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Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      By Pierre Ferreri - LACT research partner



      • BERTHOZ, Alain. The sense of movement. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2013. Science.
      • KORZYBSKI, Alfred. A map is not the territory. Paris: Editions of the shine, 2007. First aid.
      • LEMOIGNE, Jean-Louis. constructivist epistemologies. Paris: PUF, 2012. What do I know?
      • LEMOIGNE, Jean-Louis. Constructivism (3 volumes). Paris: L'Harmattan, 2003.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. Communications study: Contextualization approach. Paris: Armand Colin, 2005. U communication.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. Communications study: Process approach. Paris: Armand Coli, 2004. U communication.
      • PAGET, Jean. Logic and scientific knowledge,
      • SEGAL, Lynn. The dream of reality: Heinz von Foerster and constructivism. Paris: Seuil, 1990. The color of ideas.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. The invention of reality. Paris: Seuil, 1998. Essay points.


      • CRAZIER, Michel. FRIEDBERG, Erhard. The actor and the system. Paris: Seuil, 1992. Test points.
      • DE ROSNAY, Joel. The macroscope, towards a global vision,
      • DE ROSNAY, Joel. The symbiotic man. Paris: Threshold, 1995,
      • DURAND, Daniel, Systemic, Paris: PUF, 2013. What do I know?
      • LEMOIGNE, Jean-Louis. The modeling of complex systems, Paris, Dunod, coll. “Humanities”, 1999.
      • LEMOIGNE, Jean-Louis. General system theory. Modeling theory. Paris: PUF, 1994.
      • MORIN, Edgar. Introduction to complex thinking. Paris: Seuil, 2005. Essay points.
      • VON BERTALANFFY, Ludwig. General systems theory. Paris: Dunod, 2012.


      • ASHBY, Introduction to cybernetics, Paris, Dunod, 1958.
      • COUFFIGNAL, Louis. Cybernetics. Paris: PUF, 1996. What do I know?
      • MOLES, Abraham. Object, method and axiomatics of cybernetics. In: the file of cybernetics. Verviers: Gerard and Co., 1968.
      • PAPERT, Epistemology of cybernetics, in: Logic and scientific knowledge, Paris, Gallimard, Encyclopedia La Pléiade, 1967.
      • WIENER, Norbert. Cybernetics: Information and regulation in the living and the machine. Paris: Threshold, 2014.
      • WIENER, Norbert. Cybernetics and Society: The Human Use of Human Beings. Paris: Points, 2014. Points Science.

      information, communications

      • BATESON Grégory, RUESCH Jurgen, Communication and society, Paris, Seuil, coll. "The color of ideas", 1996.
      • HALL Edward T., The Hidden Dimension, New York, Seuil, coll. "Trial points", 1971.
      • MUCCHIELLI Alex, Interaction and the processes of emergence, Paris, Eska, 2007.

      Brief therapy

      • BATESON, Gregory. Nature and Thought. Paris: Threshold, 1984.
      • BATESON, Gregory. A sacred unit. Paris: Seuil, 1998. The color of ideas.
      • BATESON, Gregory. Towards an ecology of the mind. Volume 1. Paris: Seuil, 1977. Test points.
      • BATESON, Gregory. Towards an ecology of the mind. Volume 2. Paris: Seuil, 1980. Test points.
      • FISCH, Richard. SCHLANGER, Karin. Deal with difficult cases. The successes of brief therapy. Paris: Seuil, 2005. Color psy.
      • GARCIA-RIVERA, Teresa, Palo Alto at school, Mauguio, 2013, SupAgro.
      • GOFFMAN, Erving. The rites of interaction. Paris: Midnight editions, 1974. Common sense.
      • HALEY, Jay. Power tacticians: Jesus Christ, the psychoanalyst, the schizophrenic and a few others. 3rd ed. Paris: ESF, 1984. The art of psychotherapy.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. L'arte di mentire a se stessi e agli altri. Milan: Ponte alle Grazie, 2014
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. Problem Solving strategico da tasca: L'arte di trovare soluzioni a problemi irrisolvibili . Milan: Ponte alle Grazie, 2013.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. Psicotrappole: ovvero le sofferenze che ci costruiamo da soli: imparare a riconoscerle ea combatterle . Milan: Ponte alle Grazie, 2013.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. Knowledge through change. Brussels: Satas, 2012.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. The strategic dialogue. Brussels: Satas, 2012.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. La paura delle decisioni: Come costruire il coraggio di scegliere per sé e per gli altri . Milan: Ponte alle Grazie, 2014.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. Psychosolutions. Paris: The Spirit of the Times, 1999. Psychology.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. When it sesso diventa a problema. Terapia strategica dei problemi sessuali. Milan: Ponte alle Grazie, 2015.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. Sail the sea unbeknownst to the sky. Brussels: Satas, 2012.
      • PIQUET, Emmanuelle, Don't let it go!, Paris, 2013, Payot.
      • PRADERE, Michel. A brief and effective psychotherapy. Paris: Regain of reading, 2012.
      • ROUSTANG, Francois. The end of the complaint. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2000.
      • ROUSTANG, Francois. Know how to wait. For life to change. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2008. Pockets.
      • SERON, Claude. WITTEZAELE, Jean-Jacques. Help or control, therapeutic intervention under duress. Brussels: De Boeck, 2009.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. The art of change. Strategic therapy and hypnotherapy without trance. Paris: Spirit of the times, 1993. Psychology.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. Changes. Paris: Seuil, 1975. Test points.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. How to successfully fail: Finding the ultrasolution . Paris: Threshold, 1991.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. The reality of reality. Paris: Seuil, 1978. Test points.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. The language of change. Paris: Seuil, 1980. Test points.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. The hair of Baron Munchhausen. Paris: Seuil, 2000. Test points.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. A communication logic. Paris: Seuil, 1972. Test points.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. NARDONE, Giorgio. Brief therapy strategy. Paris: Seuil, 2000. The color of ideas.
      • WATZLAWICK, Paul. WEAKLAND, John. On interaction. Paris: Seuil, 1981. Test points.
      • WITTEZAELE, Jean-Jacques. GARCIA-RIVERA, Teresa. In search of the school of Palo Alto. Paris: Points, 2014. Points essays.
      • WITTEZAELE, Jean-Jacques (ed.). T he double bind: the influence of Bateson's paradoxes in the human sciences . Paris: de Boeck, 2008. Crossroads of psychotherapies.
      • WITTEZAELE, Jean-Jacques. The relational man. Paris: Seuil, 2003. Color Psy.

      Eating disorders

      • NARDONE, Giorgio. The paradoxical diet. Brussels: Satas, 2009.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. Eat a lot, madly, not at all. Paris: Seuil, 2004. Color Psy.
      • SELVINI PALAZZOLI, Mara. Anorexics and bulimics: Review of a family therapeutic approach. Paris: Medicine & Hygiene, 2002.


      • LEORD, Francois. ANDRÉ, Christophe. The strength of emotions. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2003.
      • DESPRET, Vinciane. These emotions that make us. Paris: The obstacles to going around in circles, 2001.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. Fear, panic, phobias. Paris: The Spirit of the Times, 2010.
      • RIME Bernard, The social sharing of emotions. Paris: PUF, 1995. Social psychology.

      language, metaphors

      • CLERC, Oliver. The frog that didn't know it was cooked. Paris: Marabout, 2013.
      • FISHER, Robert. The knight in rusty armor. Paris: Amber editions, 2013.
      • GORDON, David. Tales and therapeutic metaphors. Paris: Intereditions, 2014.
      • KEROUAC, Michel. Metaphor, manual of metaphorical communication. Paris: MKR editions, 2012
      • SZYMANSKI, Gerard. Metaphor, the royal road of communication. Paris: Intereditions, 2011.

      Listening, empathy, interview techniques

      • ARTAUD, Jean. Listening, attitudes and techniques. Paris: Social Chronicle, 2003.
      • BELLET, Maurice. COUCHAERE, Marie-Josee. Listening. Paris: Besclee de Brower, 1989.
      • BERTHOZ, Alain. JORLAND, Gerard. Empathy. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2014.
      • CUNGI, Charly. The therapeutic alliance. Paris: Retz, 2006. Psychiatry, psychotherapy.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Roger. The face-to-face interview in the helping relationship. Paris: ESF editor, 2007. Continuing education in human sciences.
      • PAGES, Max. Non-directive guidance in psychotherapy and social psychology. Paris: Dunod, 1965.
      • PETITCOLLIN, Christel. Knowing how to listen is learned. Paris: Youth, 2012.
      • PLUTARCH. How to listen. Paris: Payot and shores, 1995. Small library.
      • ROGERS, Carl. The development of the person. Paris: Dunod, 1996.
      • ROGERS, Carl. Counseling and psychotherapy. 15th ed . Paris: ESF editor, 2008. Art of psychotherapy.
      • ROGERS, Carl. Psychotherapy and human relations: Theory of person-centered therapy. 2nd ed. Paris: ESF editors, 2013. Art of psychotherapy .

      influence, persuasion, manipulation

      • BEAUVOIS, Jean-Leon. Sneaky Influences: Accurate of Ordinary Manipulations. Paris: François Bourin, 2011. Society.
      • BELLENGER, Lionel. The power of persuasion. Issy-les-Moulineaux: ESF, 2003. Continuing education.
      • BERTHOZ, Alain. Decision. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2003.
      • BOOTHMAN, Nicholas. Convince in less than two minutes. Paris: Marabout, 2013.
      • BOOTHMAN, Nicholas. Everything is done in less than two minutes. Paris: Marabout, 2013.
      • BRETON, Philip. Convince without manipulating. Paris: The Discovery, 2008.
      • BRICOURT, Bastien. Handling, why and how. Paris: I read, 2013
      • CIALDINI, Robert. influence and manipulation. Paris: First-Grund, 2004.
      • GOLDSTEIN, Noah J. Yes! : Become an ace of persuasion in 50 lessons. Paris: Express Roulart, 2012.
      • GREENE, Robert. Power the 48 laws of power. Paris: Leduc, 2009.
      • GUEGUEN, Nicholas. Psychology of manipulation and submission. Paris: Dunod, 2002.
      • JOULE, Robert-Vincent. Freely consented submission. Paris: PUF, 1998.
      • JOULE, Robert-Vincent. BEAUVOIS, Jean-Leon. Small treaty of manipulation with respect to honest people. Grenoble: PUG, 2002.
      • The essentials to convince, ESF, Harvard Business Review      
      • MOLES, Abraham. Theory of actions, towards an ecology of actions. Paris: Casterman, 1977. Contemporary syntheses.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. Communication & influence: Situational approach. Nice: Ovadia editions, 2010.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. The art of influencing. Paris: Armand Colin, 2004. Collection U.
      • NIVOIX, Marie-Claude. BRETON. Philip. The art of convincing. Paris: Eyrolles, 2013.
      • PIATELLI PALMARINI, Massimo. The art of persuasion. Paris: Odile Jacob, 1999.
      • ROUSTANG, Francois. Influence. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 2011.
      • SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. The art of always being right. Paris: One Thousand and One Nights, 2003.
      • YORITOMO TASHI. The art of influencing in 12 lessons. Paris: Nilsson, 1912.


      • COMBALBERT, Laurent. Crisis negotiation and influence communication. Paris: ESF, 2006. Continuing education.
      • COMBALBERT, Laurent. Negotiate in complex situations: Resolve difficult situations through influential negotiation. 2nd ed . Paris: ESF, 2012. Continuing education.
      • FISHER, Roger. URY, William. Patton, Bruce. How to succeed in a negotiation. 3rd ed . Paris: Seuil, 2006. General philosophy.
      • KYPRIANOU, Alexis. The bible of negotiation: 75 cards to use and counter the techniques of the best negotiators. Paris: Eyrolles, 2013.
      • MERY, Marwan. Handbook of Complex Trading. Paris: Eyrolles, 2013. Effectiveness of the manager.

       Strategy, stratagems

      • ANONYMOUS, trans. LEVI John. The 36 Stratagems. Paris: Payot, 2007.
      • COUTEAU-BEGARIE, Hervé. Strategic Breviary. Paris: Argos, 2013.
      • DETIENNE, Marcel. VERNANT, Jean-Pierre. The tricks of intelligence, the half-breed of the Greeks. Paris: Flammarion, 1974. Field trials.
      • FAYARD, Pierre. Understand and apply Sun Tzu. Paris: Dunod, 2004
      • FISCH, Richard. Change tactics. Paris: Threshold, 1986.
      • General BEAURE, André. Introduction to strategy. Paris: Plural, 1983.
      • GRACIAN, Baltasar. The art of caution. Paris: Shores, 1994.
      • JULIEN, Francois. The propensity of things. Paris: Seuil, 1992. Test points.
      • JULIEN, Francois. The silent transformations. Paris: the pocket book, 2010
      • JULIEN, Francois. Efficiency treatise. Paris: Grasset, 1996.
      • HALEY, Jay. Strategies of psychotherapy. Paris: Eres, 2009
      • KHAWAM, Rene. The book of tricks, the political strategy of the Arabs. Paris: Phebus, 2010. Libretto.
      • MALAREWICZ, Strategy in therapy. Paris: ESF, 1988. Applied human sciences.
      • MAZARIN, Jules. Politicians' Handbook. Paris: Arléa, 2007. Return to major texts.
      • MIYAMOTO, Musashi. Treatise on five wheels. Paris: Albin Michel, 1983.
      • NARDONE, Giorgio. Ride his tiger. Paris: Seuil, 2012. Color Psy.
      • Diplomatic tricks and political stratagems. Paris: Fayard, 2011. The small collection.

      Hypnosis, NLP


      • ERICKSON, Milton H. Practical Treatise on Hypnosis. Paris: Grancher, 2006.
      • FILIATRE, Jean. Hypnotism and magnetism, complete course. Bourbon-L'Archambault: Genest bookstore,
      • FILIATRE, Jean. Image hypnotism. Paris: Fischbacher Bookstore, 1923
      • FINEL, Kevin. Self Hypnosis. Paris: The Original, 2004.
      • HALEY, JAY. An extraordinary therapist. Paris: Desclee de Brouwer, 1984.


      • Bandler, Richard. A brain to change: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Paris: InterEditions, 2014. Great references.
      • Bandler, Richard. GRINDER, John. Reframing: Transforming the perception of reality with NLP. Paris: InterEditions, 1999. Personal development.
      • Bandler, Richard. GRINDER, John. The secrets of communication: The techniques of NLP. Paris: Publisher the day, 2002.
      • GRINDER, John. Bandler, Richard. Trance-trainings. Paris: Intereditions, 1998.

       Solution-focused therapy

      • BLANCHART, Helene. Solution-focused coaching. Paris: Intereditions, 2012.
      • BIGOT, Philippe. Solution-oriented coaching. Paris: Eyrolles, 2014.
      • DESHAZER, Steve. Explore solutions in brief therapy. Brussels: Satas, 2002. The germ..
      • DESHAZER, Steve. Words were originally magical. Brussels: Satas, 1999. The germ.
      • DEJONG, Peter. From maintenance to solution. Brussels: Satas, 2009. The Germ.
      • O’HANLON, William Hudson. The therapist's guide to the land of the possible. Brussels: Satas, 1997.
      • O’HANLON, William Hudson. Solution-oriented hypnosis: An Ericksonian approach. Brussels: Satas, 2009.
      • O’HANLON, William Hudson. Solution orientation. Brussels: Satas, 2000.

      Approach for companies

      • BERTRAND, Yves. GUILLEMET, Patrick. Organizations: A systemic approach. Quebec Tele-University, ARC Agency inc. : Chotard and associates, 1989.
      • BONAMI, Michael. Management of complex systems. Systemic thinking and intervention in organizations. Paris: De Boeck University, 1993.
      • BROWERS, Isabelle. CORNET Annie. et al. Human management and context of change: for a constructivist approach. Brussels: De Boeck, 1997.
      • CRUNENBERG, Michel. The art and the manner of intervening in company. Paris: Editions d'organisation, 2004.
      • DE ROSNAY, Joel. The macroscope. Paris: Points, 2014. Points essays.
      • DORTIER, The systemic approach to organizations, in Organizations, state of knowledge, Human Sciences, 1999.
      • DUTERME, Claude. Internal communication in business. Paris: DeBoeck, 2002.
      • FRIEDBERG, Ehrard. power and rule. Dynamics of organized action. Paris: Threshold, 1993.
      • Gil, Lucy. How to successfully work with almost anyone. Paris: Retz, 2006.
      • KHABAZ, Tony Khabaz. LAGARDE, Catherine. Manager, where are your bearings. Paris: Organization Editions, 2003
      • MALAREWICZ, Jacques-Antoine. Systemic and. Business. 3rd ed . Paris: Pearson, 2012. Global Village.
      • MINTZBERG, Henry. power in organizations. Paris: Editions d'organisation, 2003. References.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. Psychosociology of organizations. Paris: ESF, 1979.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. Roles and communications in organizations. 2nd ed . Paris: ESF, 1987.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. Systemic and communicational approach to organizations. Paris: Armand Colin, 1998.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. study of communications: relationship modeling approach. Paris: Armand Colin, 2004.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. Psychosociology and systemic relationships in organizations. Paris: Eska, 2006.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. Systemic intervention in the company. Nice: Ovadia, 2010.
      • NIZET, Jean. HUYBRECHTS, Chantal. Systemic interventions in organizations. Integration of contributions from Mintzberg and Palo Alto. Paris: Boeck University, 1998.
      • ORGOGOZO, Isabelle. The paradoxes of management. Fortified castles with mobile partitions. Paris: Editions d'organisation, 1991.
      • VAILLANCOURT, Raymond. The Time of Uncertainty. Quebec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2003.

       Correlation, logic, meaning

      • DILTS, Robert. Changing belief systems with NLP. Paris: InterEditions, 2006.
      • DILTS, Robert. Being a coach: from the search for performance to awakening. Paris: InterEditions 2008.
      • MUCCHIELLI, Alex. “The emergence of the meaning of situations through human systems of interactions. Restricted application of enaction and distributed cognition theories: towards an “agentification” of human relational systems”. International Journal of Psychosociology, 13(29).
      • VIDAILLET, Benedict. The meaning of action, Karl Weick: sociopsychology of the organization. Paris: Vuibert, 2003.

       Linguistic, pragmatic

      • ARMENAUD, Anne. Pragmatics. Paris: PUF, 2007. What do I know.
      • AUSTIN, JL. When saying is doing. Paris: Seuil, 1999. Essay points.
      • BLANCHET Philippe, Pragmatics: From Austin to Goffman. Paris: Bertrand Lacoste, 1995.
      • BRACOPS Martine, Introduction to pragmatics. 2nd ed . Paris: Duculot, 2010. Linguistic fields.
      • DEROMILLY, Jacqueline. The Great Sophists in the Athens of Pericles. Paris: The pocket book, 1988.
      • GARRIC, Natalie. Introduction to pragmatics. Paris: Superior Hachette, 2007.
      • MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Approach linguistics. Paris: Points, 2009. Points essays.
      • MOESCHLER, Jacques. REBOUL, Anne. pragmatics today. Paris: Seuil, 1998. Essay points.
      • PERELMAN, Chaim. The rhetorical empire. Paris: Vrin Philosophical Library, 2000. Biblio Texts Philosophical.
      • PERNOT, Laurence. Rhetoric in Antiquity. Paris: French General Library, 2000. Paperback.
      • REBOUL, Oliver. Introduction to Rhetoric: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed . Paris: PUF, 2013. Quadriga manuals.
      • RECANATI, Francois. Performative statements: contribution to pragmatics. Paris: Midnight editions, 1986.
      • RECANATI, Francois. Transparency and enunciation: To introduce pragmatics. Paris: Seuil, 1979. The philosophical order.
      • SARFATI, Georges Elia. Accurate of pragmatics. Paris: Armand Colin, 2005.
      • SCHUWER, Martine. Pragmatics of reformulation: Types of discourse, didactic interactions. Rennes: PU reindeer, 2009. Linguistic shores.
      • SPERBER, Dan. WILSON, Deirdre. Relevance: communication and cognition. Paris: Midnight editions, 1989. Proposals.
      • TRAVERSO, Veronique. Conversation analysis. Paris: Armand Colin, 2007.

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