LACT ® - "Action for Transformation" - hereinafter "LACT", is an intervention and research center and an international training school in systemic and strategic approach, hypnosis, brief therapy and improvement of practice. LACT prepares students for careers as strategic coaches, relationship clinicians and psychotherapists. LACT offers ongoing training and supervision of their practice
The LACT school has been registered since August 2014 under the existence number N° 22 60 02867 60 with the Picardy prefecture.
The Rules of Procedure define the rules of operation, specify the regulations in terms of confidentiality and security, the rules of discipline, in particular the sanctions and the rights of students in the event of non-compliance with these rules.
It also aims to define the conditions of admission of students to training as well as the methods of evaluation and validation of training.
Its acceptance is one of the conditions of admission to the school and is applicable throughout the duration of the training and in all places where it is provided.
It contains two appendices “The conditions of use of the SYPRENE program” and “The code of ethics of LACT” which are an integral part of these Rules of Procedure and which also apply to any speaker and participant in LACT.
These conditions of admission apply to anyone wishing to register with the LACT school.
Registration steps for individual support:
1. The applicant completes the registration form(s) for the training courses in which he wishes to participate.
It provides proof of obtaining the required prerequisites. The list of these prerequisites can be consulted on the LACT website. 2. LACT, after checking the validity of the registration, gives him a training contract specifying the title, the objectives, the program, the dates of the training, the rules of procedure, as well as the terms of payment and withdrawal. and the general conditions of sale, CGV, which can be consulted on the LACT website, , for more details.
3. The applicant validates the signed training contract, the acceptance of the internal regulations, the code of ethics, the conditions of use of the SYPRENE program and the General Conditions of Sale.
4. LACT returns the confirmation of registration and will send at least 5 working days before the start of the training the invitation to the training.
5. After confirmation of registration, tuition fees are non-refundable (see Terms and Conditions).
Support by a joint body, a company or Pôle emploi:
In addition to the elements mentioned above, the following additional elements apply for students whose training is covered in whole or in part by a joint body, a company or employment center.
- After verification of the prerequisites, LACT sends a training agreement to the funding organization, accompanied by the title, objectives, program, dates of the training, and the internal regulations as well as the terms of payment, and the general conditions of sale.
- LACT undertakes to provide the funder with all the documents necessary for payment, in particular the certificates of attendance.
The prerequisites for access to each training cycle can be viewed on our center's website
The training courses offered by LACT take place either via the Internet, or on the premises of the school or in premises rented to a third party for the realization of its training courses. The address of the place and the training times are notified in the convocation. Any change is expressly notified to students by e-mail.
The methods of evaluation and validation of the training can be consulted on the website of our center They are also clearly displayed to students throughout the course.
The continuation of training and the transition from one cycle to another are subject to continuous evaluations, as well as a general evaluation at the end of each cycle. The pedagogical team reserves the right not to allow a student to continue in a higher cycle.
If a student disputes this decision, the trainers of the Pedagogical Team summon him and discuss the points of dispute. At the end of this convocation, the pedagogical team deliberates and gives the student a written document informing him of his decision and the reasons for it. If the disagreement persists, the final decision is taken by the Pedagogical Team by a majority of votes. In the event of a tie, it is the head of education who decides in the last resort.
Our courses are accessible to people with disabilities. In order to assess whether our courses can be adapted to specific personal needs, or whether it is necessary to refer to other organizations, a disability contact is available to listen to the students concerned.
Article 3: SECURITY
Access to school premises is strictly reserved for duly registered students and interns. The school staff may be asked to justify this registration.
Students may not be accompanied by any outside person without prior written permission from the school. In case of authorization, the external person must prove his identity and respect the terms of this authorization.
It is strictly forbidden to stay in the school during its closing hours.
The safety and health instructions displayed in the school or training places or communicated by those responsible for safety must be strictly observed. In any case, it is forbidden to smoke in the premises and to bring in any prohibited substances as well as any object dangerous for the safety of persons.
Any person violating these provisions may be immediately expelled from the premises without prejudice to any subsequent disciplinary sanction.
Any accident occurring during training must be declared by the injured student or by persons who witnessed the accident on the same day or at the latest within 24 hours.
The student at the time of his registration, and each time a change in his family situation makes it necessary, must indicate the identity and address of the person to be notified in the event of an accident. In the event of an accident or on the journey home/training center or occupational disease, the student must, as soon as possible and in any case within 48 hours following the stoppage if there is one, send to LACT management the medical certificate relating to the accident or illness, including in the event of a relapse.
It is forbidden to attend classes if you are not in comfortable and safe conditions. In particular, it is forbidden to attend classes while driving your vehicle.
The management of LACT declines all responsibility:
- in the event of disappearance or damage to personal objects of any kind left by students in the training premises
- in the event that the student is at home or in any other different place of a training place made available by LACT, the civil liability of LACT cannot be engaged in the event of an accident occurring before, during or after the training hours.
All students are liable for damage caused to persons or property by their activity. He must therefore provide proof of civil liability insurance.
Each student is responsible for the authenticity of the declarations, elements, and documents submitted to LACT when registering and, where applicable, throughout the training course.
In the event that the training is financed in whole or in part by a public body or by an employer, each student concerned is responsible for transmitting to LACT any attendance sheet, internship certificate and other document requested by his employer and/or his joint body, to be signed and/or validated by LACT.
LACT students undertake to respect the training schedules, to report to the secretariat and/or the trainer, any delay or absence from a course.
The training schedules are set by the organization before the start of the training and brought to the attention of the students either by invitation (postal or electronic) or when the training program is given to the student. Out of respect for the trainers and other students, it is requested to respect the start and end times of the training.
These schedules can exceptionally be modified, after an agreement between the trainers and the students, according to the needs.
It is strictly forbidden for students:
- to attend a course without having paid for it
- to abandon the training program without reason and without having informed the trainer
- to sign the attendance sheet for another student
- to to record or have recorded a course
- to use the educational documentation for purposes other than strictly personal use
- not to respect the moral and physical integrity of other students, trainers or any other person present in the premises during training.
- to publicly engage in religious proselytism or political propaganda within the school
Anyone violating the last two prohibitions may be immediately expelled from the premises without prejudice to any subsequent disciplinary sanction.
The educational documentation provided during the training sessions is protected by copyright and may not be reused other than for strictly personal use. Students have access to a Moodle training space where they can find their course materials and videos. Students are not allowed to upload the videos available in their Moodle learning space.
Each student gives free of charge the right to LACT to use on its own communication media (website, written documentation, etc.) the work that he will have carried out within the school during his training, for a period of 5 years from the completion of the said works.
Each student also gives free of charge under the same conditions of diffusion and duration the images which could have been captured of his person during internal events within the school during his schooling.
Students, future students and participants in events organized by LACT accept that the personal data collected by LACT, either from forms and questionnaires or from pre-registration files and personal accounts, are subject to computer processing intended for administrative services and members of the LACT team. These data are collected and processed for the purpose of hosting events and training organized by LACT as well as the establishment of statistics. In accordance with the "Informatique et Libertés" law of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, and the General Data Protection Regulations, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification and opposition by contacting: LACT- 17, Rue de Buci-75006 Paris- FRANCE- .
Any action considered wrongful by the management of LACT or by its representative may, depending on its nature and seriousness, be the subject of: - a
warning, a letter which will be kept in the student's personal file until at the end of his studies
- of a temporary exclusion
- of a definitive exclusion.
When the management of LACT or its representative plans to take a sanction of temporary or permanent exclusion, it sends a letter to the student setting out the reasons for the sanction envisaged, a letter to which any supporting documents for the request are attached.
This mail is delivered by hand or sent by registered AR, doubled in this case by sending by email. It includes a date of invitation to an interview which can only take place 5 working days after the date of hand-delivery or sending of the registered letter.
After the interview, during which the student's explanations are heard, the decision is taken by the management of LACT or its representative concerning the possible sanction and notified according to the same methods as the invitation to the interview.
The student may lodge an appeal against the decision with the management of LACT. The latter must, within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, indicate whether it maintains its position or whether it modifies its decision. If the decision is upheld by LACT, a possible legal action may be taken by the student against the decision taken, but this does not suspend the application of the decision.
These rules of procedure are applicable as soon as they are published on the LACT website.
It may be modified or supplemented by LACT, the modification or supplement being applicable 15 days after its publication on the website.
The two annexes below are applicable to any participant in LACT activities.
They are also applicable to students as far as they are concerned during their schooling, use of the “SYPRENE” program, and in this sense are an integral part of the internal regulations.
The “SYPRENE training” program and the “SYPRENE” or “SYPRENE Expert” program were developed by LACT, hereinafter together referred to as “the program”.
The general objective of this research program is to acquire means of self-observation and research to reinforce the effectiveness and influence of brief therapy and coaching approaches (systemic, strategic, hypnosis, family therapy, therapy solution-oriented). The program is based on the tool developed by LACT for dynamic analysis and follow-up of consultations with expert or trainees.
By participating in this research program you allow LACT to use the data you have entered for the purposes of studies, publications and research. The data is published collectively and in a non-nominative manner.
Confidentiality of data:
Acting as a student or research partner, within or on behalf of the company LACT, RCS Beauvais 802 735 290, whose head office is located at 16 Les Groux, 60240 LIANCOURT SAINT PIERRE, represented by its Director Mr Grégoire VITRY.
Recognize that in the context of the use of SYPRENE:
- I have access to particularly sensitive personal data, including medical data, of persons who have communicated them to LACT
- And that I must take all measures so that LACT is in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which guarantees the strict protection of personal data communicated by patients, hereinafter “personal data”
Consequently, I undertake to:
- Strictly reserve for my professional activity the personal data of which I have knowledge
- Not to communicate them to anyone and not to transcribe them in any file other than that of LACT
- Inform immediately the management of LACT if I knew that anyone would have had access to personal data
I am fully informed and acknowledge that any violation of the commitments mentioned above would constitute serious misconduct entitling LACT to immediately terminate any contractual relationship with me, without prejudice to any claim for damages.
The Scientific Committee:
- Validates the strategic orientations of the research program
- Sees to improving the methodological elements
- Guarantees the quality of the data produced
- Initiates the establishment of scientific partnerships with the university, medical and hospital worlds
Pre-requisites requested by Lact for stakeholders who want their qualitative and quantitative research statistics to be taken into account in the research: -
You are a doctor, therapist, practitioner, caregiver or coach who is a graduate or certified from one of the schools recognized by the scientific committee (in particular Palo-Alto school, hypnosis or family therapy)
- You have been practicing for a minimum of one year (in the case of the use of the SYPRENE research version)
- You are supervised (once a year minimum)
The resources made available to you by LACT:
You have access to the consultation management extranet site made available to the Scientific Committee for research purposes; use of this application requires access credentials. The file is declared to the CNIL ref. n°1798970 v 0,
You are part of the professional community and initially benefit from a training web-conference to familiarize yourself with the tool.
This tool allows you:
- To keep the memory of your sessions
- To ensure detailed monitoring of the content of these sessions
- To make it easier for you to monitor your interventions
- To simplify the management and note-taking of your appointments
- To measure dynamic way the effectiveness and efficiency of your interventions
- To participate in a research program
- (For the “SYPRENE expert” program) To be part of a network of active experts and as such to have the possibility to obtain visibility on the LACT website in the team section under the heading “LACT research partner”
Directory and contribution to research:
LACT has a directory accessible both on the public LACT site and on the research site.
You can apply to be included (reserved for graduates).
LACT undertakes:
- Before any use, to inform you of the use of your data
- To collect your opinions and possible observations, in particular during monthly meetings
- To guarantee that the data published in the context of publishing global statistics will be anonymous
- To keep you regularly informed of the progress of the research
- Not to use the information collected for commercial purposes in any form whatsoever
- To allow you to save, if you wish, your patients' information completely anonymously
You agree to:
- Have your contacts' information sheet completed and signed from the first session.
- Highlight the Lact research partnership in your communication tools (website, brochure, etc.)
- Codify all of your patients' and clients' sessions;
these data are the property of Lact indefinitely for study and publication purposes. Data entered by other partners is not accessible to you. - Only for the "SYPRENE expert" program: Participate in monthly SYPRENE web meetings to share experience and encoding between research partners (1 hour per month)
Entry into force of your agreement
The commitments mentioned above are applicable from the start of your use of the program and are materialized by your signature at the bottom of this document with the mention "good for agreement" for practitioners and by the acceptance of the rules of procedure for students.
In the event of non-compliance with the commitments, LACT may terminate your use of the program.
This decision will be taken according to the procedures stipulated in article 8 of the school's internal regulations for the exclusion of a student.
This code aims to formulate ethical reference points as a process of support for an individual, a team, an organization within the framework of methods of brief systemic therapy, family therapy, coaching.
This code of ethics is therefore the expression of an ethical reflection; these are general principles. Their practical application requires a capacity for discernment.
The code of ethics specific to each profession (doctor, psychologist, sophrologist, etc.) retains all its primacy. The following will supplement it in the event of clauses not addressed.
It is to differentiate here the title of practitioner from that of psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist (with regard to the legislation in force).
As part of his professional practice, the practitioner is advised to take out civil liability insurance.
1. Competences and limits
The practitioner has guaranteed that his level of expertise and knowledge allows him to meet the needs of the client/patient. A minimum of 300 hours of training and 50 hours of practice is required.
If he does not have the skills required for the follow-up of the person who consults him, he must refer him to another practitioner or therapist who is more competent in the field.
With the prior agreement of the patient/client and within the framework of a good follow-up of the intervention, the practitioner can get in touch with the health professionals (psychiatrists, doctors, etc.) who follow his patient/client.
If the situation requires it, good collaboration between the different service providers in the helping relationship and health professionals is essential. The practitioner undertakes not to suggest any modification of medication unless he is a doctor.
The practitioner cannot decide to substitute monitoring for medical treatment, nor encourage his patient to do so. He informs him that the approach in which he is trained is complementary.
He undertakes to act in accordance with this code of ethics and the standards that may result from it.
He undertakes to constantly improve his level of competence by regularly following appropriate training courses and by participating in activities organized by the profession.
He maintains a relationship with a quality supervisor allowing him to regularly assess his skills and ensure their development.
The supervisor is required to respect the confidentiality referred to in this code.
2. Background
The practitioner:
- undertakes to ensure that the relationship reflects the context in which the intervention takes place,
- ensures that the expectations of the client/patient and of any sponsor are taken into account and, where applicable, that the client/patient and the sponsor have themselves clearly understood the expectations,
- aims to create an environment conducive to the success of the intervention.
3. Professional secrecy
Each trained practitioner is bound by professional secrecy. It undertakes to respect the privacy, confidentiality and anonymity of the people who consult it. All practitioners, whatever their basic profession, fall under the scope of the law as soon as they accompany a person requesting care.
This duty of confidentiality also applies in the context of Intervision, supervision or discussion of cases between students, whether during meetings or exchanges on the Internet. No personal data will be disclosed and only information relevant to the therapeutic objective will be shared with practitioners who are also subject to professional secrecy.
Any new LACT student, as well as any confirmed professional, wishing to benefit from the online intervision/supervision group must comply with the Rules of Procedure*.
In all cases, only the formal agreement of the client/patient allows, within the framework of an added value of therapeutic follow-up or intervention, to share information concerning him with other practitioners.
It is advisable for the practitioner to display, in a visible way for his patients, the right of the patient/client to oppose the supervision of the therapeutic work done with him.
The personal details collected within the framework of the therapeutic activity cannot be used and/or resold for advertising or marketing purposes, except with the prior consent of the interested parties.
The practitioner:
- respects the appropriate and agreed level of confidentiality at the start of the relationship,
- only discloses information after the express written consent of the client/patient,
- acts within the legal framework and does not in any way encourage dishonest conduct , unfair, unprofessional or discriminatory, nor does it provide assistance or support to persons engaged in practices of this nature.
4. Professionalism
The practitioner:
- responds to the needs of his client/patient in terms of improving the situation he has led him to consult,
- does not exploit the client/patient in any way, neither financially, nor sexually, nor professionally within the framework of the established relationship, this list not being exhaustive,
- ensures that the duration of the intervention does not exceed the time necessary for the client / patient / sponsor,
- undertakes to respect its professional responsibilities even when the intervention is over.
This includes:
- respecting the agreed confidentiality for all information related to clients/patients and any sponsors,
- not exploiting the relationship that has existed,
- providing any follow-up on which the parties have agreed ,
- keeping all related documents and information in a safe place,
- respecting the different brief therapy and coaching approaches and vis-à-vis other professionals,
- absolute discretion on the statement of work and opinions of third parties claiming them as his own,
- ensure that any claims of professional skills, qualifications or accreditations are clearly and precisely explained to potential clients and that it is not expressly or implicitly mentions any erroneous or misleading reference in any printed document.
5. Training / Supervision
Any student of LACT, as soon as he practices the model taught by LACT, undertakes to regularly maintain his level of theoretical and practical knowledge by enrolling in a process of continuous training through intervision, supervision, auto SYPRENE observation, themed and deepening day, proposed or supported by LACT.
Only students who have actually obtained, or renewed, their certification with LACT during the last two years can claim and announce that they are certified by LACT.
6. Teaching received at LACT
The practitioner using the training content of LACT, and/or wishing to use the teaching received in our center, whether for educational, (in)formative or advertising purposes (sites, blogs, business cards, flyers, etc. ), undertakes to mention the tool used, and to do so in these terms:
LACT Model or Relationship Clinic or LACT Hypnosis or SYPRENE Practice Qualification
All syllabi and course materials provided to LACT students, as well as course recordings (audio or video), PowerPoint slideshows or any other tool made available to students, may only be used for learning purposes. strictly personal. Any other use of these requires the prior agreement of LACT. If authorized, their source will be mentioned (author + LACT)
During class sessions, no recording (audio or video) of therapeutic exercises, whether between students or with demonstration subjects, is permitted.
Confidentiality and respect for the patient or student are also essential here.
In the event of non-compliance with the provisions of this Code of Ethics, LACT may either issue a warning, or in the event of a serious violation, pronounce the exclusion of LACT and the groups associated with it.
This decision will be taken according to the procedures stipulated in article 8 of the school's internal regulations for a warning or exclusion of a student.
APPENDIX 3: Charter for the use of WhatsApp groups
Student delegates : he is responsible for representing the students of the promotion in relations with the management, the teaching team and the school referent of the promotion. He answers in first intention to the questions of the students on their schooling.
School referent : he is part of the LACT team and administers the WhatsApp group, he is responsible, in conjunction with the student delegate, for: -
Ensuring compliance with this charter,
- Answering any questions from students concerning their schooling and /or send it to the school administration, if necessary.
- To delete content that does not comply with this charter and/or is contrary to public order, morality or does not respect the rights of individuals.
The students : they bring this network to life through constructive exchanges and sharing of the knowledge provided by the school and the acquisition of new skills.
b. The principles of using WhatsApp LACT group:
As part of its approach to improving the support and satisfaction of the school's students, LACT creates WhatsApp groups that bring together students from the same class.
It is a place of enrichment, sharing and co-construction around the knowledge provided throughout the training.
The objective of the WhatsApp groups is to allow the sharing of practical elements relating to the courses and to facilitate the progress of the students in the acquisition of new skills, with respect for everyone and the conviviality of the spaces for exchange.
In order to circumscribe the objective of these groups and to respect the vocation defined by LACT, each participant commits to the following principles:
1. Share practical elements relating to the courses given and promote the progress of students in the acquisition new skills, with respect for everyone, and in the conviviality inherent in these spaces of exchange.
2. Before submitting content, check that it is in the interest of the majority of the group and is in line with the vocation of the group.
3. If it is an individual and/or personal question, remember to contact your student delegates and/or the school contact persons directly:
Elisabetta and Valentina: questions relating to the school,
Claire: questions relating to registrations
4. Each publication of content within the group must respect all the members in order to preserve the cohesion of the group.
5. Avoid over-posting, especially if someone is unresponsive or not responding quickly enough.
Not all participants are required to respond and referees do their best to take into account what concerns them. 6. In case of difficulty and before any complaint, it is better to share your thoughts/questions with your delegate or your school referent.
7. Any violent content likely to offend sensitivities, any information that could harm the cohesion of the group, any denigration, any defamation, any racist or commercial remarks is prohibited and can be deleted at any time by the referent.
8. Any student who wishes to leave the group can do so at any time.
9. Any breach of this charter may lead to immediate exclusion from the group on the sole decision of the school referent or the school itself.
Welcome to the WhatsApp group of your LACT promotion!