Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

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      Several universities offer University Diplomas in psychology. But how to choose your DU in psychology? Do these DUs allow you to practice a profession or are they a step in a retraining process? Are there DUs in a systemic approach?



      August 28, 2024
      from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

      MEET US

      Come and discover our training courses in strategic systemic approach, hypnosis and systemic coaching. You will meet the trainers and be able to talk with them!


      Your needs/interests*

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      psychology university degrees

      What is a DU?

      The University Diploma (DU) or DU, also known as the Establishment Diploma (DE), is distinguished by its unique positioning outside the conventional framework of traditional university degrees. This particularity lies in the fact that it is not governed by official authorization from the Ministry of Higher Education, which gives French universities the exclusive power to award it, unlike traditional diplomas which are granted in the name of the ministry. .

      The value of the DU on the job market varies significantly depending on the sector of activity concerned as well as the notoriety that the diploma has managed to establish among professionals over the years. An essential criterion for recognition is its registration in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP), which attests to the relevance of the skills obtained with the requirements of the labor market.

      Who can do a DU? 

      Preparing for a university degree is open to a wide range of candidates, including those pursuing bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees. However, this opportunity extends beyond the traditional student setting. University diplomas are also accessible via the continuing education services of higher education establishments, allowing working professionals, whether employed or looking for work, to integrate them. Applicants must submit an application and may be invited for an interview, with specific admission criteria varying depending on the university concerned.

      University Diplomas LACT & University Paris 8

      LACT offers two DUs in psychology in collaboration with the University of Paris-VIII which allow health, care and support professionals to acquire complementary skills applicable in the context of their functions. These university degrees can be supplemented by additional years of specialization to deepen systemic theory and practice.

      The DU Relationship Clinic and systemic intervention 

      The DU “Relationship Clinic and Strategic Intervention” offers a total of 92 hours of courses, including three individual supervision sessions lasting 45 minutes each, approximately 90 hours of personal work and 147 hours of practical training. This course is designed to provide a generalist foundation in terms of methods and practices related to the strategic systems approach.

      Delivered entirely online, the program offers a combination of half-day live teaching, both individual and group supervision, as well as periods dedicated to independent or small group work. It is led by a team of international trainers from various professional backgrounds, including the medical sector, the business world, scientific research and academia.

      This diploma opens the way to an enriched understanding and an innovative perspective on the management of relational dynamics, offering strategic tools to address and resolve psychological and relational issues. The skills developed are particularly relevant for professionals in the fields of support, education, helping relationships, as well as for those working in the clinical sector, offering transversal added value applicable to a variety of professional contexts.

      The DU “Strategic systemic approach to education diploma”

      This training offers a complete course to integrate the methods of the systemic and strategic approach, essential for any educator or support professional wishing to place the relationship at the center of their practice. It begins with a theoretical phase devoted to the fundamental principles of this approach, before looking at practical applications addressing specific challenges in the educational environment, such as school bullying and various problematic situations. Participants will also explore the management of certain disorders affecting students, such as attention disorders, dys disorders and hyperactive behaviors, as well as psychological issues encountered by teachers, such as depression, burnout and loss of self-confidence. The program includes a practical internship as well as group and individual supervision, thus allowing you to deepen your learning of the systemic and strategic approach, to identify and interrupt dysfunctional relational processes to refocus teaching on the relationship. .

      The “Strategic Systemic Approach to Education Diploma” is divided into 11 modules, totaling 103 hours of theoretical and practical training, 100 hours dedicated to continuous assessment and personal work (including case studies, preparation for supervision, multiple choice questions , responses to continuous assessments, and the creation of video content), plus 147 hours of internship accompanied by a final dissertation. This represents a total duration of 96 hours and 15 minutes of training, in addition to the internship.

      Delivered entirely online, the program alternates between virtual face-to-face sessions, group and individual supervision, and periods of independent or small group work. The trainers, international specialists from various fields such as the medical sector, business, scientific research and academia, conduct the sessions live in the form of webinars. The course schedule is designed to promote optimal assimilation of knowledge, with an interval of 15 days to three weeks between each session, thus allowing regular and efficient progression.

      To find out the prices, select the training that interests you





      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      clinical experience


      Bac +3

      clinical experience

      Bac +5

      clinical practice


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      teaching experience

      Bac +3

      teaching experience


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      coaching experience



      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      clinical experience


      Bac +3

      clinical experience

      Bac +5

      clinical practice


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      coaching experience


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      teaching experience

      Bac +3

      teaching experience



      professional reconversions

      LACT distance learning courses as a key to professional retraining

      “This school allowed me a serious and harmonizing retraining. Strategic systemics opened my eyes to the benefit of patients,” testifies Dr. A. Beau. DU LACT and Université Paris 8 are often the key to successful retraining. Thanks to a complete curriculum, also including courses on the development of professional activity, LACT courses are a bridge between teaching, practice and the creation of a new activity.  


      Directory of universities offering a DU in psychology

      The University of Aix-en-Provence

      DU Psychotraumatology
      DU Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
      Family Mediation
      DU Educational and Social Work Clinic
      DU Applied Gerontology
      DU Training of health professionals in pain management
      DU Multidisciplinary approach to the end of life

      The University of Angers

      OF Psychology Practice
      IUD Palliative care

      The University of Besançon

      IUD Palliative care and support

      The University of Bordeaux

      DU Clinical and pathological psychogerontology
      DU Early childhood and society
      DU Interdisciplinary study of the family
      DU Intercultural psychology
      DU Human resources and organizational psychology
      DU Training for the integration and management of disabled people in the workplace
      DU Ergonomics, Optimization of work systems
      DU Alcoholology
      IUD Palliative care and support

      The University of Brest

      IUD suicidal behavior (study and treatment)
      DU support and palliative care

      The University of Caen

      DU in Gerontological Psychology Specialty Neuropsychology
      DIU Training of health professionals in pain management

      The University of Dijon

      OF clinical psychopathology of crisis situations: process and change
      DIU in Gerontology of the University of Burgundy
      DIU Palliative care

      The University of Grenoble

      CESS Psychological management of organizations
      DU criminology and criminal sciences
      DU Gerontology
      DU Social work
      CESS Psychology of aging

      The University of Lille

      DU in Psychological Approach to Judicial Problems
      DU in psychological expertise
      DU in forensic psychology

      The University of Lyon

      Faculty of Medicine Claude Bernard University VICTIMOLOGY LINKED TO SECTAR NUISANCE

      The University of Montpellier

      DU Clinical Neuro-Psychology
      DU Victimology
      DU Psychosomatic Relaxation Therapies
      DU Sexology
      DU Palliative Care 
      DU Training of Health Professionals in Pain Management 
      DU Psychological Development of Infants 

      The University of Nancy

      Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology
      DU Palliative and Supportive Care

      The University of Nice

      DU Pain management for healthcare professionals
      DIU Palliative care and support

      The University of Nantes

      DIU Addictions and Society
      DU Theories and clinics of psychotherapies
      DU Gerontology - Option Social Gerontology or Geriatric Nursing
      DIU Palliative Care
      DU Men, Health and Society

      The University of Paris-V

      DU Victimology
      DU Projective psychology
      DU Clinic and group theory
      DU Psychosomatics
      DU Multidisciplinary approach to young people aged 12-25
      DU Art in therapy and psychopedagogy
      DU Cognitive and social development of infants Normality and pathologies
      DU Advanced studies in social psychology European diploma
      DU Management and conflict resolution
      DU Professional practices in intercultural situations

      The University of Paris-VI

      DU Support and end of life in hospital
      DU Alcoholology
      DU Anthropology and psychopathology
      DU Socio-professional integration and disabilities
      DU Difficult adolescents: educational and psychopathological approach
      DU Neuropsychology: theoretical and practical approaches
      DU Psychopathology of cognitive processes in children and adults adolescent
      DU Psychopathology and semiology
      DU Perinatal Psychiatry
      DU Support for people with genetic diseases and their families
      DIU Palliative care and support

      The University of Paris-VII

      DU Psychopathology: early childhood, childhood, adolescence
      DU Psychosomatic psychoanalytic studies
      DU Art and therapeutic mediations
      DU Support clinic
      DU Psychopathology and semiology
      DU Neuropsychological approach to disabilities

      The University of Paris-VIII

      DU Relationship Clinic and strategic intervention
      DU Systemic approach to education
      DESU Concepts and Clinic
      DESU Addictions
      DESU Clinical Practices with Migrant Families, Intervention and Prevention
      DESU Family Therapies and Systemic Practices
      DU Criminology
      DU Adult trainers

      The University of Paris-IX


      The University of Paris-XII

      DU in health education and prevention strategies
      DU in Gerontology
      DU in Health training facilitator
      DU in Ethics of care and support - philosophical anthropology
      DU in Adult training

      The University of Paris-XIII

      DU Criminology and public policies
      DU Training in supporting people with genetic diseases
      DU Psychosocial and medical aspects of the HIV-related epidemic
      DU Criminology and aggression
      DU Biological, psychological and social studies of human sexuality
      DU Gerontology
      DU Gerontopsychiatry
      DU The mourning in the training of caregivers and companions
      DU Master's degree in health sciences teaching
      DU Transcultural psychiatry
      DU Baby psychopathology
      DU Palliative care
      DU Victimology and criminology

      The University of Rennes

      Group therapeutic course
      IUD for the study and management of suicidal behavior
      Tobacco IUD
      Perinatal IUD
      Pain management course
      Social gerontology course

      The University of Rouen

      DU Health - Human Sciences
      DU Family: psychological issues, rights issues
      DU Family therapy

      The University of Strabourg

      DU in Introduction to Psychology
      DU in psychological practices
      DU in clinical psychology in a medical environment
      DU in general gerontology
      DU: Autism and related disorders
      DU in paramedical training in diabetology
      DU in awareness of psychosomatic gynecology

      The University of Toulouse

      DU Training in multidisciplinary intervention in autism
      DU In-depth study of autism and other developmental disorders
      DU Palliative care and support
      DU Difficult adolescents
      DU Early ages: somato-psychic development of the baby and parenthood
      DU Child, Adolescent , the Family: Clinical and Psychodynamic

      The University of Tours

      Clinical interview training
      University certificate in projective techniques
      IUD Palliative care

      What are the DU and other online systemic approach training courses?

      LACT offers several live certified web training courses with 50 international trainers.


      • Baldwin, SA, Wampold, BE and Imel, ZE (2007). Untangling the alliance-outcome correlation: Exploring the relative importance of therapist and patient variability in the alliance. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75(6), 842-852.
      • Benish, S.G., Quintana, S. and Wampold, B.E. (2011). Culturally adapted psychotherapy and the legitimacy of myth: A direct-comparison meta-analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(3), 279-289.
      • Bordin, E.S. (1979). The generalizability of the psychoanalytic concept of the working alliance. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 16(3), 252-260.
      • Elliott, R., Bohart, AC, Watson, JC, & Greenberg, LS (2011). Empathy. Psychotherapy, 48(1), 43-49.
      • Frank, J.D. (1973). Persuasion and healing: A comparative study of psychotherapy (2nd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
      • Gibson, P. (2023). Persuasion Principle. Strategic persuasion. Strategic science
      • Grégoire Vitry, Claude de Scorraille, Claudette Portelli, Michael F. Hoyt, Redundant Attempted Solutions: Operative Diagnoses and Strategic Interventions to Disrupt More of the Same, Journal of Systemic Therapies, 10.1521/jsyt.2021.40.4.12, 40, 4, (12 -29), (2021).
      • Nardone, G. and Balbi, E. (2008). The logic of therapeutic change. Karnac Books.
      • Nardone, G. and Portelli, C. (2005b). Knowing Through Changing. The evolution of brief strategic therapy. Crown House.
      • Nardone, G., & Salvini, A. (2007). Strategic dialogue. KarnacPublishing.
      • Robson, D. (2023). The Expectation Effect. Cannongate. UNITED KINGDOM.
      • Wampold, B.E. (2001). The great psychotherapy debate: Models, methods, and findings. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
      • Wampold, B.E. (2015). How important are common factors in psychotherapy? An update. World Psychiatry, 14(3), 270-277.
      • Wampold, BE and Imel, ZE (2015). The great psychotherapy debate: The evidence for what makes psychotherapy work (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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