Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      2024 - 1st EDITION
      July 23 and 25


      2 half-days of congresses, training courses and certifying workshops which bring together psychologists, doctors, philosophers, researchers and therapists in brief therapies, family therapy, hypnosis, NLP, systemic and strategic approach. 

      Gerard OSTERMANN

      Professor of therapeutics option Internal medicine. Specialist in cardiology and angiology. Graduated in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacology. Psychotherapist-Analyst. Specialist in addictive behaviors, anorexia and the management of pain and trauma.


      July 23 and 25


      Session details

      July 23 and 25, 2024

      from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

      The program

      Title: At the heart of emotional systems

      “The heart has its reasons that reason ignores” – Pascal

      The place of emotions in relation to reasoning has animated many philosophical debates opposing the idea of ​​a reason which must master the emotions according to Plato, René Descartes or Emmanuel Kant, to a reason "slave of the passions" according to the British thinkers of the era of Enlightenment, notably David Hume. What about today ? What is the place of emotions in a systemic reading? Today, neuroscience deciphers emotion as an instrument that prepares us for action to rediscover the life experience to which we are accustomed. But can we really manage our emotions? Can cognition and intellect really allow us to go beyond emotion?  

      Program for July 23, 2024

      Claude de Scorraille will present the place of emotions in a systemic reading of mental health, as well as the CESAME questioning guide taught in the LACT courses distinguishing the fields of perceptions (Cognitive, Emotional, Somatic, with Others, the World and the Environment) in strategic interventions. 

      Grégoire Vitry will decode the role of emotions in systemic practice based on the latest results of the SYPRENE practice and research network, to understand the link between emotions and psychological disorders. 

      Gérard Ostermann will return to the nature of emotions and how they are constructed and resonate with our past and the first exchanges with our attachment figures, because it is not the words that cause illness, but the emotional weight that these convey. words. 

      Finally, Nathalie Duriez will present a model of family therapy focused on emotional regulation.

      Program for July 25, 2024

      Two workshops will take place in parallel: 

      1. Clinical Workshop: Claudette Portelli and Matteo Papantuono will present the treatment of children and adolescents with the 4 basic sensations. 
      2. “SOS Emotions” Participatory Workshop: Join us for a one-of-a-kind interactive workshop, designed for therapy, coaching, education or business professionals and for any patient/client interested in managing emotions. emotions. 

      Speakers July 23

      Tuesday July 23, 2024 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.



       Gregoire VITRY

      Claude de SCORRAILLE

      3:00 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

      Psychologist, psychotherapist and co-founder of LACT of which she is president. She directs the OCD and Anxiety Disorders Clinic in partnership with the European center the OCD Clinic. She teaches and trains via the web at the relationship clinic at the LACT international school. Within the CSAPA in Montreuil, she has a consultation specializing in addiction disorders. She is co-author of several books and regularly gives conferences.

      CESAME introductory conferences with Grégoire VITRY

       Gregoire VITRY

      Gregoire VITRY


      Doctor-researcher in psychology, graduated from the Palo Alto school, he has worked for several years with Giorgio Nardone, Nathalie Duriez, Michael Hoyt, Teresa Garcia, Jean-Jacques Wittezaele, Wendel Ray and the MRI in order to promote research and training in systemic approach. Since 2016, he has been developing SYPRENE a PRN network (Thurin et al., 2012) using a systemic approach, allowing in particular to improve his practice in close collaboration with the academic world. He is also in charge of the LACT international school and the International Webinar Brief Therapy congress.

      He also graduated from EM Lyon and has a master's degree in Applied Mathematics.

      Publication director: “Understanding and treating addictions” and “Getting out of addiction? Or de-addiction”, Co-author “When work hurts” and “Strategies for change, 16 therapeutic prescriptions”.

      CESAME intro conferences with Claude de SCORRAILLE

       Gregoire VITRY

      Gerard OSTERMANN


      3:20 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.

      Professor of therapeutics option Internal medicine. Specialist in cardiology and angiology. Graduated in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacology. Psychotherapist-Analyst. Specialist in addictive behaviors, anorexia and the management of pain and trauma.

      Conference: “Emoi...and Me... Emoi… EMOTIONS or VARIABLE CONSTANTS”

      The so-called control of emotions
      “You cannot cage the wind,” says the proverb.

      Neuroscience shows us today that emotion is there to prepare us for action and rediscover the life experience that lies behind it. The widespread, even overused, term "emotion management" highlights a confusion... Indeed, rather than "management" which gives the cognitive a primordial place, it seems fairer to us to learn to distinguish among the emotions that we let us feel, those that are specific to us and those that we felt in the first exchanges with our attachment figures. It's not the words that cause illness, it's the emotional weight that these words carry.

      Understanding and welcoming emotions

      • Our emotions are reflex reactions that cannot be discussed
      • They do not depend directly on the events that trigger them but on our way of evaluating these events.
      • They are part of our body
      • Our emotions, even unpleasant ones, are useful
      • They tell us about unsatisfied fundamental needs or desires
      • Learning to welcome and decode them is the first grade of emotional intelligence

      Secure attachment, a powerful emotional regulator

      Emotional regulation strategies will therefore mainly use bodily feelings as a lever to promote relational autonomy. In any therapy, the relationship with others, the relationship with the world and the relationship with oneself are the three dimensions which make it possible to account for the subject's experience.

       Gregoire VITRY

      Nathalie DURIEZ

      3:40 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

      Professor of clinical psychology at the University of Paris 8, she is responsible for the Master 1 in clinical psychology at a distance from the University of Paris 8 and of 3 university degrees: 

      o the DFSSU “Family clinic and systemic practices”,

      o the DESU “Take care of addictions”,

      o DU “Relationship Clinic and Strategic Intervention”.

      Affiliated with the Psychopathology and Change Processes Laboratory, her research and publications focus on family therapy, processes of change and resilience, emotional regulation, addictions, hyperstimulability and reversal theory. In 2009, she published a book with Erès, Changer en famille. Moderators and mediators of change in family therapy.   

      She works as a family therapist at CSAPA Monceau in Paris and develops in her practice a model of family therapy centered on emotional regulation. She is also a trainer in the systemic approach and family therapy.

      Conference: “Emotions and emotional regulation: the contribution of affective neuroscience”

      Families are emotional systems and the emotions that run through each member of the family influence the attempts at solution put in place by each. The therapist who comes into contact with a family will be emotionally affected. To help the family, however, he must maintain a differentiated position which will result in a way of regulating the emotions that arise in the session, different from that of the family.  

      During this communication, in order to better understand these emotions that arise in meetings with families, we will present recent work in the field of affective neuroscience. This work has highlighted the importance of the period from conception to 2 years, which therefore includes intrauterine development during which the development of the little human is particularly sensitive and responsive to the quality of care he receives. receives, especially with regard to essential functions, such as emotion regulation and stress response.  

      They also shed new light on the links between emotions and memory (Edelman), the role of emotions in interpersonal relationships and the development of the self (Siegel, Schore), in neuroception (Porges) and in the construction of stories. (Byng Hall). We will show how these theories guide us in working with families using a clinical example.

      4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.



      Speakers July 25

      Thursday July 25, 2024 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.



       Gregoire VITRY

      Gregoire VITRY

      3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

      Doctor-researcher in psychology, graduated from the Palo Alto school, he has worked for several years with Giorgio Nardone, Nathalie Duriez, Michael Hoyt, Teresa Garcia, Jean-Jacques Wittezaele, Wendel Ray and the MRI in order to promote research and training in systemic approach. Since 2016, he has been developing SYPRENE a PRN network (Thurin et al., 2012) using a systemic approach, allowing in particular to improve his practice in close collaboration with the academic world. He is also in charge of the LACT international school and the International Webinar Brief Therapy congress.

      He also graduated from EM Lyon and has a master's degree in Applied Mathematics.

      Publication director: “Understanding and treating addictions” and “Getting out of addiction? Or de-addiction”, Co-author “When work hurts” and “Strategies for change, 16 therapeutic prescriptions”.

      Welcome and introduction

       Gregoire VITRY

      Claudette PORTELLI


      3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Clinical Workshop

      PhD in Psychology, CTS psychologist, trainer and coach (Italy - Malta). Author of "Knowledge through change", " Obsessions, compulsions, manias: understand them and overcome them quickly" and "Le nuove dipendenze".

      Conference: “Caring for children and adolescents with the 4 basic sensations”

      This seminar aims to offer a new look at the difficulties of school-age children: a systemic and strategic approach. Its main objective is to provide participants with knowledge and operational tools for effective and efficient management of the difficulties of children and adolescents. This is a rigorous method, but not a single, rigid method. This approach can be applied to understand and intervene effectively and efficiently, in order to prevent children's difficulties from turning into problems and, eventually, pathologies. This seminar aims to present:

      • A new look at school-age children and adolescents: a systemic and strategic approach.
      • Removing the label: from a descriptive/nosographic point of view to operational knowledge.
      • Basic Dominant Sensations/Emotions: Develop the ability to identify difficulties based on fear, anger, pleasure, and pain in school-aged children and adolescents.
      • When common sense fails: Non-ordinary interventions to create corrective emotional experiences.

      This seminar aims to provide participants with operational tools and knowledge, which are the result of a three-year action research carried out with teachers, educators, counselors, psychologists and general practitioners in Malta, Ireland and in Italy, which was published in the original text Winning without fighting (2014), now also available in French: Vaincre sans combat (2019) Enrick B. EDITIONS. 

      Tools that are reproducible, transferable and adaptable to different social and ethnic contexts.

       Gregoire VITRY

      Matteo PAPANTUONO


      With Claudette PORTELLI

      Clinical and community psychologist graduated from the University of Urbino. Psychotherapist specializing in brief strategic therapy, school founded by Paul Watzlawick and Giorgio Nardone. Specialized in the treatment and training of difficult children and adolescents at the University of Florence. Qualified by MIUR to teach psychology and human sciences. Doctor in Educational and Developmental Psychology from the University of Macerata.

      Director of the Italian branch of "TheOCDClinic", a center specialized in the treatment of obsessions-compulsives and addictions.

      Trainer, permanent lecturer and contract lecturer at the University of Macerata, Dublin City University and the Malta Institute of Education.

      Conference: “Caring for children and adolescents with the 4 basic sensations”

       Gregoire VITRY

      Barbara LIANO

      3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Participatory Workshop

      After a first professional life founding and managing companies in the field of culture, she moved away from management to favor work over relationships. Her encounter with Systemics allows her to use her experience as a manager to support teams and organizations losing fluidity. Speaker and systemic therapist, she works both individually in her office and with leaders and managers in organizations.

      Conference: “Deciphering and resolving emotional issues with the systemic approach”

      Join us for a one-of-a-kind interactive workshop designed for therapy professionals, coaching professionals, and anyone interested in managing emotions. This workshop offers you the opportunity to work directly on an emotional issue, whether for yourself or for one of your patients.

      Workshop objectives:

      1. Learning by doing: Each participant is invited to present a specific emotional problem. Through practical exercises and guided discussions, you will learn to use problem-solving techniques from the systems approach.
      2. Collaborative Approach: By promoting collective intelligence, we will work together to identify effective and sustainable solutions. You will benefit from the diverse expertise and perspectives of your peers.
      3. Systemic Methodology: Discover and apply the collective intervention methodology of problem solving developed by LACT, a structured and scientifically validated approach to treating dysfunctional habits and emotional ambivalences.

      Why Participate?

      • Professional Development: Enrich your skills with proven emotional problem-solving techniques, adapted to various therapeutic and coaching contexts.
      • Networking: Connect with other professionals who share similar interests and concerns.
      • Concrete results: Leave with concrete strategies that you can immediately put into practice in your daily work.

      Methodology used: Our systemic approach is based on a detailed analysis of dysfunctional habits (or attempted solutions) already implemented and on the exploration of the relational dynamics at play. This method makes it possible to target interventions precisely and effectively, taking into account the complex interactions within individual and collective systems​ ( LACT ).

      We look forward to welcoming you to this space for reflection and collaborative learning!

      For more details on the collective intervention methodology of problem solving, you can consult the complete presentation on the LACT website here .

       Gregoire VITRY

      Olivier BROSSEAU

      With Barbara LIANO

      Therapist, coach, supervisor and trainer in strategic systemic approach, associated with LACT. He teaches at the IAE of Paris within the Master of Administrations and Companies the module "Organizations and behaviors".

      Conference: “Deciphering and resolving emotional issues with the systemic approach”

      During conferences




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      International trainers

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      Student satisfaction

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      International partnerships

      Qualiopi certificate

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      International trainers

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      Student satisfaction

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      International partnerships

      Qualiopi certificate

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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