Claude de Scorraille :

What I notice above all at the present time in my consultations is to finally salute the profile of people who say "yes". They are like Atlases carrying the Earth on their shoulders.

It's that ultimately they are really people and (it's really a quality) who have a sense of relationship and that, at a time when we are on more individually self-centered logics for lots of reasons, ultimately these people there are badly considered whereas one could say that they present qualities at the beginning completely indicative of what towards which perhaps, it would be a question of tending today in a company like ours.

 Their concern is that, when they are very interested in relational meaning, they end up, and that was the tragedy of Atlas if you go back to the mythology, it's that at some point it becomes unbearable for the relationship and that what you do in the name of the relationship is important to:

Because a relationship is two protagonists and together they interact and that gives a nature to the relationship that is beneficial to both and to each.

Sophie Peters :

I would like to go back to what Claude has just said to confirm his point of view according to which, in fact, this self-sacrifice that one makes in the relationship, either one assumes it completely, or one cannot. not.

There is sometimes a lot of distress behind the "too good too stupid" because we devalue a humanist value of people who are resolutely in the human and who are in self-flagellation, which is very paradoxical, "it's as if the image is decentered and it is implied that the bad guys, the people who act in a personal way, the individualists, are more protected and more successful in society." This is why it is very important, as Claude says, to put things back in the right place, to reframe.

Because people who can't say no are successful and rather perfectionist.

Hence the importance of confirming to them that their values ​​are fair in human terms, that it is a simple adjustment of the relationship and not a questioning of their yes.