Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      Public speaking to gain impact - Hélène SERRES - ENEM7 - 2023/24

      600,00 €



      Web training module 2023/24

      Speak in public
      to gain impact

      "Theatre at the service of the relationship"

      By Hélène SERRES

      This module consists of 2 lessons during which you will learn to master the tools and techniques of communication for effective public speaking (in front of a large or smaller audience, face-to-face or remotely). 

      « What we conceive well is clearly stated,
      And the words to say it come easily. » Nicolas Boileau

      We obviously agree on the fact that it has happened to all of us one day, after speaking, to regret having forgotten an important element, to have lost our temper, to have answered on the side because that we had not listened to the question etc…. The report is without appeal, the stress overwhelmed us and we did not make the expected intervention.

      To remedy these regrets, preparation is essential if one wants to master the tools of public communication.

      Communication needs are many and varied. Expressing yourself in front of a large assembly or in front of a few people in person or remotely, managing a team or reporting to a superior, are all situations requiring an absence of stress, to keep a clear mind in order to affirm your words calmly. and efficiently.

      A good speaker captivates his audience and interacts with him. He will be listened to and his message will be integrated by the public.

      To do this, we must move from the position of author (substance) to the position of actor (form) and never forget that a speaker will first be seen before being heard in order to be understood , but also that 93% of message impact is non-verbal and 7% is verbal. This shows the importance of managing emotions when speaking in public.


      Several points will be addressed during these 2 sessions:

      1/ Exercises in situation with immediate feedback from the other participants and the speaker to become aware of the points to be worked on: Gestures, articulation, breathing, clarity of the subject, time management, evolution between the beginning and the end of the intervention, etc.

      2/ The technique of the good speaker:

      Working on these five elements means becoming aware of them, knowing how to use them and putting them at our service.

      • Breathing
      • Joint
      • Posture
      • Voice
      • Glance

      3/ Stress management

      Faced with an anxiety-provoking situation, we have three possible reactions:

      Control / Flight / Paralysis.

      Through exercises we will learn to recognize and identify emotions, to better manage and control them.

      • Before speaking
      • During the speech and especially at the beginning.

      4/ The content of the message: How to capture attention, captivate and be understood.

      Find consistency between WHO is speaking, for WHAT to say, HOW to say it, WHY to say it, TO WHOM and WHERE!

      How to capture attention: set a frame

      • Who am I talking to
      • what is my goal
      • What are my beliefs

      How to captivate

      • Why am I speaking
      • How I get my message across

      How to be understood

      • The public must leave with strong and clear ideas
      • My personality at the service of my subject.

      5/ The different situations of public speaking

      large audience

      Meeting room

      Online meeting


      Work meeting with speaking in the middle of the others.

      Speaking with a lot of improvisation and interaction with the public or prepared speech, all situations are to be considered in order to master them.

      Formation's goal

      • Master verbal and non-verbal communication.
      • Convince by his ability to express himself.
      • Captivate your audience and not let yourself be destabilized.
      • Get the intended message across as intended.

      Skills acquired at the end of the training

      • Overcome stress to express yourself in front of your audience as well as when you are alone.
      • Improvise and not allow yourself to be destabilized during an intervention.
      • Express yourself clearly with ease while remaining who you are.
      • Become aware of his charisma and his capacity for eloquence.

      Dates and times

      The sessions will take place from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (with a 30 min break):

      • Session 1: Thursday 18/01/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Public speaking - S1 - Hélène SERRES - ENEM7 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Thursday 02/08/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Public speaking - S2 - Hélène SERRES - ENEM7 - 2023/24


      Target audience and prerequisites


      • Baccalaureate standard
      • Correct command of French (being able to express oneself orally and in writing)
      • Digital prerequisites:
        • Have a computer (with camera and microphone) and a phone in good working order
        • Have a regularly used email address
        • Have internet access with sufficient speed (videoconferencing, video playback)
        • Have a place suitable for monitoring the training
        • Know how to use basic digital tools: internet, messaging, search engine
        • Know how to use word processing tools, spreadsheets and presentation tools (power point type)


      Hélène SERRES: Author, director and theater actress, she first embraced a career as a doctor, while taking courses at the Toulouse drama conservatory, before turning definitively to acting, alone on stage. , then to the theater. She has acted in many plays, including "And meanwhile, Simone is watching", "The future of tomorrow; it's now", "100% marianne".

      Modality, means and teaching aids

      • Remote live lessons integrating simulations, role-playing, exercises to promote the participation and involvement of all students and interaction with the teacher
      • Feedback and feedback
      • Interactive and experiential approach
      • Individual, pair and sub-group work during the sessions
      • Personalized Moodle account including course videos and educational animations, course materials, documentary bases and all types of educational documents, review exercises, accessible 24/2

      Assessment and follow-up

      Obtaining the certificate for this module requires:

      • to have attended at least 75% of the course sessions 

      Assessment of student satisfaction

      At the end of the training, a satisfaction questionnaire will be completed by each participant so that they can assess the relevance of the content of the training with regard to their professional practice and the achievement of their objectives.

      --> 95% of our students are satisfied with their training  = number of students who gave a score greater than or equal to 7 out of 10 (0: "not at all satisfied"; 10: "completely satisfied")


      • Special rate : €600 including VAT
      • Lact student rate for the year : €420 including tax
      • Company/convention rate : €690 including VAT


      Version dated 07-12-2023

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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