Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      What is an adult HPI? How to approach difference in business? What training for HR managers, coaches, and managers?

      HPI adults in businessHPI, what is it?

      People with High Intellectual Potential (HIP), often called "gifted", can present remarkable intellectual characteristics. However, this peculiarity can also come with specific challenges and problems. Here are some of the problems commonly encountered by HPI people:

      Increased sensitivity

      Many HPI people feel emotions more intensely. This hypersensitivity can make them more vulnerable to stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

      Developmental asynchrony

      HPI people may develop certain skills faster than their peers, but other areas may lag behind. For example, an HPI child may read books intended for much older children but may have difficulty with social interactions.

      Boredom and disengagement

      In a traditional educational environment, it is not uncommon for HPI individuals to become bored due to the lack of intellectual stimulation. This can lead to a lack of motivation, behavioral problems or even disengagement from school.

      Social difficulties

      Some HPI people may have difficulty integrating socially because they have interests, concerns, or ways of thinking that differ from those of their peers.


      The fear of failure or the desire to achieve perfection can be overwhelming for some HPI people, which can lead to procrastination or increased anxiety.

      Self-esteem issues

      Despite their abilities, some HPI people may doubt themselves, particularly if they have been criticized or misunderstood in the past.

      Identification issues

      It can be difficult for education or mental health professionals to recognize and understand the specific needs of people with PI, which can lead to misdiagnoses or inappropriate interventions.

      Associated dysfunctions

      Some HPI people may also have associated disorders such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, or learning disabilities, which can further complicate their journey.

      Pressure and expectations

      HPI people may feel considerable pressure (from society, family, or themselves) to succeed or to use their talents in a certain way.

      Transition to adulthood

      For some, challenges may persist or even intensify into adulthood, particularly around relationships, careers, and the search for meaning.

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      What difficulties do HPIs encounter at work?

      hpi social difficulties

      People with High Intellectual Potential (HIP) may encounter a number of specific challenges in the world of work. Of course, these challenges can vary from person to person, and each HPI is unique. Here are some of the common challenges HPI people face at work:

      Increased sensitivity

      Many HPIs have higher emotional sensitivity. This can make it difficult for them to handle criticism, conflict, or intense emotions at work.


      HPI people often learn faster than average and therefore may find themselves bored in positions where they are not sufficiently intellectually stimulated.

      Impostor syndrome

      Many HPIs may feel like imposters, believing they don't deserve their accomplishments or fearing being exposed as "frauds."

      Relationship problems

      HPIs can sometimes feel out of step or out of sync with their colleagues, which can make it difficult to create and maintain healthy working relationships.


      A tendency to want everything to be perfect can sometimes hinder the progress of a project or cause unnecessary stress.

      Tree thinking

      HPIs often have a non-linear way of thinking, exploring multiple possibilities at once. This can sometimes be misunderstood by colleagues or superiors who prefer a more structured approach.

      Intolerance of injustice

      HPIs are often very concerned about fairness and integrity, which can make them particularly sensitive to perceived injustices in the workplace.

      Mental hyperactivity

      Constantly having a multitude of thoughts or ideas can be exhausting and can make it difficult to concentrate on a single task.

      Severe self-criticism

      HPIs can be their own harshest critics, which can affect their self-esteem and performance.

      High expectations

      From themselves or others, high expectations can sometimes create unnecessary pressure.

      To make the most of their potential and manage these challenges, it is essential that HPI individuals recognize their specific needs and seek a work environment and role that values ​​and supports them.

      How to understand and support HPI in companies using systemic coaching?

      Systemic coaching of HPI (High Intellectual Potential) in companies is a specific approach intended to support high-potential individuals within professional organizations. The word "systemic" refers to taking into account the entire system in which the individual evolves – that is to say not only the individual himself, but also his professional environment, his relationships with his colleagues, his superiors, etc.

      The HPI, also called gifted or zebra, has above average intelligence. However, beyond a high IQ, HPIs often have heightened sensitivity, a different perception of the world, an ability to think globally and make connections between different information, and may have difficulty integrating. in traditional environments.

      Systemic coaching of HPIs in companies aims to:

      Understanding HPI

      A first part consists of helping the HPI to better understand themselves, to recognize and promote their talents while being aware of their areas of vulnerability.

      Adaptation to the professional context

      Coaching also aims to help the HPI navigate the business context, adapt to different cultures and dynamics, and find strategies to manage potential conflicts or misunderstandings.

      Optimization of relationships

      Due to their different perceptions and sensitivities, HPIs can sometimes experience relational difficulties. Systemic coaching helps them develop social skills, understand relational dynamics and establish healthy and productive relationships with their colleagues.

      Professional and career development

      HPIs may have different career aspirations or feel the need to work in a way that is meaningful to them. Coaching supports them in defining their professional objectives, making decisions and implementing strategies to achieve these objectives.

      System integration

      Finally, part of the work of systemic coaching is to see how the HPI fits into the overall company system. This involves working on group dynamics, interactions, information flows and possible blocking points so that the HPI can flourish while contributing optimally to the organization.

      Systemic coaching of HPIs is a collaborative process where the coach and the coachee work together to find suitable solutions, taking into account both the individual needs of the HPI and the requirements of the professional environment.

      Systemic coaching of HPIs

      How to train in systemic coaching? 

      Training in systemic and strategic coaching provided by LACT 

      What is strategic systemic coaching in business?

      It is the application of a systemic and strategic approach by a specialized coach. This methodology is inspired by research from the Palo Alto School and the contributions of Milton Erickson on change techniques. It aims to resolve individual or group problems that appear in the complex interactions of organizations.

      What does this method consist of?

      • Systems approach : It considers each situation as a whole and looks at the interactions that occur, whether at the individual level, within a team, a department, or between different departments of an organization.
      • Strategic approach : It uses available resources and takes into account individual, collective and organizational constraints to find solutions to problems and to strengthen alternative resources while respecting the balance and well-being of the organization.

      Origins of strategic and systemic coaching 

      The pioneers of the Palo Alto School sought effective interventions to relieve struggling individuals in interaction with their context, particularly within families. They combined a systemic vision of human organization with strategic tools from the work of Milton Erickson. This expertise has proven useful in helping any individual or organization change and improve.

      The systemic and strategic approach in business

      This coaching makes it possible to address and resolve situations where people or teams encounter difficulties, such as burn-out, harassment, conflicts, etc.

      Strategic systemic coaching and quality of life at work:

      Seen as a system, a healthy organization is capable of adapting its rules to overcome challenges or develop its resources in the face of external constraints. This type of coaching addresses the quality of life at work by considering the biopsychosocial aspects, the functional, social and relational rules that govern interactions.

      With strategic tools, this coaching aims for effective and measurable interventions. Giorgio Nardone sees strategic systemic coaching as a science of performance thanks to its effective and economical methodology.

      Strategic systemic coaching: the search for performance:

      Each intervention in this coaching, whether it targets a problem or a solution, is based on a precise and concrete objective, negotiated with the beneficiary. The goal is always to be effective quickly.

      Systemic coaching in business and management of HPI

      The business world is a complex ecosystem where human, organizational and operational dynamics are in constant interaction. Like systems theory, the company is seen as a whole where each component is connected and interacts with the others. It is with this in mind that systemic coaching fits, an approach which aims to support change by taking into account all the elements and interactions of the organization.

      Systemic coaching: a global approach

      Systemic coaching is based on the idea that the company is a system whose elements are interdependent. Thus, any change in one part of the system has repercussions on the whole. This approach does not focus only on the individual, but takes into account all the interactions, dynamics and relationships that link them to their environment.

      The systemic coach therefore supports the company in a global approach, highlighting interactions, levers of change and possible blockages. To do this, he uses specific tools and techniques that make it possible to decipher the dynamics at work and propose appropriate solutions.

      Support for HPI (High Intellectual Potentials)

      HPIs have above-average cognitive abilities. They are often characterized by great curiosity, rapid and complex thinking, and heightened sensitivity. However, their integration into a company can be complex due to their difference, which can sometimes be misunderstood or poorly managed.

      Systemic coaching can play a major role in supporting HPIs in business. Indeed, by considering the company as a system, the coach will be able to help the HPI find their place, promote their skills and manage their particularities. This can go through:

      • Understanding how the HPI works : The coach helps the company understand the specific needs, strengths and challenges of the HPIs, thus allowing them to be better integrated.
      • Adaptation of the work environment : The coach can propose specific arrangements to meet the needs of the HPI, such as adapted work spaces, rest times or intellectual challenges.
      • The development of relational skills : HPIs can sometimes encounter difficulties in their relationships with their colleagues. The coach will help them develop their social skills, their communication and their assertiveness.

      Systemic business coaching offers a global approach that makes it possible to support change and the evolution of organizations. In the context of HPIs, this approach makes it possible to take into account their specificity while integrating them harmoniously into the entire system.

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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