“Understanding and Treating Addictions” under the direction of G. Vitry
“Getting out of addiction? or De-addiction”
5 axioms of pragmatic communication (Paul Watzlawick)
5 Communication Mistakes That Ruin Relationships
7 change strategies for this new year
Support for atypical children and invisible differences
Supporting HPI adults in business
Supporting ADHD children and adolescents at school
Supporting HPI children with the systemic approach
Supporting ASD children with the systemic approach
Adaptation of the interactional diagnosis in an organization by Tihamer WERTZ
Addiction: intervention and collective training
Addiction: Phones, Social Media and Compulsions
Alleviating fears through hypnosis and the systemic approach
Learn to handle difficult situations at school
Indirect approach: helping parents and teachers to help children
Systemic approach to education at LACT
Betty-Alice Erickson: "It takes a lot of bravery to change!"
Bulimia: When the systemic approach changes a life
Burn out, overwork, exhaustion and mental load
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