Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

 01 48 07 40 40  | 

      This case study describes the therapeutic journey of Philippe, a thesis student confronted with stress and Crohn's disease. Little by little, he will rebuild his emotional security and renew meaningful connections in a process of resilience.

      To manage stress

      Philippe's therapeutic journey

      Philippe has always lived in a world marked by abuse, particularly through health problems and controlling relationships. He found a glimmer of empowerment in some relationships, particularly with a friend. Despite these relational difficulties, an intervention combining hypnosis and systemic therapy quickly allowed him to establish a secure relationship.

      The therapeutic approach was based on the verbal and physical synchronization of the therapist with Philippe, promoting rapid progress, including a meaningful meeting with his friend. Building security allows Philippe to confront new situations, thus reinforcing a circle of positive change. His partner was able to express reproaches while feeling sufficiently secure, and Philippe recognized the positive intentions behind these reproaches. The security acquired also allowed Philippe to reconnect with his illness, establishing a dialogue that eased tensions, without the need to work directly on the illness itself.

      When stress and illness challenge university life 

      Philippe, a thesis student, shares his fight against stress and Crohn's disease, highlighting the challenges of reconciling professional life and personal well-being. 

      University life can be stressful , but for Philippe, a student at a foreign university, the challenge was even more complex due to his battle with Crohn's disease. In his own words, he describes his cry for help via a website highlighting his deteriorating mental and physical health. Philippe's therapeutic trajectory, faced with stress and Crohn's disease while juggling academic demands, is illuminated by the lights of hypnosis and systemic therapy.

      Hypnosis at the heart of the relationship 

      The first session proved crucial in building a strong relationship between Philippe and his therapist, laying the foundation for a healing journey. The objectives of this session range from building trust to identifying the components of Philippe's problem.

      Exploring the unconscious to reconstruct the conscious

      Philippe was introduced to hypnosis, an approach which quickly emerged as a key to opening the doors to his subconscious. At the same time, systemic therapy laid the foundations for an in-depth exploration of one's interpersonal relationships and environment. At the same time, systemic therapy made it possible to explore Philippe's family and interpersonal dynamics. The sessions shed light on his complex relationships, particularly with his thesis supervisor and those around him, creating a holistic context for his transformation. Very quickly, hypnosis became a powerful ally. Philippe plunged into a guided trance, exploring his emotions, his memories and establishing connections with significant figures from his past. This hypnotic exploration brought emotional depth to his therapy.

      The web of relationships

      The web of relationships and social reconstruction 

      Hypnosis played a decisive role in consolidating Philippe's emotional security. By connecting with feelings of warmth associated with secure relationships , he was able to reassociate positive emotions with past experiences, thus beginning the rebuilding process. The first elements of Philippe's life story highlighted his need for control. Therapeutic tasks, including “How to Worsen” and “Angry Letters,” are used to unlock the early elements of his anxious personality. It is a therapeutic exploration using techniques such as hypnosis, systemic therapy and NLP, moving from the need to control everything to a deeper acceptance of oneself.

      Symbolism, reconstruction and the wooden bench as metaphor

      At the heart of Philippe's therapy is the symbolism of the wooden bench. The wooden bench, shaped under the influence of hypnosis, became a living metaphor for Philippe's inner reconstruction. This creative act, stimulated by hypnosis, transcended mental barriers, symbolizing Philippe's reconciliation with his past and present, reflecting the dialogue between his artisanal self and his unconscious.

      Relationships, acceptance of illness and personal progress

      The following sessions reveal Philippe's notable progress. From consolidating his emotional security to reconnecting with his thesis supervisor, each stage is marked by profound discoveries about himself. Philippe reconnects with his relationships, better accepts his illness and experiences a new harmony in his personal and academic life. .

      Towards a balanced life 

      Philippe's journey highlights the powerful synergy between hypnosis and systemic therapy. In Philippe's overall transformation, hypnosis offered unique access to his inner world, while systemic therapy wove the web of relationships that guided his reconstruction. Together, these approaches shaped a comprehensive therapeutic experience, despite the challenges, moments of rupture, and victories that carved her trajectory toward healing. The author underlines the complementarity between the strategic approach and hypnosis while noting an evolution in his practice. Initially, the strategic approach was primarily cognitive, emphasizing thinking rather than relating and the body, which was seen as neglecting the patient's secure base. The hypnosis approach is favored as the guiding principle of the therapeutic process, while integrating the interactional gaze and strategic techniques into its practice. Tools such as “Task Prescriptions” allowed Philippe to become aware of his relationship with himself. The use of the healing ladder is presented as a valuable means, aligned with the permissive logic of hypnosis, allowing the patient to freely choose their healing path. The strategic approach becomes more important as treatment progresses, particularly as patient safety is restored.

      Where to train in the systemic and strategic approach?

      LACT offers several live certified web training courses with 50 international trainers.


      • LACT - Master's degree in hypnosis with Julien Betbèze, Eric Bardot, Bruno Dubos, Michele Rittermann , Gérard Ostermann
      • J. Betbèze (Narrative therapy – Plural therapies: principles and practical tools)
      • B. Cyrulnik ( The Plowman and the Wind Eaters, The Ugly Ducklings)
      • E. Bardot (The miracle question - Strategies for change)

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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