Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      Couples and families - Robert NEUBURGER/Katharina ANGER-EN2M17-2023/24

      Couples and families - Robert NEUBURGER/Katharina ANGER-EN2M17-2023/24
      900,00 €



      Web training module 2023/2024

      Couples and families
      Practical level

      "The systemic approach at the service of the family"

      Dr. Robert NEUBURGER
      Dr. Katharina ANGER

      This 3-session module is intended for anyone interested in the systemic therapeutic model applied to complex systems: couple and family.


      Couple and family therapy is very specific and complex in terms of reframing, family therapy is even more so because you have to deal with several interlocutors. It is therefore based on one or more relational systems between the members, which is why the intervention must be carried out with the greatest rigor.

      First of all, in a calibrated process, it is important to clearly define the problem. The therapist must endeavor to identify the request of the client, the one who complains and to define which of the members of the components of the couple or the family is the most attached to the resolution of the problem. It will then be a question of describing in concrete terms by which processes the problematic behaviors are repeated, before establishing priorities, in concert with him, with them.

      The second step consists in developing, with the client(s), an objective and checking the appearance of the first signs indicating that it is on the way to being achieved.

      Finally, it will be a question of investigating the dysfunctional solution attempts of the protagonist(s) in order to determine the logic of these solution attempts, and, to prevent the system from continuing this same inefficient process, the speaker will seek to put in place interventions up to 180 degrees from the main logic.


      Objective of the module

      • Work on the request of the couple, the family, or on the request of one of the components in order to determine the relevant system.
      • Understand how the problem arose and how it is investigated today.
      • Knowing how to find your bearings in the analysis of the relationship to develop an effective and efficient intervention strategy.
      • Strengthen the therapeutic alliance with the protagonist(s) by activating appropriate communication tools in order to respect an essential neutrality in the development of his work as a therapist.

      Dates and times

      • Session 1: Thursday 30/11/2023 from 09:00 to 12:30 Europe/Paris: Couples and families - S1 - Robert Neuburger - EN2M17 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Monday 06/10/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Couples and families - S2 - Katharina Anger - Translator: Patrick Hawran - EN2M17 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Monday 07/08/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Couples and families - S3 - Katharina Anger - Translator: Bill Walker - EN2M17 - 2023/24

      Skills acquired at the end of the training (pedagogical objectives)

      • Being able to identify the problematic interactional cycle that is the result of trying to find solutions that do not work in the dynamics of the couple.
      • Describe the dysfunctional and pathogenic regulatory dynamics associated with couple problems in order to guide the most effective and efficient intervention strategy.
      • Adjusting one's posture as a speaker and one's strategic communication according to the personality of the patient(s) in order to reinforce the therapeutic alliance and the effectiveness of the intervention
      • Carry out a strategic intervention by following certain protocols with rigor and flexibility to adapt to the uniqueness of the couple and their situation.

      Target audience and prerequisites

      • Students of the LACT International School or professionals in the field of support and helping relationships


      Dr. Robert Neuburger is a psychiatrist, systemic therapist specializing in couple issues. He teaches at the Free University of Brussels, trains and supervises therapists in France and abroad. In addition to being scientific director of the CEFA (Center for the study of the family association) and vice-president of the French Society for Family Therapy, each month he receives a Internet user for his first session of therapy.

      PhD Katharina ANGER : Renowned speaker and co-founder of the Center for Systemic Action. She is a research associate at the MRI in Palo Alto and at the Brief Therapy Center, CAIPSI in Mexico City and at the Erickson Institute in Madrid. She is also a supervisor at the YAI National Institute for the Disabled, an organization that helps people with mental disabilities and their families throughout their lives.

      Modality, means and teaching aids

      Interactive and experiential approach

      • Individual work, in pairs and sub-groups during and outside the sessions
      • Group facilitation method (LS/Wooclap)
      • Analysis and sharing of experiences

      Evaluation and monitoring methods

      Obtaining the certificate for this module requires: 

      • to have passed 75% of the homework to be done outside of class (MCQ, videos, homework, collaborative work, etc.) 
      • to have attended at least 75% of the course sessions 

      Assessment of student satisfaction

      At the end of the training, a satisfaction questionnaire will be completed by each participant so that they can assess the relevance of the content of the training with regard to their professional practice and the achievement of their objectives.

      --> 95% of our students are satisfied with their training  = number of students who gave a score greater than or equal to 7 out of 10 (0: "not at all satisfied"; 10: "completely satisfied")

      Dates and prices

      • Special rate : €900 including tax
      • Lact student rate for the year : €630 including tax
      • Company/agreement rate : €1,035 including tax


      Version of 30-08-2023

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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