Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      March 28, 2019
      Business Day

      We will speak at "La Journée des entreprises" organized at the Senate on March 28: 

      > 3:30 p.m.: Well-being in the workplace: what possible improvements?
      • Mr. Emmanuel HERVÉ, Chairman of the Management Board of the Hervé group (Joué-les-Tours);
      • Mr. Fabrice PONCET, Co-founder and co-manager of La Fabrique, a furniture manufacturing, interior design, scenography and contemporary art company in the Rhône;
      • Ms. Claude de SCORRAILLE , President of LACT and Mr. Grégoire VITRY, Director of LACT, co-authors of the book published in 2017: When work hurts: A relationship clinic to treat ills at work (InterÉditions);
      • Mrs. Catherine TESTA, Founder of the Chief Happiness Officers (CHO) club, author of the best seller published in 2017: Osez l'Optimisme! (Editions Michel Lafon).

      "The Senate is pleased to welcome you, business leaders from all over France, for the fourth edition of Business Day, on Thursday, March 28, 2019. Organized by the Senate Business Delegation at the Palais du Luxembourg, this day is an opportunity to continue the dialogue established in the field between senators and managers of SMEs and ETIs.

      Created at the end of 2014 on the initiative of the President of the Senate, Mr. Gérard LARCHER, this delegation, which brings together 42 senators from all sides, is responsible for informing the Senate about the situation of companies, identifying obstacles to their development and propose measures to foster entrepreneurship and simplify the standards applicable to economic activity, with a view to encouraging growth and employment in the territories. 

      Since January 2015, the delegation has met more than 430 French entrepreneurs in 22 departments, as well as in several European cities such as London, Berlin, Copenhagen, or Brussels. On the basis of field testimonies thus collected, it intervenes by asking questions of the Government and by drafting legislative proposals, motions for resolution, reports as well as amendments to bills concerning companies. It also conducts comparative studies or preliminary impact studies to inform the Senate's vote on the provisions affecting the company. In addition, it organizes, within the framework of an agreement with CCI France, immersion courses for senators in companies.  

      To take stock of all these actions, we invite you to this day of March 28, which is dedicated to you, the entrepreneurs with whom we have been forging lasting ties for four years now. We will present to you the results of exchanges in the field between senators and companies, from immersion courses to the adoption in the Senate of a bill to remove the over-transposition of directives into French law. We will then discuss what well-being in a company means: why is it an issue and what are the possible improvements? This day will be a highlight of what makes the DNA of the Senate Delegation that I have the honor to chair: dialogue with businesses."  

      Élisabeth LAMURE,
      President of the Business Delegation

      More info:

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      Consultation Paris
      9, rue Française - 75002

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      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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