Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      Depression / PTSD - Lara VENTISETTE - CTS-M7 - 2023/24

      Depression / PTSD - Lara VENTISETTE - CTS-M7 - 2023/24
      1.800,00 €



      Web training module 2023/24
      (in Italian with live translation in French)

      Post-traumatic stress disorder

      in partnership with the Center for Strategic Therapy of Prof. Giorgio NARDONE


      Psychologist, psychotherapist
      affiliated with Professor Nardone's strategic brief therapy center,

      This 3-day clinical training module comes from the web-based Clinical Masters in Brief Strategic Therapy in partnership with the Center for Strategic Therapy of Prof. Giorgio NARDONE.
      A unique intensive course to acquire techniques, strategies, therapeutic stratagems and specific protocols to treat different types of psychopathologies, some of which have become real best practices.


      This module presents a theoretical-applicative corpus that allows students to immerse themselves in research-intervention specific to the Brief Strategic Psychotherapy model of Professor Giorgio Nardone.

      In this module, students have the opportunity to see a selection of filmed sessions conducted by Professor Nardone on cases of depression and post-traumatic stress and to compare some transcriptions of other cases on the same themes, taken from books "Psicosoluzioni" and "Cambiare il passato".

      The students take part in the observation and the confrontation of the fruit of their observations and their doubts in order to integrate, from these concrete examples, the fundamental principles of the approach, the elements of the frame of reference and the different characteristics of intervention (definition of the problem, identification of resistance to change, possible exceptions, detection of attempted solutions and of the perception-reaction system, definition of the objective, restructuring and prescriptions, use judicious strategic dialogue, etc ...).

      During the lessons, the entire selection of therapeutic sessions or extracts will be viewed and analyzed in groups and commented on by the trainer; At the end of each session, exercises on communicative-relational techniques and on the prescriptions learned will be offered to the students.

      Formation's goal

      • Relate the elements of the therapies observed (and read) with the fundamental concepts of the brief strategic psychotherapy approach - Identify the different phases of a strategic intervention - Identify the verbal/non-verbal language of the patient and the work of harmonization and regulation of the therapist - Situate the work of the therapist on the axis problem/objective/attempt to solve from the difficulty/problem of the patient/client - Identify the impact of the verbal/non-verbal language of the patient and the work harmonization and regulation of the therapist - Identify the impact of the framework of intervention and the strategic communication of the therapist on the therapeutic alliance and on the commitment of the patient in the process of change - Characterize the elements of the posture of the therapist and the adaptation of his position to the situation of the patient/client and to the different phases of the intervention - Compare the different styles and protocols of intervention ion on apparently only similar issues.

      • Acquire specific techniques, strategies, therapeutic stratagems and protocols
      • Improve your skills in the management of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder according to the therapeutic approach developed by Giorgio Nardone and Paul Watzlawick
      • Learn by doing (simulations, role plays and exercises) and live case study.

      Skills acquired at the end of the training

      • Carry out an intervention based on a precise operational diagnosis, carried out with rigor and flexibility, by adapting technical, communicative and relational skills to the specificities of the patient and his problem.
      • Carry out a brief strategic intervention by implementing the therapeutic process and the most functional strategies, taking into account the regularities and the originality of the patient and the persistence of his problem.
      • Empower the patient during the therapeutic process, using the most appropriate technical, communicative and relational strategies to use their resistance to change for the benefit of the objective to be achieved.
      • Correct their own maneuvers and techniques by applying constant self-correction to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the intervention.

      Dates and times

      Sessions will take place from:

      • Session 1: Friday 05/03/2024 from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Europe/Paris: Depression / PTSD - S1 - Annagiulia Ghinassi - Translator: Cristina BASILE- CTS-M7 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Saturday 04/05/2024 from 09:30 to 18:00 Europe/Paris: Depression / PTSD - S2 - Annagiulia Ghinassi - Translator: Cristina BASILE- CTS-M7 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Friday 24/05/2024 from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Europe/Paris: Depression / PTSD - S3 - Annagiulia Ghinassi - Translator: Cristina BASILE- CTS-M7 - 2023/24
      • Session 4: Saturday 05/25/2024 from 09:30 to 18:00 Europe/Paris: Depression / PTSD - S4 - Annagiulia Ghinassi - Translator: Cristina BASILE- CTS-M7 - 2023/24

      Target audience and prerequisites


      This training is open to health and helping relationship professionals who can certify an effective practice.

      • Minimum BAC+4 level with clinical practice in the helping relationship,
      • Psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, health and helping relationship professionals who can certify an effective practice,
      • Correct command of French (being able to express oneself orally and in writing),
      • Commitment to practicing intervention sessions,
      • Digital prerequisites:
        • Have a computer (with camera and microphone) and a phone in good working order
        • Have a regularly used email address
        • Have internet access with sufficient speed (videoconferencing, video playback)
        • Have a place suitable for monitoring the training
        • Know how to use basic digital tools: internet, messaging, search engine
        • Know how to use word processing tools, spreadsheets and presentation tools (power point type)


      Lara VENTISETTE is a psychologist, psychotherapist affiliated with Professor Nardone's strategic brief therapy center, yoga teacher, creator of the Psychostyling method and entrepreneur. In her work, she skilfully combines ancient Eastern disciplines with the latest psychological techniques, helping people to live better with themselves and with others.

      Modality, means and teaching aids

      • Live distance courses integrating simulations, role-playing, exercises and case studies to promote the participation and involvement of all students and interaction with teachers
      • A course rhythm allowing the integration of personal work
      • Interactive and experiential approach
      • Individual work, in pairs and sub-groups during and outside the sessions
      • Personalized Moodle account including course videos and educational animations, course materials, documentary bases and all types of educational documents, review exercises, accessible 24/24

      Assessment and follow-up

      Obtaining the certificate for this module requires: 

      • to have passed 75% of the homework to be done outside of class (MCQ, videos, homework, collaborative work, etc.) 
      • to have attended at least 75% of the course sessions 

      Assessment of student satisfaction

      At the end of the training, a satisfaction questionnaire will be completed by each participant so that they can assess the relevance of the content of the training with regard to their professional practice and the achievement of their objectives.

      --> 95% of our students are satisfied with their training  = number of students who gave a score greater than or equal to 7 out of 10 (0: "not at all satisfied"; 10: "completely satisfied")


      • Special rate : €1,800 including tax
      • Rate reserved for lact students : €1,260 including tax
      • Company/convention rate : €2,070 including tax

      Version of 10-03-2023

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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