Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

 01 48 07 40 40  | 

      Become a professional coach in strategic systemic approach



      August 28, 2024
      from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

      MEET US

      Come and discover our training courses in strategic systemic approach, hypnosis and systemic coaching. You will meet the trainers and be able to talk with them!


      Your needs/interests*

      I agree to be contacted by email or telephone. The data collected by LACT from this form is collected and processed for the purpose of hosting the event and establishing statistics. The data can be used by LACT team members. Data collection is mandatory in order to participate in an event. In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, and the General Data Protection Regulations, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification and opposition by contacting: LACT - 16 les Groux 60240 LIANCOURT SAINT PIERRE, France,

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      slidersmslider mobile open doors 04032024

      Boost your career as a professional coach: master the systemic method with 88% success in conflict resolution!

      Dive into the heart of the strategic systemic method, an avant-garde approach proven by our research to transform conflict management at work. Our unique training is aimed at future coaches wishing to distinguish themselves in the professional field with cutting-edge skills. Our pioneering study reveals an impressive 88% success rate in less than 6 months and 6 appointments in effectively resolving conflict, marking a major turning point in improving well-being and restoring trust within teams.

      To learn more about search results: click here

      A revolutionary process-centric approach: differentiate yourself from traditional coaches

      By choosing to train with us, you gain access to innovative tools and techniques that will allow you to immediately apply what you learn and generate lasting positive changes. This is an invaluable opportunity for those who aspire to become recognized systemic coaches, capable of fostering a healthy and productive work environment. Join us at LACT and become the catalyst for change in the business world. Transform and enrich your approach to coaching by opening the door to broad possibilities for professional and personal development.

      In partnership with

      TRAINING COURSE 2024/2025

      Systemic Coach Diploma

      Price for individuals: €7,200

      In 24 monthly payments without commitment

      Year 1


      Prerequisites : BAC level with or without
      coaching or management
      Start of courses : October 1, 2024
      Price of training : €7,200
      (special rate excluding special offer)

      167 hours of lessons
      167 hours of personal work approximately
      3 individual supervisions

      systemic coaching certificate
      foundation level

      TRAINING COURSE 2023/2024


      foundation level

      level with clinical practice

      153 hours of lessons
      3 individual supervisions of 45 minutes
      150 hours of personal work approximately

      Systemic Coach
      Certificate Foundations Level

      To find out the prices, select the training that interests you





      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      clinical experience


      Bac +3

      clinical experience

      Bac +5

      clinical practice


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      teaching experience

      Bac +3

      teaching experience


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      coaching experience



      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      clinical experience


      Bac +3

      clinical experience

      Bac +5

      clinical practice


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      coaching experience


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      teaching experience

      Bac +3

      teaching experience


      Frequently Asked Questions


      • online training can I integrate without clinical practice?

      Our training courses accessible with a Bac level, without clinical experience are as follows:

       Our training courses accessible with a Bac+3 in the field of health with clinical experience.

      Accessible training with a Bac+4/5 health professional with confirmed clinical experience.

      For any registration, an interview may be proposed with Mr. Vitry Grégoire, Director of Lact, during which your professional background, your motivations and your project will be evaluated, in order to validate or not your application file. 

      • What are the differences between the DU Clinic of the relationship and strategic intervention and the LEVEL 1 foundations of the school?
        There is little difference between LEVEL 1 in systemic approach and DU

      Several modules are common core except:
      - The “Strategic Communication” module proposed in LEVEL 1, replaced by the “Internship and tutoring” module, just like the “improvement of practice” module replaced by the “emotional regulation” course.
      Of course, you have the possibility to register for the modules if you wish. You will be asked to validate them if you then wish to join LEVEL 2 of the school. - The collective supervision module for which you have a specific supervisor.
      - A practical internship of 147 hours and the defense of a dissertation is required to validate the DU

      • What are the prerequisites for joining the school and the DU?
        The "Relationship Clinic and Strategic Intervention" DU is open to professionals from the clinical or social world who wish to obtain University recognition.

        It is necessary to hold a BAC + 3 and clinical experience in helping relationships. With regard to the course of the school in strategic systemic approach:
        - Foundations level: Bac level.
        - Practical Level: You must have validated the foundations level.
        - Advanced level: You must have validated the foundation and practical levels.

      • Is it possible to assert systemic equivalences?
        Requests for equivalence are made on file with an interview.

      • What are the conditions for obtaining certification and validating the years?
        Foundations level:
        - have followed 75% of the live sessions and obtained the minimum mark of 7.5/10 for all the tests and 6/10 for the homework for the year.
        - have followed the 3 hours of individual supervision and validate the duty of follow-up.
        - present a case in collective supervision and validate the duty of supervision.

        Practical level:
        - have followed 75% of the live sessions and obtained the minimum mark of 7.5/10 for all the tests and 6/10 for the homework of the year.
        - justify a practice of 10 hours of intervention.
        - have validated the 3 hours of individual supervision and validate the duty of follow-up.
        - present a case in collective supervision and validate the duty of supervision.

        Level Perfection of the “Clinician of the relationship” training course (generalist or clinical course)
        - have followed 75% of the live sessions and obtained the minimum score of 7.5/10 for all the tests and 6/10 for the homework for the year.
        - justify a practice of 50 hours of intervention.
        - have validated the 3 hours of individual supervision and validate the duty of follow-up.
        - present a case in collective supervision and validate the duty of supervision.
        - carry out a 147-hour internship which will be the subject of a dissertation in which your appropriation of the systemic and strategic model and your implementation in the field will be assessed.

      • What recognition of the diploma issued at the end of the strategic systemic training course?
        At the end of the 3 years of the course of strategic systemic training, you will be awarded the diploma "Systemician - Clinician of the relationship".

        Certain courses may be subject to a University certificate.
      • Is this training suitable for coaches?
        Certain training courses (generalist, systemic coach or systemic management and coaching) perfectly concern coaches.

        It will allow you overall to acquire a systemic reading in your fields of intervention and more specifically to learn how to analyze the context of the change project, to recognize and manage the different types of resistance to change and to develop resilience at work, in particular with the business path.
      • Can we follow only the business modules?
        You can follow the company modules separately.

        However, this does not give you access to the Systemic Coach diploma. This diploma is issued to you after having obtained at least the certification of levels 1 and 2 and/or 3, and of the business modules to which you have access throughout the duration of your training.
      • I am currently HRD and I want to train in psychotherapy to better support my employees.
        Can I join the school? The training course is open to managers, HRDs, or for those who work in HR departments, social relations or training.
        You will learn to recognize the dynamics that lead to and fuel the individual or collective problems that you may encounter in your business life (burn-out, harassment, relationship problems, organizational change) and learn to quickly find effective and lasting solutions. Thanks to its methodology, you will also develop strategic skills to better intervene in the field of business or within an institution. You can also more specifically integrate our relationship management training which allows you to deploy your resources to improve your professional performance but also to better understand the relationship and psychological issues. All our training courses are provided by specialized international trainers from the world of business and university.
      • I cannot fully commit myself due to scheduling and/or budget constraints.
        What are my possibilities? It is entirely possible for you at first to follow only a few à la carte modules to meet your needs without committing to the full year.
        A 30% discount will be granted to you from an amount of 3,000 euros. You can also complete the Practical Year and the Relationship Clinician Development Year in 2 years.
      • If I want to test a few modules before committing to the year, is that possible?
        You can completely follow individual modules before registering for the year. In this case, the modules you have taken may be deducted from the annual price, for registration during the year.
      • What are we asked for as an internship?
        It is a practical and/or observation internship, which you can do for example in a center, a firm, an association, or an institution according to your profile and which allows you to deploy your learning.
        From the 2nd and 3rd year, you are asked to practice. If you already practice, it is possible to integrate your own practice into your internship but you will be asked, as far as possible, to devote time from your practice to the application of the model in order to produce work related to your training.


      • Can your training be financed through the CPF or otherwise with the employer?
        You have the option of applying for funding directly from your employer.
        To date, it is possible to obtain funding via your CPF for the "create your own business" training.

      • I am a job seeker, is it possible to apply for funding from Pôle Emploi?
        You have the possibility to apply for funding from Pôle Emploi, via the KAIROS platform, for this you can contact Leila by email:

      • Can we pay in several installments?
        You can pay in 3 installments (with
        50 € administration fee ) or in 10 installments (with 150 €) directly on our site when you register.


      Funding arrangementsPersons concerned
      Personal financing in 1 installment, 3 installments + €50 application fee,
      10 installments + €150 application fee
      Anyone wishing to register for LACT training
      Company-HR Department (via attached OPCO) company employee
      CPF via Employee, job seeker, liberal profession, business manager
      Pôle Emploi (via KAIROS)
      Regional councils
      Job seeker
      FIFPL (liberal prof. excluding doctors), FAF-PM and ANDPC (doctors), AGEFICE (entrepreneur), FAFCEA (craftsman, merchant) Liberal profession, business manager, auto entrepreneur
      (in addition to or instead of the CPF)
      The skills development plan Employee and civil servant
      (large company and administration)
      Agefiph Person with a disability
      CSP (Professional Security Contract) Employee in situation of economic redundancy


      • How is the remote practice going?
        All classes take place via the ZOOM platform which offers the possibility of creating different spaces/rooms to offer you group work (regardless of the size of the group). In this, it is very easy for us, logistically, to organize these practice times.
      • How to connect to the courses?
        To connect to the lessons, you must have a good internet connection and in the event of an unstable connection, you can do so by telephone, while following the videoconference.
      • Is it compulsory to be present for the lessons?
        The training is in web-face-to-face, so you are asked to be present at the lessons.
        However, we exceptionally accept a few absences (while recalling that one of the module validation criteria is an attendance time of 75%). Although this training takes place only online, we have interaction at heart, because practice is a central point in learning and these face-to-face sharing times allow us to set up an interactional and experiential dynamic. Experience is essential to learning.
      • Is all of the training taking place remotely?
        The entire training takes place remotely but you have the possibility of carrying out your hours of individual supervision in Paris in person. New for 2023: We are setting up the possibility of taking some face-to-face courses (limited number of places).
      • How do we access course content?
        You have access to the video recording, the slides, the bibliography, an exchange forum and all the knowledge tests for the validation of your modules by logging into your Moodle account. This account is accessible throughout the duration of your registration at the school.
      • Are all the courses in French?
        Some courses are in Italian or English simultaneously translated into French.

      What is strategic systemic coaching in business?

      It is the implementation by a systemic coach of an intervention methodology, called systemic and strategic, resulting from the founding work of the Palo Alto School and the essential contributions of Milton Erickson on change strategies, in the service of individual or collective issues that emerge in the interactional complexity of work organizations.
      The intervention methodology of the strategic systemic coach is: 
      • systemic in the sense that it takes into account any situation in its entirety and is interested in the many interactions that are woven into it (in the environment of the individual(s) with whom it intervenes, within a team, a service or between the services of the same organization)


      • strategic , in the sense that it takes into account both individual and collective and/or organizational resources and limits to help the system get out of problematic situations in an effective and accessible way and to develop alternative operating resources that respect the ecology and the productive balance of the organization.
      Strategic systemic coaching can be requested and implemented to support individuals or teams in difficulty in their relationship with themselves, with others or with their work environment: burn-out, harassment, depression, conflicts between two individuals, within a team, between several departments of an organization, etc.

      Strategic systemic coaching, heritage of the School of Palo Alto and Milton Erickson

      The founders of the School of Palo Alto sought to implement effective interventions to relieve the individual of suffering that emerges from his connection with his context (with himself, others, the world). They focused on mental health issues within families, developing a systemic vision of the functioning of the human organization that is the family, combining it with strategic intervention tools from the work of Milton Erickson on strategies for change.  
      In doing so, they have cleared knowledge and expertise conducive to supporting and helping any human person or organization (family, institution, organization, administration), to transform their way of functioning to achieve a goal of relief or development. 
      Applied in the business world, it makes it possible to address and resolve situations in which individuals or teams are in difficulty in their relationship with themselves, with others or with the world or the environment: burn-out, harassment, depression, conflicts between two individuals, within a team, between several departments of an organization, etc.

      Strategic systemic coaching, quality improvement at work (QVT) and performance science

      From a systemic perspective, a healthy work organization, like any human organizational system, is a system capable of changing its own operating rules to resolve the difficulties that arise and/or develop its own resources to best adapt to the constraints of the environment in which it is involved. 
      Strategic systemic coaching addresses health and quality of life at work from a biopsychosocial perspective and takes into account, to better act on it strategically, functional rules, social rules and relational rules that frame all the interactions of the system.
      Using a problem solving methodology and strategic communication tools, strategic systemic coaching aims to set up an intervention that will produce measurable efficient results. 

      Giorgo Nardone describes strategic systemic coaching ( councelling ) as a true science of performance because it makes it possible to achieve objectives thanks to a rigorous and effective methodology over time and at a lower cost.

      Systemic strategic coaching, science of performance

      Any systemic coaching intervention, whether problem-oriented or solution-oriented, includes the formalization of a SMART objective, negotiated with its beneficiary or beneficiaries. 

      Working on a change objective that is concrete, current, dynamic and interactional necessarily directs the system coaching intervention towards the search for effectiveness and efficiency (being effective as quickly as possible).

      The performance of systemic coaching is thus measured scientifically within the framework of global research (SYPRENE) aimed at measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategic systemic approach in the clinical and professional fields. 

      To find out more: " What perceived efficiency of the Palo Alto School's systemic intervention approach for resolving occupational health issues? " Authors: Damien Richard, Grégoire Vitry, Audrey Becuwe

      Systemic coaching or the construction of a new reality

      Strategic systemic coaching or the construction of a new reality

      Systemic coaching is part of a systemic approach seeing reality as a creation of our mind. Watzlawick (1976) thus proposes two levels of reality: first-order reality , which corresponds to what we perceive directly from our senses; a kind of “raw reality” (eg: 1. “the raw material order was not placed within the expected time” or 2. “the marketing director arrived at 9:30 a.m. at the Codir, which starts at 9:00 a.m.”) and the second-order reality that corresponds to the universe of meanings that we give to things or events  . The second-order reality would constitute a kind of filter that the observer would come to deposit on the first-order reality (eg: 1. “nothing is going well in our organization” or 2. “the marketing director is a dilettante, he doesn't care about us!”).

      In the constructivist model, the reality of the observer is a reconstruction of reality. In this constructivist vision, the strategic systemic coach considers that there is no good or bad decoding of reality but rather decodings which help us and which allow us to develop our potential and others which block us or limit us. It is therefore useless to seek to find what is true or false but rather what is beneficial and which works.

      It is on the second-order reality that the coaches work by reframing and implementing appropriate and targeted intervention strategies. They will help their client reshape their reality so that they can optimally move towards achieving their goals.

      Systemic strategic coaching, for which profession?

      The practice of systemic coaching is accessible to all professionals in the business of supporting companies and their managers, whether they are already certified coaches in practice or in professional retraining with plans to become one.

      Training in systemic coaching makes it possible to exercise the activity of systemic coach, able to support individual changes and complex transformations of companies (unblock situations in crisis or permanently encysted: burn-out, harassment, conflicts, etc.) and support individually or collectively teams to find winning strategies to achieve defined objectives (merger of teams, growth crises of a team, evolution of operating standards for a production system, etc.)

      Where to train in strategic systemic coaching

      Diploma Systemic Strategic Coach

      LACT offers online strategic system coaching training This training makes it possible to acquire the operating processes of complex professional ecosystems ( companies, organization, administration, association, etc. ) and to better calibrate strategic communication and relational leadership.

      The course is made up of 2 cycles: the Foundations and the Practical

      The first cycle on the foundations of the systemic approach makes it possible to apprehend - in common core with the training in systemic approach - the foundations of the approach , the Problem Solving , the practice of the systemic grid, the strategic communication , the improvement of practice .

      The second year is practical oriented with an introduction to Strategic Dialogue , how to Mobilize the strengths of the individual , the Prescription of tasks , the role of emotions , Solution-oriented intervention , Intervention under duress , Patterns of authority .

      A 147-hour internship and a dissertation formalizing a practical case of intervention (individual and/or collective) completes this second year.

      Also to discover

      Master's degree in Systemic Management

      LACT course (adaptable over 3 years or by teaching module) to acquire the fundamental theoretical lessons of strategic problem solving and the Palo Alto approach as well as practical lessons on the implementation of these techniques in collective workshops.

      A course in partnership with the Management and Occupational Health Chair intended for managers, stakeholders in QVT and RPS prevention groups, stakeholders involved in the management of pathogenic situations to regain control over a crisis situation and restore a quality balance ( occupational doctor, HR manager, managers, management).

      Contact our team


      Consultation Paris
      9, rue Française - 75002

      500 Remaining characters

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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