Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      Stress and self-help - CLAUDETTE PORTELLI - EN3M3 - 2023/2024

      Stress and self-help - CLAUDETTE PORTELLI - EN3M3 - 2023/2024
      900,00 €



      Web training module 2023/24
      (in Italian with live translation in French)

      Stress and self-help

      « Deploy your own intervention resources
      to better support your patients/clients »

      Claudette PORTELLI

      Psychologist, experienced trainer and coach specialized in the brief strategic approach (Giorgio Nardone team)

      This 3 half-day module aims to make you experience the steps to identify your personal incapacities and choose the most appropriate strategies to guard against them or get out of them.


      What is stress ? As Aldous Huxley said, “Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you make of what happens to you”. It is how we perceive and react to an event that determines whether we resolve or complicate the situation. Often we end up doing more of the same thing, even if we don't get the results we want. We get caught up in feedback that traps us in vicious circles that seem to have no way out. This is what brings stress and ultimately burnout.

      This module allows you to observe how, for yourself and for individuals and as a practitioner, we often find ourselves trapped in redundant and self-trapped perception-reaction scripts and relational patterns. . These perception-reaction patterns disinhibit personal development and trap the individual in "psycho-traps" that produce stress or even burnout and can keep them in a feeling of helplessness that limits your own practice.

      Self-coaching is an important aspect to take into account to avoid continuing to go around in circles in the intervention process. The practitioner's self is a major resource in self-coaching. Recognizing your own "psychotraps" becomes essential to allow you to push your own limits and go beyond them, which will allow you to increase your ability to help others.

      Course content:

      • Introduction: Stress and burnout
      • Self-reflexivity: use and means
      • Blocking of performance: studies, art, music, sports, public speaking, etc.
      • Invented realities and self-deceptions.
      • Allport's personality theories and other descriptive theories.
      • From descriptive consciousness to operational consciousness.
      • Strategic approach: Perceptual-reactive (pr) systems.
      • 14 different "psycho traps" and pr scripts (Portelli & Papantuono).
      • The strategic self-coaching model: the process (Milanese & Mordazzi).
      • Unlocking basic and advanced inabilities.
      • Functioning of the brain: Neocortex and limbic system.
      • Basic feelings.
      • Intervention Stratagems: Ancient Chinese Stratagems.

      Formation's goal

      • Getting to know yourself through self-reflexivity and self-awareness.
      • Apply some of the work possibly done with others in the future to yourself, and test effective techniques that work.
      • Develop your potential and unlock your personal resources.
      • Take a brief strategic approach to stress.
      • Learn to recognize the most common "psychotraps" but also the different, non-ordinary means to unlock basic disabilities and exploit their full potential in the coaching profession and beyond.

      Skills acquired at the end of the training

      • Acquiring responsibility and autonomy to generate better self-awareness in order to improve one's potentials.
      • Identify personal disabilities that may be at the cognitive or emotional level and learn how to act on them.
      • Choose the most appropriate strategies to unlock your personal incapacities at the strategic, communicational or relational level.  
      • Identify your dominant perceptions, sensations and beliefs and choose the most appropriate strategies to free yourself from these traps.
      • Learn to improve self-esteem, self-confidence and personal effectiveness for a better alliance with the client.
      • Knowing through the strategic approach notions such as cybernetics and self-referential systems, the concept of perception-reaction systems, the four basic sensations in order to potentiate its chances of obtaining an unlocking of its resources.
      • Improve self-awareness through self-reflexivity to improve one's sensitivity and emotional intelligence.
      • Recognize the dysfunctional patterns and disabilities that can lead to stress and condition their functioning in the different spheres of their life.
      • Apply strategies and stratagems to free oneself from a dysfunctional perception-reaction system and to unlock one's abilities and potentials.
      • Move from ordinary logic to non-ordinary logic to adopt a self-correcting attitude.
      • Apply performatic language to create experiences of emotional correction.
      • Study and use non-ordinary stratagems to unlock his inabilities.

      Dates and times

      • Session 1: Tuesday 21/11/2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Stress and Self-Help - S1 - When we sabotage ourselves - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - EN3M3 - 2023/ 24
      • Session 2: Thursday 12/21/2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Stress and Self-Help - S2 - Perception-Reaction Scenarios 1- Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - EN3M3 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Tuesday 01/16/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Stress and Self-Help - S3 - Perception-Reaction Scenarios - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - EN3M3 - 2023/24
      • Session 4: Thursday 02/08/2024 from 09:00 to 12:30 Europe/Paris: Stress and Self-Help - S4 - Perception-Reaction Scenarios - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - EN3M3 - 2023/24

      Target audience and prerequisites


      • Baccalaureate standard
      • Health and helping relationship professional with a solid practice of intervention
      • Correct command of French (being able to express oneself orally and in writing)
      • Digital prerequisites:
        • Have a computer (with camera and microphone) and a phone in good working order
        • Have a regularly used email address
        • Have internet access with sufficient speed (videoconferencing, video playback)
        • Have a place suitable for monitoring the training
        • Know how to use basic digital tools: internet, messaging, search engine
        • Know how to use word processing tools, spreadsheets and presentation tools (power point type)


      PhD Claudette PORTELLI : PhD in Psychology, CTS psychologist, trainer and coach (Italy - Malta). Author of "Knowledge through change", " Obsessions, compulsions, manias: understand them and overcome them quickly" and "Le nuove dipendenze".

      Modality, means and teaching aids

      Participants will be guided through interactive lessons to acquire operational tools in the process of strategic problem solving.

      However, this module will use a learning-by-doing method, where participants are asked to reflect and find answers to every aspect of the problem-solving process. Participants will take an action-research approach to problem-solving by working on specific case studies of their choice to create a strategic action plan. The action plan created will be presented to the class by each student at the end of the module.

      • Live distance courses integrating simulations, role-playing, exercises and case studies to promote the participation and involvement of all students and interaction with teachers
      • A course rhythm allowing the integration of personal work
      • Interactive and experiential approach
      • Individual work, in pairs and sub-groups during and outside the sessions
      • Personalized Moodle account including course videos and educational animations, course materials, documentary bases and all types of educational documents, review exercises, accessible 24/24

      Assessment and follow-up

      Obtaining the certificate for this module requires: 

      • to have passed 75% of the homework to be done outside of class (MCQ, videos, homework, collaborative work, etc.) 
      • to have attended at least 75% of the course sessions 

      Assessment of student satisfaction

      At the end of the training, a satisfaction questionnaire will be completed by each participant so that they can assess the relevance of the content of the training with regard to their professional practice and the achievement of their objectives.

      --> 95% of our students are satisfied with their training  = number of students who gave a score greater than or equal to 7 out of 10 (0: "not at all satisfied"; 10: "completely satisfied")


      • Special rate : €900 including VAT
      • Price reserved for lac students : €630 including tax
      • Company/convention rate : €1,035 including tax

      Version dated 15-09-2023

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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