Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      Screenshot 2015 05 04 to 14.53.04

      Gregoire Vitry 

      Can you introduce yourself? Tell us who you are? The experience you have with Palo Alto? With Circe now? With the model you are developing which comes from Palo Alto, so the PEARL model, so tell us about yourself.

      Teresa Garcia: Listen with pleasure, so you can know what my expertise is and how I can help in the debate. You see, I would always say what really motivated me in life, I think even very very young at the age of 10 I had already chosen my job.

      It is interpersonal influence and being sensitive to human suffering. I realized that I was missing all the communication aspect and the interpersonal influence aspect.

      So I decided to do psychology. In fact, despite this, psychology was a few years ago, it was still based on a way of seeing problems as coming from within, it's like seeing a sick brain and so I was a little frustrated.

      All of a sudden, I stumbled upon Palo Alto, the mecca of all things communication and human interaction and I was really happy because it brings the two together. We could speak of human suffering as being also a result of the interactions, of the relationships that people have, being an emerging quality of these relationships which can be, at a certain moment, pathological.

      So, it gave me a possibility to see in the subject that drives us today in a place for example with someone who can become suicidal or someone who is starting to sound the alarm, these are attempts of suicide. Palo Alto opened me up to the idea of ​​the impact of communication on behavior.

      When I talk about behaviors, I don't just talk when communicating. It changes the behavior of the other as if we were giving orders, such as: "Ask someone to do something". But much further it is on the fact that with communication, we can have an emotional impact.

      The me, who can see someone as a beautiful woman, look her in the eye or say beautiful words to her, the change in blood pressure, body pressure... all this gradually led me to Ericksonian hypnosis which was very interesting.

      Recently, I became interested in positive psychology because they too were interested in the impact of communication on aspects, I would say more bodily, such as immunity for example.

      Immunology today, we can realize how much we can be affected by words, by atmospheres that are critical or extremely deleterious. 

      So today with neuroscience, we still come to the impact of communication under the synapse in the brain and when we learn something, our brain changes.

      I founded the Gregory Bateson Institute with Jean Jacques Wittezaele a very long time ago in the years 1985-1986. Today I decided to walk a little alone, because I was interested in focusing above all on the factors which favor, the factors which hinder the changes and the evolutions of human systems.

      So I wanted to see beyond Palo Alto, I really wanted to see what we can say about communication. How does communication impact evolution?

      I work today with individuals, individuals, couples. I work with professionals, I train people whether they are psychologists, managers… This is one of the aspects of interpersonal communication and change.

      But also, I work in institutions, schools where there are also problems. Whether it's harassment, depression, burnout. Whether adults or children and also obviously in business. Which means that you certainly called me so that I could speak with you, in the companies where I work in crises, conflicts.

      I had the idea to bring a model called PEARL which allows to structure the way to intervene. What questions should we ask ourselves? What is the way in which we must position ourselves to better understand the emotion in which he finds himself that will lead him to act?

      For example: Attempting suicide, being depressed, who will make him act or if he is making an alert.

      The relationship you are building with that person. And what logic does this person fit into? So it's a model that allowed me to use it whether for psychiatrists, managers or HRDs.

      So it's a model that allows you to properly structure what you do when you are in the process of intervening, each in their position and at their level.

      Gregoire Vitry:

      So PEARL, is this for the listeners, can you explain to them the meaning of each letter?

      Teresa Garcia: So the idea of ​​PEARL is when you're talking about your experience.

      For example, we do an experiment you and I discuss together, there is a process. So the experience is not something unique. It is a process that leads us to say that: “This morning, I had an experience, I was discussing with Grégoire”.

      This corresponds to 5 main elements, it is perception. That is to say, what do we hear? What do we see that gives us an emotion? How do we feel when we talk together? How will this emotion lead to action?

      For example :

      • When you ask questions
      • Or when you stop asking
      • If we decide to cut the communication.
      • I continue to speak or not

      This action that goes on both sides will build our relationship.

      It can be momentary like we can have now or functional like what we are doing but it can also be little by little a nature of the relationship in which we can be the two of us.

      The relationship can be friendly or not friendly, it can be a relationship in which power is exercised in one way or another.

      It can be a relationship in which we have an influence on each other or we have an influence on each other. And from there, we will learn a lesson, we will draw a logic from the situation by telling ourselves that this experience was... and what this discussion taught us.

      For example: doing an interview by Skype is pleasant for us, useful, the relationship is good.

      We can learn that we can position ourselves, that we have to pay attention to the sound.

      All these series of lessons that we draw from it, which will make us feel (therefore meta-lessons) more sure of ourselves, make us feel good, see if we bring something useful.

      The idea is to be able to go all the way around what an experience can be because it is by doing experiences that we shape ourselves. 


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