Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      Notes in French by Olivier BROSSEAU

      Presentation of the speakers at the start of the committee

      Eric Bardot

      Trained in hypnosis in 1991-then various brief therapy courses, Palo Alto first and developed a psychotherapeutic practice - HTSMA - which uses the systemic model with the idea of ​​shaping the problem in such a way that it is externalizable, that it is shared by the patient and the therapist and that it is possible to work with the links with this problematic by using the path of the creative imagination.

      Alternative movements (taping, eye movement) in a vision of disconnection of the mind to engage the body of the patient and that of the therapist in the therapy.

      We play on the game of security and autonomy in the here and now by using the 3 main ways of questioning which are: focalization, metaphorization and oversaturation, with the objective of internalizing the links in the resource channel.

      In his team, there are psychiatrists, doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists who work in liberal and hospital

      The advantage of joining the LACT research group, in which several colleagues are interested, is to share and discuss other modes of brief therapy, to use the modeling set up by Grégoire Vitry for work in HTSMA (we had started a research project) and we are very interested and happy to participate in this project.


      Stephen Hendrick

      I have irrational and personal reasons for participating in this adventure.

      I met Wendel and Dick Fisch in Palo Alto (in training); on a more rational level, I direct a research and teaching department at the University of Mons – UMONS (Belgium).

      Our main research points concern psychotherapies: effectiveness and process.

      Via quantitative and now especially qualitative research methods.

      Ex 1: a thesis in progress (Nov-Dec) and which will focus on the intervention processes of crisis workers. The object of observation is less what therapists do and think they are doing but more importantly what they do and do not know they are doing. We are developing a research tool developed by the CNRS: explicitation interviews which aim to bring out the experience of the action of therapists.

      Ex 2: on multifamily therapies in the context of eating disorders

      Ex 3: qualitative analysis of the “coping style” of children whose parents have divorced + the point of view of the divorced parents themselves.

      We work laterally by methods of observation of non-verbal communication in couples, with the idea of ​​evaluating the evolution of couple therapy beyond self-questionnaires.

      I have studied the FAD (Family Assessment Device) extensively, cited in the Nancy study by Grégoire Vitry.

      We have similar concerns in Belgium (referrals of patients by doctors); this Doctor-Therapist collaboration will become compulsory via a law in Belgium.   


      Pedro Vargas Avalos – Clara Solis

      We are professors at the University of Mexico and we work in the department of clinical psychology. I direct the chair and Clara is a professor in clinical psychology and brief therapy.

      We are very interested in family therapy. We have a working group since 1991. We work with students and real patients in the clinic.

      We have had this double duty for a long time. As we are a university, we have to teach people different types of family models: MRI, solution focus therapy (Milwaukee), family therapy Jeff Haley, two teams: gain model; more narrative model.

      We teach postmodern therapies: solution-oriented therapies (by Shazer + Insoo Kim Berg) and narrative therapies (Michael White and David Epston) Harline Anderson + Tom Andersen (the limits of the systemic); we have to teach all that.

      The most widely used model is that of the MRI, a more efficient model (faster impact on patients, that is what they are asking for).

      When we learned that this research existed (via Wendel Ray), a great opportunity for us. We have been working with the Nardone model for 4-5 years, including protocols, methodologies, etc.

      We are closer to the MRI model; what interests us through all these different models is not what differentiates them, but what unites them.

      In Mexico, we don't have a legal framework (unlike Belgium), but there is a huge amount of work, and we are very interested to know how others are working on family therapies.

      Feedback at the end of the committee 

      Wendel Ray

      Feedback on the info – hello everyone, and to Stephen who I've seen for so long and Pedro and Clara it's good – thanks Olivier for the info.

      Eric, very interested in this work

      I really like how engaged you are in the work and how all these people are connected.

      Very good initiative to have the point of view of the therapist, but it is also important to introduce the point of view of the patient. I'm sure you have it in mind Grégoire, it's an interesting job to track the psychological elements and the relational elements. Anxiety can be seen from within, but it can also be seen interactively with one's environment.

      Stephan Hendrick

      3 hints

      • agree with Wendel Ray – we need patient info; we ourselves work with a scale measuring distress
      • with regard to interaction, we have developed an interaction observation grid, which can be used by practitioners (we are preparing an article which will be ready soon)
      • it can be interesting to get to know the patient better, to have them talk about their experience, we have expertise in Mons that could be of use to you. It is also valuable to collect their point of view in the event of failure.

      Wendel Ray

      There are these two dimensions (therapist/patient) and it is important to study post-mortems.

      Teresa Garcia

      Confront the work done at the MRI to come back to everything we did not hear – it was in the 5-10 'that we had not heard all the important information which is in question to have the patient's opinion

      Wendel Ray

      third dimension = these are the facts

      Ex: I thought the therapy was a success, and the patient told me it was a terrible failure. But she found a job, moved, her child calmed down, and he was accepted into the school she was aiming for: and that's the 3rd dimension : the facts.

      Stephane Hendrick

      I had similar cases

      Ex: a woman who cannot have children, despite IVF, etc. and 6 months after starting therapy, she is pregnant.


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