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Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      Understand phobias, these fears that dictate the lives of many individuals. This comprehensive article explores what phobias are, how they form, and the strategies individuals can use to overcome them. From the psychological roots of fear to innovative therapy techniques, learn how to confront and manage these intense and often debilitating fears. Understand the impact of avoidance and gain insights into effective treatments

      Phobias, what are they?

      Phobias, what are they?

      Twenty percent of the population suffers from a phobia. However, people suffering from phobias can overcome them completely. We can unintentionally help create our phobias. Avoidance is a major factor that contributes to maintaining our most common fears. Phobias can be a persistent, intense fear of certain objects or situations, people or places. Specific phobias are linked to certain objects and situations. The human imagination is so creative that it can create fear of anything, dogs, cats, flying, wind, clouds, blushing, relationships, etc.

      Phobias are usually very unpleasant, but effective therapy can help you overcome them. According to the World Health Organization, fear and phobia affect more than 20% of the population, making it one of the most common psychological difficulties.

      Fear basically runs along a spectrum, from pure fear, which is a phobia or phobic reaction, to fear with some form of control, also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder, to until we finally have outright control over obsession and obsession.

      Fear of our solutions

      There are many possible triggers for fear, some found inside the person and others outside, giving rise to different types of phobias. Some phobias are created in the mind, such as the fear of blushing, and others are created by reality, such as the fear of snakes or tigers which actually have the capacity to hurt us or put us in danger.

      However, once created, a phobia can begin to handicap people in their lives and block them from work and personal or intimate relationships. However, as I mentioned in my book The 12 Most Common Mental Traps (Gibson, 2021), psychological problems tend to occur in a predictive and redundant manner, often following the same pattern, as in the case of attacks panic and agoraphobia .

      For these two phobic reactions in particular, we commonly observe the use of three attempts at dysfunctional solutions by patients: 1) avoidance of any situation likely to trigger their fear, 2) seeking help and comfort from others. other people, who only question their own resources, and 3) the attempted forced control of their biological response, which only triggers the very reaction they are trying to stifle.

      These unsuccessful attempts to control the situation lead to an increasing loss of control over fears. In terms of time, it only takes a few months. These attempted solutions combined create a rigid psychological problem and potentially diagnosable disorder.

      This phobic response and the way it is created by failed attempts to resolve the problem fuels the problem and the person remains imprisoned.

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      What is fear

      Be spontaneous

      Another difficulty with these spontaneous problem-solving attempts is that even when we are removed from the feared situation, we begin to obsess about it. We make it grow further, to the point where it is no longer necessary to be in the presence of the fear, but simply to think about it to create the phobic response.

      What is fear?

      Find a therapist to combat fear and anxiety

      This is called a phobic-obsessive reaction . It should be obvious that any effective treatment aims to break these redundant cycles in which the person is trapped. However, it may seem easy and rational to us reading this article here and now, but every human being and every living system resists change, even when that change may be beneficial.

      Biology and stability

      Therapies based on a rational explanation cannot prevent a phobic individual from avoiding and seeking comfort or help and then blocking their obsession with their fear. Most phobic patients are extremely rational and understand what is wrong.

      Yet, due to our involuntary biological and psychobiological responses and the perception that the person has created, the solution does not seem possible to achieve. At this point, we need to approach the problem more strategically and indirectly.

      An unusual approach

      Helping patients change their dysfunctional situations, using effective treatments that are not based on rational logic but on non-ordinary logic (Gibson 2021; Nardone 2013). We have helped guide patients out of their obsessions and phobias, through painstaking study and successful interventions in thousands of cases.

      Indeed, in the case of many phobic and obsessive disorders, medications can unfortunately become a sort of "chemical crutch" which can certainly reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety initially, but these interventions only confirm the inability of people to solve what appears to be a simple problem on their own. Hypnosis can be an effective technique .

      This reminds me of what the poet Fernando Pessoa said, which is perhaps more effective than any logical scientific explanation. Pessoa noted that "some people carry the wounds of battles never fought, and the wounds of battles never fought are the hardest to heal."

      The next time you consider avoiding something, think about the possible long-term consequences and how this knee-jerk reaction of immediate avoidance can quickly rob you of your future.


      • Gibson, P. (2021) The 12 Most Common Mind Traps. Strategic science.

      • Gibson, P. (2021). Escape the anxiety trap. Strategic science.

      • Gibson, P. Portelli, C., Papantuono, M. (2022). The OCD clinic. A new approach to understanding and treating obsessive-compulsive disorders, including binge eating disorder, bulimia and vomiting. Strategic science

      • Clarke, D., Beck, AT (2018) The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution. Guildford Press.

      • Gibson, P. (2021) Escaping the Anxiety Trap. Obsession, Panic, Fear and Phobia. Strategic Science Books.

      • Nardone, G., Portelli, C. (2005). Knowing Through Changing.

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