic reading of addictions.



This event will be held hybrid: in person (note: limited number of places) at the ACERMA association (Association for Communication, Space and Reintegration of Addictive Patients) and will also be accessible online on Zoom.

Address: ACERMA, 22 Quai de la Loire, 75019, Paris, Metro Jaurès (2, 5 and 7B) or Metro Stalingrad (5 and 7).


In partnership with ACERMA

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The ACERMA association (Association for Communication, Space and Reintegration of Addictive Patients) aims to enable people suffering from addictions to stabilize, in addition to their care, through creative and cultural activities. This approach aims to enable them to support abstinence, enhance self-esteem, restore neurocognitive capacities, reestablish social bonds, occupy the emptiness of rediscovered time, and once again become an actor in their lives. At the crossroads of care, integration and citizenship, it is aimed at everyone.



Speakers and program

Opening conference

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.



 Jean-Pierre COUTERON

Gregoire VITRY


3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Doctor-researcher in psychology, graduated from the Palo Alto school, he has worked for several years with Giorgio Nardone, Nathalie Duriez, Michael Hoyt, Teresa Garcia, Jean-Jacques Wittezaele, Wendel Ray and the MRI in order to promote research and training in systemic approach. Since 2016, he has been developing SYPRENE a PRN network (Thurin et al., 2012) using a systemic approach, allowing in particular to improve his practice in close collaboration with the academic world. He is also in charge of the LACT international school and the International Webinar Brief Therapy congress.

He also graduated from EM Lyon and has a master's degree in Applied Mathematics.

Publication director: “Understanding and treating addictions” and “Getting out of addiction? Or de-addiction”, Co-author “When work hurts” and “Strategies for change, 16 therapeutic prescriptions”.


 Gregoire Vitry

Francois Julien


3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

François Jullien is a philosopher, Hellenist and sinologist, who has deployed his work between the thoughts of China and Europe. He developed inter-cultural reflection as well as a philosophy of experience. He is one of the most translated contemporary thinkers in the world.

Conference: “ Thinking about de-addiction

 During his speech, François Jullien will develop the following points: 

  • Getting out of addiction or de-addiction
  • Addressing Addiction Strategically Instead of Confronting It
  • Leaving the language of Being to think of addiction as correlation and transformation
  • It is by releasing a “second life”, subsequently by accessing “real life”, that we can move away from addiction and reopen our life.
  • De-addiction, entry into de-addiction

 Jean-Pierre COUTERON



4:15 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Éric Hispard, doctor, toxicologist, occupational health doctor, addictologist since 1983, creation of the CSAPA of the 14th Paris addictions-France, hospital practitioner Fernand Widal APHP hospital. Former president of the APHP college of addiction, member of the board of directors of the alcohol society for 30 years. President and co-founder of Acerma in 1987, recognized as being of public utility.

Conference: “From the finite time of addictions to the infinite spaces of the creative”

Proposing therapeutic activities in addictology has for many years been part of different care processes, complex withdrawals, follow-up care, day hospitals, outpatient follow-up, CSAPA, etc.
Addictions are multifactorial and require a multidisciplinary proposal adapted to the subject and to its environment. The “outside the walls” experience of Acerma oriented around sharing and creativity contributes to the “global care” of the subject and those around them.

 Jean-Pierre COUTERON
Jean-Pierre COUTERON


4:15 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Author, clinical psychologist at the CSAPA, "the hyphen" association Oppelia Boulogne Billancourt.

Conference: “And why not culture?”

In his latest book, Bernard Lahire reminds us that the human species “has compensated for its congenital physical fragility through the invention and use of artifacts and culturally transmitted knowledge.” It thus illuminates the banality of uses, but also the role that culture can play in our stories of addiction, as Nathalie Sarthou-Lajus evokes: opened us to other passions, not to reduce them or control them through only reason, but to tame them, at least in part, to the point of bending them in a less harmful direction.


Workshop n°1 - Education

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


 Claude De Scorraille



Claude de Scorraille is a psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer, and speaker, she applies brief systemic and strategic therapy from the Palo Alto School and the CTS of Prof. Nardone for over 15 years. She is also trained in conversational hypnosis. She has a consultation in Paris and by digital .  She teaches the relationship clinic at the Lact International School/University of Paris 8 and at the IAE in Paris as part of the Master's in Business Administration. She is also a worker and supervisor at the CSAPA in Montreuil, a consultation center specializing in addictions. She is president and co-founder of LACT where she develops individual and collective interventions with problem solving methodology for individuals and organizations. At LACT, she directs the specialist consultation center for obsessive and compulsive disorders (OCD) in partnership with the OCD clinic ®

Co-author "Strategies for change, 16 therapeutic prescriptions" , "When work hurts" , " Towards a pragmatic humanism ".


 Jean-Pierre COUTERON

Gregoire VITRY



 Stephane BUJOLD

Nathalie DURIEZ


Professor of clinical psychology at the University of Paris 8, she is responsible for the Master 1 in clinical psychology at a distance from the University of Paris 8 and of 3 university degrees: 

  • the DFSSU “Family clinic and systemic practices”,
  • the DESU “Take care of addictions”,
  • DU “Relationship Clinic and Strategic Intervention”.

Affiliated with the Psychopathology and Change Processes Laboratory, her research and publications focus on family therapy, processes of change and resilience, emotional regulation, addictions, hyperstimulability and reversal theory. In 2009, she published a book with Erès, Changer en famille. Moderators and mediators of change in family therapy.   

She works as a family therapist at CSAPA Monceau in Paris and develops in her practice a model of family therapy centered on emotional regulation. She is also a trainer in the systemic approach and family therapy.

Conference: “ The excesses of cancel culture. When the defender becomes the aggressor.

Harassment is the subject of numerous prevention campaigns. Attempts at solutions to stop harassment are multiplying: PIKAS method, PHARE program, laws in the education code, etc. But these attempted solutions should not be applied automatically without a rigorous systemic analysis of the situation in order to construct a response adapted to the context. Without this, the “solution” can become the problem. For example, among certain young people registered in cancel culture, awareness of harassment will impact their perception of banal situations and lead them to combat perceived violence without taking into account the context in which the facts took place and the subjective experience of the people. protagonists. If cancel culture has made it possible to make previously ignored victims visible, it becomes tyrannical when those who claim to fight against harassment begin to harass alleged aggressors. We will illustrate this phenomenon of the excesses of cancel culture with the systemic analysis of a clinical case based on the transactional model of Lazarus and Folkman.

 Jean-Pierre COUTERON



Éric Hispard, doctor, toxicologist, occupational health doctor, addictologist since 1983, creation of the CSAPA of the 14th Paris addictions-France, hospital practitioner Fernand Widal APHP hospital. Former president of the APHP college of addiction, member of the board of directors of the alcohol society for 30 years. President and co-founder of Acerma in 1987, recognized as being of public utility.

Conference: “From the footprint to the footprint”

Our “young people” are developing.
This has often been bruised, violated, vandalized, which encourages the use of psychoactive products, violence suffered or carried out, harassment, etc. The project around the rights of way is one of the responses to this problem, of same as the Toi, Moi & Co festival - 13th edition which offers them to "do" in complete freedom is another adventure.


Workshop n°2 - Company

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Moderator: Olivier BROSSEAU





Therapist, coach, supervisor and trainer in strategic systemic approach, associated with LACT. He teaches at the IAE of Paris within the Master of Administrations and Companies the module "Organizations and behaviors".


 Vira HENG



Systemic coach and trainer, trained at LACT, at the DESU Practice of coaching at the University of Paris 8 and at EM Lyon. Manager in publishing for 15 years in sales and marketing roles, she founded L'envol du cygne and today supports entrepreneurs and professionals in making their professional transition, finding their path and launching their business.

CONFERENCE: “Stop burnout! Prevent and act differently”

Often confined to the professional world, burnout is a phenomenon which is often also impacted by the more personal sphere. And for good reason: it is the fact of adopting behaviors in our life that favor the occurrence of burn-out that can lead us to it. By tirelessly repeating these behaviors, we seek to do more and more, to the point of excess, thinking we can overcome all situations, even the most impossible. Embarked in this infernal spiral, we continue, inexorably, until the body orders us, in a peremptory manner, to stop by disconnecting the machine which is racing away.

How to identify “risky” signs and behaviors to say stop before burnout occurs? How can we try to adopt more virtuous behaviors to stop this spiral?


Roberta designs and delivers coaching, team coaching and empowerment courses for executives, leaders and professionals. The organizations she works with include academic institutes, pharmaceutical companies, organizations in the telecommunications, ICT and consulting sectors.

Roberta first graduated in foreign languages ​​and literatures, then she obtained a doctorate in strategic clinical psychology.

In 2005, she specialized in problem solving, communication and strategic coaching. Since then, she has used the strategic model in consulting and training interventions, as well as in some coaching courses.

Since 2022 she has been a lecturer at the State University of Milan on conflict management and negotiation.

Since 2017, she has collaborated with LACT on several courses.

CONFERENCE: “When doing more is doing worse: managerial psychotraps”

Even in the organizational and managerial sphere, the traps that each of us digs under our feet, into which we fall and from which we often cannot escape, are not pathological in themselves.

What transforms our attitude towards ourselves, others and the world into a dysfunctional psychological trap is its hardening into an action scenario that becomes inevitable, precisely because we tend to reproduce this which worked.

So, when a strategy no longer works, instead of abandoning it and replacing it with another, we push harder.

Certain dimensions play an important role and, if absent (stopping) or exercised excessively, they risk derailing the leader, the group and the organization itself.

Some of the most classic managerial "psycho-traps" are briefly illustrated, notably the leader's scripts: authoritarian, perfectionist, skeptical, intermittent, centralizing and controlling...


Workshop n°3 - Clinic

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


 Veronique ENNES
Emmanuelle GALLIN



Systemic therapist, LACT researcher



Professor of therapeutics option Internal medicine. Specialist in cardiology and angiology. Graduated in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacology. Psychotherapist-Analyst. Specialist in addictive behaviors, anorexia and the management of pain and trauma.

CONFERENCE: “ Being through addiction, being without addiction, being outside addiction. From control to freedom.

In this play with three characters, the addicted subject, the therapist, and an object or behavior, we will insist on the therapist's counter-attitudes in the face of traps set for him from all sides, because this is where there is everything that can obstruct an encounter, the premise of a story and a de-coincidence. It is then as an accompaniment to a course that the therapeutic field will be briefly described.




Hospital psychiatrist, head of the Loire-Atlantique Therapeutic Family Reception department, Blain CHS. Lecturer in Nantes at the Faculty of Psychology (DESS Cognitive and Clinical) and at the UER of Medicine: DU Addictions, DU Therapeutic Hypnosis, DU Pain. Family therapist, Addiction Department at Nantes University Hospital. Educational manager and trainer at the Arepta-Institut Milton Erickson in Nantes. Trainer at CHTIP in Paris. Co-author with Y. Doutrelugne, O. Cottencin, L. Isebaert and D. Megglé of Brief interventions and therapies: 10 concrete strategies, crises and opportunities, Masson editions, 2016. Editor-in-chief of the journal "Hypnosis & brief therapies".

CONFERENCE: “ Addiction: how to get back to “real” life

From the link between second life (François JULLIEN), exceptions (Steve DE SHAZER) and unique result (Michaël WHITE), we will show how the therapeutic dialogue must include the description and nomination of this living moment, as well as its link with the intentional process and the relational body.

This workshop will allow us to understand how the process of de-addiction, to be able to open up to a story that makes sense, requires interpreting this living moment as an intentional gesture characteristic of resistance to the power of addiction.


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