Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      This captivating story immerses us in the therapeutic journey of Marie, a 26-year-old writer plagued by anxiety . Between hypnosis and systemic therapy, it reveals all the deep nuances of the impact of trauma on life and the steps towards liberation. A fascinating exploration of human resilience.

      combining hypnosis and brief systemic therapy

      Marie embarked on a journey towards autonomy and chose to explore methods of personal transformation such as hypnosis and systemic therapy on this path. The article highlights the crucial role of these approaches in one's journey to well-being. Hypnosis allowed Marie to delve deep into her subconscious, exploring often overlooked aspects of her psyche to identify and resolve emotional blockages. Systemic therapy then offered Marie a holistic perspective, examining her relationships and family environment to understand the underlying dynamics.

      Why combine hypnosis and brief systemic and strategic therapy

      When systemic therapy is enriched by integrating hypnosis into its practice, this makes it possible to gain in effectiveness and efficiency. In this alliance, the therapist acts as an accompanist of the process, himself being in his own self-hypnosis in relationship with the patient. The therapeutic approach aims to help the patient quickly overcome their difficulty, by focusing on the underlying problem rather than the symptom. The therapeutic process is based on three main approaches: hypnosis to dialogue with sensations and the unconscious, the narrative approach to facilitate the integration of the secure relationship, and the strategic systemic approach to experience in reality a once the secure relationship is restored.

      The concerns in the therapeutic approach are to establish a secure relationship between the patient and the therapist, to restore the feeling of relational security in the patient, to reestablish the ability to reassociate in a fluid manner, and finally, to consolidate these elements to bring the patient to regain his autonomy.

      The therapist continually maintains a secure, cooperative relationship with the patient, using body attunement and self-hypnosis to create a bubble of shared experience. The three therapeutic approaches are combined according to the circumstances, colored by the personality and life experiences of the therapist and the patient.

      How do hypnosis and brief systemic and strategic therapy act on strengthening and resilience?

      Marie has embarked on a significant journey towards empowerment through methods of personal transformation such as hypnosis and systemic therapy. Let's observe the highlighting of the crucial role of these approaches in one's journey towards well-being. Hypnosis allowed Marie to delve deep into her subconscious, exploring often overlooked aspects of her psyche to identify and resolve emotional blockages. Systemic therapy offered Marie a holistic perspective, examining her relationships and family environment to understand underlying dynamics.  

      Why is the therapeutic alliance important? 

      The collaboration between Marie and her therapist is very important and this therapeutic alliance was essential to foster trust and emotional openness. Through these combined approaches, Marie was able to develop healthier coping mechanisms, strengthening her emotional resilience and allowing her to successfully navigate the challenges of daily life.

      How to overcome a past that is always present?

      A trip to Brazil with her former partner marked the start of Marie's troubles, triggering a series of anxiety attacks. A five-year toxic relationship and the trauma left deep scars. His unease finds its roots in a traumatic episode in Brazil. Between severe diarrhea and rape, Marie sank into deep trauma, remaining trapped in the after-effects of this relationship for years. These experiences shaped her anxiety, pushing her to seek a solution.

      How hypnosis allows liberation

      How hypnosis allows liberation?

      The first sessions were discovery meetings, where the therapist learned about Marie's complex life story. The need to please, fear of abandonment, and emotional imprisonment were recurring themes. An alliance thanks to the therapeutic approach, mixing systemic therapy with hypnosis, is being established. Marie's story unfolds, revealing an unconscious need to save her mother and a quest for freedom from past control. The therapist established a vibrant connection and relationship with Marie, laying the foundation for a strong therapeutic relationship.

      Hypnosis and the first glimmers of hope

      The story evolves with the introduction of hypnosis and identification of parts. The sessions allowed Marie to explore her inner stability and bring a feeling of security. The first signs of progress are seen, revealing a widening of her exit radius and experiments she never thought possible.

      How to confront trauma?

      Marie launches into liberating writing, exploring in depth her traumas, including the traumatic episode experienced in Brazil. The therapist uses techniques from hypnosis, NLP and systemic therapy to confront these traumas in relational security, thus establishing a new healing dynamic.

      Emotional flashbacks become tools for understanding and overcoming the past.

      Rethinking security and autonomy in relationships

      Safety, the cornerstone of healing, becomes the focus. Therapy takes a turning point when Marie immerses herself again in a positive sporting experience, rediscovering a feeling of victory and team support. This redefinition of safety contributed to her progress towards autonomy.

      How does the liberating power of writing work to heal trauma?

      The discovery of a rape in Brazil, hidden for years, emerges during an emotional session. Writing becomes the liberating tool, allowing Marie to revisit her past, confront her demons, and begin her path to healing.

      The following sessions reveal notable changes. The gradual desensitization of trauma, combined with the integration of new positive experiences, gives Marie the confidence to take on new challenges. The importance of recognizing successes and understanding the mechanisms of anxiety becomes evident. Marie, formerly confined to her comfort zone, widens her exit radius, challenges her anxieties, and undertakes the work of reconciliation with her inner parts.

      Desensitization and reconstruction

      The hypnosis sessions deepen Marie's inner liberation. A reparenting protocol leads her to relive a moment in her life where she experienced respect, breaking the chains of deep anxiety linked to her family and abandonment. Progress continues, trauma is desensitized, and Marie returns to a secure base. The newly found security allows her to tackle social challenges, thus strengthening her autonomy and self-confidence.

      Rehabilitation, beyond healing

      Marie, proud of the progress made, regains her independence. The sessions are distanced, indicating a phase of rehabilitation rather than healing. She frees herself from anxiety-inducing rituals, gets closer to self-esteem, and envisions a future without dependence on anxiolytics.

      Marie, the writer who rewrote herself

      Marie's story illustrates the power of hypnosis and systemic therapy in the process of inner liberation. Between the discovery of hidden traumas and the gradual reconstruction, she becomes the author of her own story, rewriting her future with renewed confidence.

      Where to train in the systemic and strategic approach?

      LACT offers several live certified web training courses with 50 international trainers.


      • LACT - Master's degree in hypnosis with Julien Betbèze, Eric Bardot, Bruno Dubos, Michele Rittermann , Gérard Ostermann
      • J. Betbèze (Narrative therapy – Plural therapies: principles and practical tools)
      • B. Cyrulnik ( The Plowman and the Wind Eaters, The Ugly Ducklings)
      • E. Bardot (The miracle question - Strategies for change)

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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