Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      TOC / Paranoia / Borderline - Claudette PORTELLI - CTS-M3 - 2023/24

      TOC / Paranoia / Borderline - Claudette PORTELLI - CTS-M3 - 2023/24
      1.800,00 €



      Web training module 2023/24
      (in Italian with live translation in French)

      Obsessive Disorder
      Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
      Paranoia and Obsessive-Paranoid
      Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder

      in partnership with the Center for Strategic Therapy of Prof. Giorgio NARDONE

      By Claudette PORTELLI

      This 3-day module presents the advanced model of strategic brief therapy and the protocols implemented for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, paranoia, obsessive-paranoid disorder and borderline personality disorder..


      OCD can be defined as an overwhelming compulsion that causes the person to perform behaviors or thoughts in a repetitive and ritualized way in order to reduce anxiety, fear, or achieve a specific feeling of pleasure. People with this serious problem need effective clinical treatment. If we analyze the mental prison that the obsessive compulsive disorder induces, we observe that the attempt to seek comfort to manage the fear or the irrepressible tendency to feel a specific sensation, structures a very rigid and persistent problem.

      During this module, the student will have the opportunity to observe a selection of sessions led by G. Nardone in order to explore the intervention protocols developed over 20 years of research-intervention in the field.
      Students will be guided, session after session, to reflect on what they have observed, focusing on the three main axes of strategic brief therapy: techniques/strategies, language and relationship. Videos of interventions will be presented to students during the course and from one course to another, allowing them to see how the prescriptions can/must be adapted to the particularity of the case being treated. This module will introduce rigorous but not rigid protocols, which are guidelines for effectively and efficiently conducting interventional treatments for intimidating disorders, often seen as impossible.

      During this module, real cases will be presented and analyzed in groups, and commented on by the trainer. Practical exercises will also be carried out, in order to make the learning more participatory (learning by doing). The students will have the opportunity to exchange with the trainer but also with the rest of the group, by asking questions, expressing their doubts and their personal experiences.

      Formation's goal

      • Present a brief history of the strategic systems approach and its evolution.
      • Address the 3 axes of brief therapy: strategy, language and relationship
      • Carry out an operational diagnosis to identify the perception-reaction system.
      • Identify the 4 phases of a brief strategic intervention.
      • Identify the verbal/non-verbal language of the patient and the work of attunement with the patient/perception/reaction system specific to this problem.
      • Identify the verbal/non-verbal language of the patient and the work of attunement with the patient/couple/family specific to this problem.
      • Identify current perceptions, beliefs and preconceived ideas and your own vision in relation to this type of disorder.
      • Identify resistance to change and ways to overcome it.
      • Identify the dominant base emotion.
      • Use strategic dialogue in all its aspects.
      • Identify the non-ordinary logic of the problem to find the most effective and efficient interventions.
      • Learn to use strategies and stratagems
      • Discover the practical applications of action research to therapy; a rigorous but not rigid method, where each maneuver instructs us for the next one.

      Skills acquired at the end of the training

      • Learn how to conduct a first session and carry out an operational diagnosis to finely analyze the problem.
      • Use strategic dialogue with its various components to optimize its intervention.
      • Conduct a brief strategic intervention by implementing its 4 phases with rigor and flexibility in order to adapt to the uniqueness of the patient and his situation.
      • Create a therapeutic alliance with the patient using strategies, strategic communication tools and feedback to improve patient engagement and prescription compliance.
      • Self-correct maneuvers and techniques by applying a routine of self-observation and using an action research-based approach to therapy to improve the effectiveness of interventions.

      Dates and times

      Sessions will take place from:

      • Session 1: Friday 08/03/2024 from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Europe/Paris: TOC / Paranoïa / Borderline - S1 - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - CTS-M3 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Saturday 09/03/2024 from 09:30 to 18:00 Europe/Paris: TOC / Paranoïa / Borderline - S2 - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - CTS-M3 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Friday 03/15/2024 from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Europe/Paris: TOC / Paranoïa / Borderline - S3 - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - CTS-M3 - 2023/24
      • Session 4: Saturday 03/16/2024 from 09:30 to 18:00 Europe/Paris: TOC / Paranoïa / Borderline - S4 - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - CTS-M3 - 2023/24

      Target audience and prerequisites


      This training is open to health and helping relationship professionals who can certify effective practice.

      • Minimum BAC+4 level with clinical practice in the helping relationship,
      • Psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, health and helping relationship professionals who can certify an effective practice,
      • Correct command of French (being able to express oneself orally and in writing),
      • Commitment to practicing intervention sessions,
      • Digital prerequisites:
        • Have a computer (with camera and microphone) and a phone in good working order
        • Have a regularly used email address
        • Have internet access with sufficient speed (videoconferencing, video playback)
        • Have a place suitable for monitoring the training
        • Know how to use basic digital tools: internet, messaging, search engine
        • Know how to use word processing tools, spreadsheets and presentation tools (power point type)


      Claudette PORTELLI : PhD in Psychology, CTS psychologist, trainer and coach (Italy - Malta). Author of "Knowledge through change", " Obsessions, compulsions, manias: understand them and overcome them quickly" and "Le nuove dipendenze".

      Modality, means and teaching aids

      • Live distance courses integrating simulations, role-playing, exercises and case studies to promote the participation and involvement of all students and interaction with teachers
      • A course rhythm allowing the integration of personal work
      • Interactive and experiential approach
      • Individual work, in pairs and sub-groups during and outside the sessions
      • Personalized Moodle account including course videos and educational animations, course materials, documentary bases and all types of educational documents, review exercises, accessible 24/24

      Assessment and follow-up

      Obtaining the certificate for this module requires: 

      • to have passed 75% of the homework to be done outside of class (MCQ, videos, homework, collaborative work, etc.) 
      • to have attended at least 75% of the course sessions 

      Assessment of student satisfaction

      At the end of the training, a satisfaction questionnaire will be completed by each participant so that they can assess the relevance of the content of the training with regard to their professional practice and the achievement of their objectives.

      --> 95% of our students are satisfied with their training  = number of students who gave a score greater than or equal to 7 out of 10 (0: "not at all satisfied"; 10: "completely satisfied")


      • Special rate : €1,800 including tax
      • Rate reserved for lact students : €1,260 including tax
      • Company/convention rate : €2,070 including tax


      Version of 10-03-2023

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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