Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

 01 48 07 40 40  | 

      • Systemician, Master in hypnosis

      In the past there was only a linear analysis of phenomena where the world was explained as a set of autonomous and isolated elements. In this ancient world, a cause caused an effect. New theories of understanding the world and reality, scientific research, give rise to systemic thinking.


      Systemic therapy is based on the work of G. Bateson (1904-1980). His work was conceptualized and systematized in the 1950s by P. Watzlawick and his collaborators at the MRI (Mental Research Institute) such as J. Weakland , DJ Donald, V. Satir, J.Haley, R. Fisch.. This approach observes an individual globally, both in their singularity and in their complexity and in interaction. The individual is always an integral part of several systems (professional, family, friendly, social, cultural, etc.). According to “general systems theory” the system presents a unity of elements which influence each other together. Within a system, each modification of one element triggers a modification of all the others (Von Bertalanffy KL1973). Each person acts on the system and is governed by the systems in which they live. In all relationships there is a circularity of information, a feedback.

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      To make an appointment you can call us on +33 (0) 1 48 07 40 40 
      or +33 (0) 6 03 24 81 65 or even make it directly online
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      THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF SYSTEMSThe structure of a system is regulated explicitly and implicitly, and within it self-regulation maintains the balance of the system. Every change, however small, acts on the whole system and threatens its balance, as illustrated by the “butterfly effect”. The flapping of a butterfly's wings on one side of the earth can cause a tornado on the other side of the earth (Lorenz, 1972).

      The systems are characterized by the following principles:

      a) Totality (an element changes, it is the whole of the system that changes)
      b) Non-summativity (a system cannot be reduced to the sum of the elements that compose it)
      c) Equifinality (a same effect can have different causes)
      d) Homeostasis (balance) and autoregulation (the system balances itself)



      Communication theory is at the origin of the systemic and interactional thinking of G. Bateson and the Palo Alto School. The Mental Research Institute (MRI) was an incubator for interactional and systematic research. Scientists from different persuasions have worked together to study and observe communication and its principles. In 1967 P. Watzlawick, JH Beavin, and DD Jackson published “Pragmatics of Human Communication. A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes” (1967) explaining the crucial role of forms of language and communication and their influences on behavior.  

      “The impossibility of not communicating”

      Communication is also non-verbal, gestural, behavioral. Doing nothing implies a communication, a message. In a therapy, the therapist is not neutral, he is engaged, he influences the relationship...

      “Levels of communication: content and relationship”

      Each message carries information, content and leads to a relationship. The interpretation of the messages received is decoded personally, and it depends on the experiences, the vision of reality of each person. The relationship is the way of hearing a message and adapting a behavior. It is a meta-communication. During an accompaniment, the therapist must take care of his communication, listen actively, check if he has understood well without projection.

      "Punctuation of the sequence of facts"

      Punctuation structures the mutual behaviors in the interactional loop. Feedback is an integral part of interaction. Communication is circular. In a therapy, the therapist necessarily influences the behaviors and reactions of his client.

      "Symmetrical and complementary interaction"

      Social interactions are symmetrical when people behave as equals. In complementary interactions, people accept either a high position of authority or a low position.



      It was born thanks to the work of G. Bateson in the 1950s in California. This is a school of thought from which comes systemic family therapy and brief therapies. The researchers who participated in this work are numerous: Gregory Bateson, Donald D. Jackson, John Weakland, Jay Haley, Richard Fisch, Paul Watzlawick, Virginia Satir... They are influenced by cybernetics (study of the dynamics of systems) and by the therapeutic approach of Milton Erickson. They focused on the study of communication and the interactions and regulations within a family, but also on the notion of paradoxical communication.



      Milton Erickson is known for his contribution and transformation of therapeutic hypnosis. It rethinks the approach to hypnosis (the definition of the unconscious, its language, the process of dissociation, intervention strategies, etc.) and offers relational support, encouraging unconscious resources with permissive strategies, in using metaphors, the language of influence, analogies, relying on learning...). For Erickson, one should not try to force human beings to modify their way of thinking; it is wise to create conditions in which the individual will spontaneously modify his way of thinking and acting (Zeig, 1985). His work was always "tailor-made" because each person is unique. His therapy is creative, very empirical and each time he creates new methods. The most important thing is to observe your patient carefully. Erickson redefined the unconscious as a reservoir of resources that must be made room for. According to him, hypnosis is a way of using unconscious learning (Rosen S. 1952). Mr. Erickson's hypnosis is a theory and a practice which puts man at the center of its concerns, where the singularity hatches from a living relationship. It is used as the preferred therapeutic tool. “Erickson is always careful when suggesting or adding anything new to his patient: rather, he will preferably try to help him creatively use and develop what he already has in him” (Erickson , Rossi, p. 33). It has greatly inspired systemic and strategic therapy.

      Read also:


      The Palo Alto school continued to evolve, and in 1987, Giorgio Nardone and Paul Watzlawick created “The Strategic Therapy Center of Arezzo” a research, psychotherapy and training institution. Its objective is to advance the brief therapy model in order to obtain better results of effectiveness and efficiency. Giorgio Nardone's approach consists of paralleling scientific theories (neurosciences) and experimental clinical practice. He uses “the Systemic and Strategic Operative Diagnosis” (DOSS) to understand the patient's logic and his capacities for transformation. He obtains significant changes from the first session. The disorders are approached from the perception-reaction system. These approaches are non-normative, non-stigmatizing, and non-pathologizing, grounded in reality constructivism thinking and based on how a problem operates and persists in the present. Each person constructs their reality. His life experiences are the result of connections and interactions with himself, with others and with the environment. The pragmatics of change revolves around relational solutions. The intervention is brief, effective and long-lasting and it is co-created (the therapist and the client). Nardone explains his strategy: "If there are few new (profound) things to say to patients, there are nevertheless new (profound) ways of telling the patient what he needs to hear" (Nardone, Watzlawick, 1997, p.143). The goal is to get the client to feel differently before understanding intellectually, creating a “corrective emotional experience”. The term comes from Franz Alexander, it is the moment when the changes become unavoidable. The Arezzo Strategic Therapy Center is a laboratory of techniques and practices and is based on:  

      1) The complexity reducers represented by the solution attempts. Faced with a problem, the person looks for a logical solution and repeats it over and over again. The problem persists and promotes redundancy of solution attempts in a feedback loop that compounds the problem. As soon as we stop these attempts, we solve the problem.

      2) Strategic interventions – such as thinking globally and acting locally through questioning the strategy grid, using strategic dialogue, the language of persuasion, reframing, task prescriptions and self-adjustment through feedback. These therapeutic interventions have proven effective for anorexia, bulimia, addictions, phobias and certain psychotic disorders. Nardone likes to say that we human beings have a great ability to complicate our lives, then we suffer, but all this is not essential. (Nardon 1999).

      Read also:


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