Lact - Palo Alto School Representative

Palo Alto School Representative

Center for training, intervention and research

Strategic systemic approach and hypnosis

 01 48 07 40 40  |  Email:




      3.500,00 €



      LACT Open Days
      LACT Open Days



      November 12, 2024
      from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

      MEET US

      Come and discover our training courses in strategic systemic approach, hypnosis and systemic coaching. You will meet the trainers and be able to talk with them!

      France +33
      I agree to be contacted by email or telephone. The data collected by LACT from this form is collected and processed for the purpose of hosting the event and establishing statistics. The data can be used by LACT team members. Data collection is mandatory in order to participate in an event. In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, and the General Data Protection Regulations, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification and opposition by contacting: LACT - 16 les Groux 60240 LIANCOURT SAINT PIERRE, France,



      Resolve relational and psychological problems
      with children and adolescents

      March - October 2024

      Claude de SCORRAILLE

      Claude de SCORRAILLE
      Gregoire VITRY

      Gregoire VITRY
      Olivier BROSSEAU

      Olivier BROSSEAU
      Claudette PORTELLI

      Claudette PORTELLI
      Vincent GERARD

      Vincent GERARD
      Annagiulia GHINASSI

      Philippe AïM
      Jean-Paul GAILLARD

      Formation's goal

      The Systemic and Strategic Approach to Education training allows trainees to deploy systemic skills useful for resolving complex situations (class management, understanding difficult individual and collective situations).
      These skills are essential for teachers, other educational personnel or in relation to the world of education (heads of establishments, parents of students, managers of associations, staff of sports associations, school psychologists, school counselors). guidance, school mediators, doctors, nurses, psychotherapists, educators, police officers, SPIP, justice assistants, child protection personnel, etc.). Possibility of pursuing a course within Lact to improve your skills in the strategic systemic approach.

      Skills acquired at the end of the training

      At the end of this training, trainees will be able to:

      1- to apply concepts from the strategic systemic approach developed by the Palo-Alto school and developed by its current research and intervention centers in the field of education.

      2- to master techniques for solving psychological and relational problems with classes, children or adolescents according to the strategic systemic approach.

      3- to correct their strategy, communication or relational attitude in the field of education when these prove to be ineffective or unproductive.


      Welcome conference and    tutorial webinar: how to use Moodle? - Grégoire VITRY / Claude de SCORRAILLE / Olivier BROSSEAU / Elisabetta CALAMELA

      • Session 1: Tuesday 03/26/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Europe/Paris: Welcome conference and tutorial webinar: how to use Moodle?

      EDUM3: The strategic systemic paradigm applied to the context of education - Claude de SCORRAILLE

      • Session 1: Monday 03/18/2024 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Presentation of the course and characteristics of the strategic systemic model applied to education - S1 - Claude de SCORRAILLE - EDUM3 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Tuesday 04/09/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Constructivism and positivism. Systemic paradigm and linear paradigm. Systems theory - S2 - Claude de SCORRAILLE - EDUM3 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Friday 04/19/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Systemic: application in human problems. Strategic basis of the model: cybernetics - S3 - Claude de SCORRAILLE - EDUM3 - 2023/24
      • Session 4: Tuesday 05/07/2024 from 09:00 to 12:30 Europe/Paris: The brief therapy center grid and evolution of the grid - S4 - Claude de SCORRAILLE - EDUM3 - 2023/24

      EDUM1 - Difficult situations (DYS, ADHD, HP, Burn-out, etc.) - Jean-Paul GAILLARD

      Session 1: Tuesday 04/23/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Difficult situations: Identifying resources and indirect intervention strategies - S2 - JP GAILLARD - EDUM1 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Tuesday 04/30/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Difficult situations: Identifying dysfunctional processes in support and disability relationships - S1 - JP GAILLARD - EDUM1 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Tuesday 05/14/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Difficult situations: Knowing indirect interventions - S3 - JP GAILLARD - EDUM1 - 2023/24
      • Session 4: Tuesday 06/25/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Difficult situations: Indirect intervention strategies - S4 - JP GAILLARD - EDUM1 - 2023/24

      EN1M6 - ENH2: Strategic communication - Vincent GÉRARD

      • Session 1: Tuesday 03/19/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Strategic communication - S1 - Vincent GÉRARD - The 5 axioms of communication - ENH-EN1M6 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Tuesday 04/16/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Strategic communication - S2 - Vincent GÉRARD - How to introduce a change from the first session - Paraphrases for reframing - ENH-EN1M6 - 2023/ 24
      • Session 3: Tuesday 05/21/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Strategic communication - S3 - The language of change: moving from convincing to persuading, from logical to analog language - Vincent GÉRARD - ENH -EN1M6 - 2023/24
      • Session 4: Tuesday 06/18/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Strategic communication - S4 - Vincent GÉRARD - Strategic restructuring: aphorisms as a reframing technique - ENH-EN1M6 - 2023/24

      EDUM4- Strategic action plan in the educational context - Claudette PORTELLI

      • Session 1: Wednesday 04/10/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Definition of the problem in the educational context to transform it into an objective - S1 - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - EDUM4 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Wednesday 04/17/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Problem-oriented questioning for difficult situations - S2 - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - EDUM4 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Wednesday 04/24/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Solution-oriented questioning - S3 - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - EDUM4 - 2023/24
      • Session 4: Wednesday 05/15/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Implementation of the action plan using the mountaineer technique - S4 - Claudette PORTELLI - Translator: Silvia SPOLAORE - EDUM4 - 2023/24

      EDUM5: The practice of the systemic education grid - Olivier BROSSEAU

      • Session 1: Monday 04/29/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Questioning the context and reformulating the facts from a systemic and interactional perspective - S1 - Olivier BROSSEAU - EDUM5 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Wednesday 05/22/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Identify the complaints and the people involved (family, child, teacher, siblings, environment, etc.) and problematize - S2 - Olivier BROSSEAU - EDUM5 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Wednesday 06/12/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Dysfunctional educational habits, emotions, people involved - S3 - Olivier BROSSEAU - EDUM5 - 2023/24
      • Session 4: Wednesday 03/07/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Corrective emotional experiences: touching the heart before the reason - S4 - Olivier BROSSEAU - EDUM5 - 2023/24

      EDUM2- School bullying - Philippe AÏM

      • Session 1: Monday 06/05/2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: School bullying: Principles of detection, treatment and different methods - S1 - Philippe AÏM - EDUM2 - 2023/24
      • Session 2: Monday 06/10/2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: School bullying: The idiot's game and its specific action, point by point - S2 - Philippe AÏM - EDUM2 - 2023/24
      • Session 3: Monday 01/07/2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: School harassment: Special situations: rumors, intolerance, exclusion, cyber, etc. Specific responses and prevention - S3 - Philippe AÏM - EDUM2 - 2023/24

      EDUM8: Collective supervision - Vincent GERARD

      • Session 1: Friday 04/26/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Collective supervision - S1 - Vincent GERARD - EDUM8 - 2024
      • Session 2: Monday 05/13/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Collective supervision - S2 - Vincent GERARD - EDUM8 - 2024
      • Session 3: Monday 06/03/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Collective supervision - S3 - Vincent GERARD - EDUM8 - 2024
      • Session 4: Monday 06/17/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Europe/Paris: Collective supervision - S4 - Vincent GERARD - EDUM8 - 2024

      EN1M5: Individual supervision and work on oneself - Claude de SCORRAILLE / Olivier BROSSEAU / Vincent GERARD/Claire TANNE

      Module 8 - Individual supervision and work on oneself; (2h15)

      • 3 individual sessions of 45' to calibrate one's posture as a speaker and work on the implementation of the intervention grid on a concrete case; dates communicated at the beginning of the training year

      International Webinar
      (3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. / 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)

      Web congress in the form of a plenary and workshops, around experts whatever their specificity.

      • 25-01-2024
      • 21-03-2024
      • 20-06-2024
      • 03-10-2024

      Target audience and prerequisites

      Targeted audience :

      This training is aimed at people wishing to strengthen and diversify their skills as stakeholders in the world of education (teachers, school leaders, parents of students, association leaders, sports association staff, school psychologists , guidance counselors, school mediators, doctors, nurses, psychotherapists, educators, police officers, SPIP, justice assistants, child protection personnel, etc.).


      •  Admission to this training takes place:
        • Either on title: BAC.
        • Either upon validation of professional and personal achievements: the VAPP (decree of 2013) can be granted to people who do not meet the aforementioned conditions, after explaining their reasons.
      • Correct command of French (being able to express oneself orally and in writing)
      • Commitment to practicing intervention sessions
      • Digital prerequisites:
        • Have a computer (with camera and microphone) and a phone in good working order
        • Have a regularly used email address
        • Have internet access with sufficient speed (videoconferencing, video playback)
        • Have a place suitable for monitoring the training
        • Know how to use basic digital tools: internet, messaging, search engine
        • Know how to use word processing tools, spreadsheets and presentation tools (power point type)


      Claude de SCORRAILLE : Psychologist, psychotherapist and co-founder of LACT of which she is president. She teaches and trains via the web at the relationship clinic at the LACT international school. Within the CSAPA in Montreuil, she has a specialist consultation in addiction disorders and supervises the team. She is co-author of several books and regularly gives conferences.

      Olivier BROSSEAU : Systemician, coach, supervisor and trainer in strategic systemic approach, associated with LACT. He teaches at the IAE in Paris within the Master of Administrations and Businesses the “Organizations and Behaviors” module.

      Claudette PORTELLI : PhD in Psychology, clinical psychologist at the CTS (Strategic Therapy Center of Pr. Giorgio Nardone) and trainer (Italy - Malta). Author of “Winning without fighting” (for teachers), “Knowledge through change”, “ Obsessions, compulsions, manias: understanding them and overcoming them quickly” and “New addictions”.

      Vincent GÉRARD : Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist in strategic systemic approach. For more than 25 years, it has been offering concrete, rapid and effective therapeutic tools to people who are confronted, at a given moment in their existence, with a personal, educational, family, professional or emotional problem. He is a lecturer and has trained numerous psycho-medical-social workers in Belgium, France, Switzerland and Luxembourg.

      Ph DGrégoire VITRY : Doctor-Researcher in psychology - Director and co-founder of the international training school LACT. Scientific director of the LACT research international program. He is co-author of the book When Work Hurts and Strategies for Change. He is co-author of various research articles concerning the scientific effectiveness and efficiency of the strategic systemic approach: "Effectiveness and Efficiency of Strategic and Systemic Therapy in Naturalistic Settings: Preliminary Results from a Systemic Practice Research Network (SYPRENE) " ; “Redundant Attempted Solutions: 50 years of Theory, Evolution, and New Supporting Data”; “Effectiveness and efficiency of the systemic and strategic approach in the resolution of conflicts at work”.

      Philippe Aïm : Psychiatrist and brief therapy practitioner in Nancy and Paris. He also devotes himself to training in his methods in various organizations aimed at professionals. He has just published the book “Face au harassment scolaire” with Marabout and has also published “Listen, speak: treat” with Vuibert.

      Jean-Paul GAILLARD: Clinical psychologist, Honorary University Professor, Systemic family and couple therapist, full member of the French Society of Family Therapy (SFTF) and the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA). He co-founded the Third Generation Systemic Institute (IS3G). He is the author of numerous books and research articles on the subject of education, children and adolescents including: "Children and adolescents in change" at ESF, "Children and adolescents in great change, the sociotherapeutic revolution" at ESF, " Special education, the disabled child and his family" at ESF.

      Means and teaching aids

      • Live distance courses integrating simulations, role-playing, exercises and case studies to promote the participation and involvement of all students and interaction with teachers
      • Simultaneous translation of courses given by international trainers
      • A course rhythm allowing the integration of personal work
      • Interactive and experiential approach
      • Individual work, in pairs and sub-groups during and outside the sessions
      • Analysis and sharing of experiences, in particular through the use of tools created by the school (SYPRENE)
      • Encouragement to practice through the case exchange
      • Personalized Moodle account including course videos and educational animations, course materials, documentary bases and all types of educational documents, review exercises, accessible 24/24
      • A promotion referent, a link between the students and the teaching team
      • A network of promotion students led by the referent 

      Evaluation and monitoring

      A jury deliberates on obtaining the certificate from the elements below

      Assessment methods

      • Participation 
      • Learning questionnaire
      • Individual and collective supervision
      • Self-assessment questionnaire

      The conditions for obtaining the Diploma require:

      • to have passed 75% of the homework to be done outside of class (questionnaires, videos, homework, collaborative work, etc.) 
      • to have attended at least 75% of the course sessions
      • to have followed the 3 individual supervisions (mandatory presence)
      • to have obtained the average in the evaluations whose grades are awarded by the trainers (individual supervision, among others


      Assessment of student satisfaction

      A satisfaction questionnaire is offered at the end of the training (relevance of the content with regard to their professional practice, achievement of objectives, etc.)

      Certificate issued

      The certificate awarded is entitled: “Strategic systemic approach to education”


      • Individual price : €3,500 including tax* before June 15 (€3,800 including tax* after June 15)
      • Business and convention rate : €4,200 including tax*
      • Possibility of payment in 3 instalments + €50 administration fee 
      • Possibility of payment in 10 installments + €150 administration fee 

      *Exemption from VAT under article 261-4-4a of the CGI for training activities.

      Dates and duration


      Start of training: March 2024
      End of training: October 2024

      Duration : 

      113 hours of training.

      Registration methods, access deadlines and contacts

      You can apply electronically on the P8 Applications

      Go directly to the DU Paris8 page

      Training courses


      LACT access

      level with or without exp. education

      104 hours of lessons
      3 individual supervisions

      Approximately 105 hours of personal work

      Access through
      trans milk logo

      DU access

      BAC +3
      level and educational experience

      101 hours of lessons
      3 individual supervisions
      100 hours of personal work
      + 147 hours of internship

      Access via
      systemic approach
      to education
      with Paris 8 University

      foundation level certificate

      Relationship clinic
      and strategic intervention
      with Paris 8 University

      foundation level certificate

      LACT access

      have the BAC +3
      and clinical experience

      92 hours of lessons
      3 individual supervisions
      90 hours of personal work

      Access through
      trans milk logo

      in common core

      The systemic paradigm applied to education

      Strategic action plan in the educational context

      grid practice

      Individual supervision

      Collective supervision

      International Webinar

      School bullying

      Difficult situations

      foundation level certificate


      DU access

      have the BAC +3
      and clinical experience

      89 hours of lessons
      3 individual supervisions
      90 hours of personal work
      + 147 hours of internship

      Access via
      and strategic intervention
      with Paris 8 University

      in common core

      The systemic paradigm applied to education

      Strategic action plan in the educational context

      grid practice

      Individual supervision

      Collective supervision

      International Webinar

      School bullying

      Difficult situations

      Relationship clinic
      and strategic intervention
      with Paris 8 University

      foundation level certificate


      To find out the prices, select the training that interests you





      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      clinical experience


      Bac +3

      clinical experience

      Bac +5

      clinical practice


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      teaching experience

      Bac +3

      teaching experience


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      coaching experience

      Year 1
      Year 2
      Year 3


      Year 1


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      clinical experience


      Bac +3

      clinical experience

      Bac +5

      clinical practice


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      coaching experience


      Bachelor's degree
      with or without

      teaching experience

      Bac +3

      teaching experience

      Year 2
      Year 3
      Year 4


      our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities.
      In order to assess together whether our training can be adapted to your specific personal needs, or whether it is necessary to direct you towards other organizations, Véronique ENNES is available to assist you by email:

      LACT Open Days
      LACT Open Days



      November 12, 2024
      from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

      MEET US

      Come and discover our training courses in strategic systemic approach, hypnosis and systemic coaching. You will meet the trainers and be able to talk with them!

      France +33
      I agree to be contacted by email or telephone. The data collected by LACT from this form is collected and processed for the purpose of hosting the event and establishing statistics. The data can be used by LACT team members. Data collection is mandatory in order to participate in an event. In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, and the General Data Protection Regulations, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification and opposition by contacting: LACT - 16 les Groux 60240 LIANCOURT SAINT PIERRE, France,

      International trainers

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      Student satisfaction

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      International partnerships

      Qualiopi certificate

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

      International trainers

      A team of more than
      50 trainers in France
      and abroad

      Student satisfaction

      of our students satisfied with
      their training year at LACT *

      International partnerships

      International partnerships

      Qualiopi certificate

      The quality certification was issued under
      the following category of actions: Training action

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